
chapter 002 dark blue

i woke up early the next morning pulled out a fresh green cardigan a pair of simple jeans and a pair of carmel colored boots i brushed my hair. i was the only blond left in the family my father was blond before his hair turned grey Ruby used to have red hair like my brother joseph, but she had died it a matte black a couple of months ago. i carefully applied my mascara and looked at the clack i was on time. my mother was still asleep she hadn't even gotten Ruby up yet which meant it was up to me to make breakfeast and drive myself to school in the red volvo i had gotten for my 18th birthday. when i got to school i quickly found my best friend Cassie. Cassie was waiting for me by the stairs at our usual spot she tackled me when she saw me " cass get offa me " i said faking anger. she walked me to my first block class and hugged me goodbye i wanted to hug her longer to feel the warmth and the tingling feeling i got when she touched me. i quickly backed away hating myself for getting that feeling again for knowing what it meant, but always denying it. i tried to focus on my test reading the material over and over again until the words finally made sense, but i just could not shake the image of ruby from last night or the feeling i got whenever i was around cassie.