finding kaley

chapter 002

I had never had a first date before and honestly i had no idea how this kind of thing worked. Kaley showed up at my house after school in her little black audi and rang my doorbell I invited her in my old orange cat Suki began rubbing on her legs. Kaley liked cats she had three of them and when she saw Suki she immediatly began petting and cooing over him. women. " so umm what do you wanna do" i asked her awkwardly i was not used to having girls over. ever. "I bet i could beat you at Halo" she said with a playful smile. I thought there was no way she could possibly beat me at Halo i had successfully beaten all my friends at halo and they were all guys and hardcore gamers i sighed i thought i could go easy on her. Damn was i wrong. we climed down the peach carpeted stairs to my basement where i kept the xbox and put in the game Kaley made herself comfortable on the old leather sofa. after two rounds of Halo i realized something Kaley was like some kind of god at Halo i had barely been beaten by people online or my guy friends and here sat a bubbly girl with a black bow in her long blond hair smiling at me because she had completely kicked my ass at Halo. " i win " Kaley said enthusiastically I just stared at her in shock. " i guess i wasn't expecting that." " its okay they never do and thats what makes it so much fun" she said with a smile. I awkwardly scooted a millimeter closer to her on the couch. i was impressed. "wanna play truth or dare" she blurted out. " i've never played before". Her eyes grew wide "what! then you have to play right now" she exclaimed. " i don't really know how" i said matter of factly she explained in to me and while she did i looked at the way her bright blue eyes grew wide when she talked. she went first. " truth or dare" i picked truth. and that was probably my first mistake