Status: Writing

Scared to Be Loved by You

Chapter 1

"No! No! Please stop!" She cried to him, but he wouldn’t stop. She pleaded over and over again. The man she thought she loved and that she thought loved her back, only wanted ‘that’ from her. He left her there on his bed in a ball, crying. "SHUT THE FUCK UP BITCH!" He hit her. It’s not like she hasn’t been hit before by him, she learned to take his hits. But this hit was worst! He picked her up and started to hit her like was a punching bag.

She was bleeding from her face to her arms and burses everywhere. How could she ended up like this, being someone’s punching bag. Oh yeah, she’s never said anything to anyone about being hit. If she did tell anyone she would be locked in the closet for a week without food or water. Her name is Zoey, but Patrick always called her Bitch. She's 17 years old and if she was to run away, she would have no one to turn to. She turned away from her family and dropped out of school all because of him. She has no friends because he won’t allow it. She thought she loved him, but it turns out she’s only a punching bag to him. She is still wondering how she can let someone into her life and tell them about her past. She can’t trust anyone anymore.

He comes again.

"Please stop!"

"What baby? Don't you like it?" He was drunk.

"No! Please Stop!"

"Shut up you fucking bitch!" He slapped her and she fell to the floor. Here it comes; The pain again.

*Later That Night*

After he raped her and punched her again. She decided the she had to leave while he was sleeping. He was a heavy sleeper which was good. She got up and grabbed her stuff that she already had packed. If she didn't, he would wake up and beat her up again. So this time she slowly climbed out of the window and got a bus to California, which was four hours from Nevada. She had to get away from him. Get away from all of this. She had to hide all her scars and bruises from the security. She got on the bus and sat next to this guy, who she didn’t know. Or so she though…

"Hi, my name is Steven."

"Hi I’m Zoey."

"Zoey? Zoey Riddler?"


"It’s me, Steven from your Science class back in Freshmen year!"

"No way Steven! What are you doing here?"

"I’m going to visit some family in Cali. What are you doing here?"

"Getting away from this place and start a new life in Cali."

"Are you still with that one guy? Patrick?"

"No, not anymore."

She didn’t want to tell him what had been going on with him. She found out that he moved in with his girlfriend because she was having his kid. He wanted to be there for her and his parents kicked him out when they found out what he did. See his family is a big Christian family and they believe that they should be married before they have a kid, but that’s what happened and they kicked him out. They talked about how each other’s lives are going, but she kept out how Patrick had been beating her. Well the bus ride went quick because they were talking the whole time. They said their goodbyes and hoped they would see each other really soon. Steven is a good guy that she could have seen herself with, but that will never happen since he has a kid on the way. It was five o’clock and she looked at her phone... Twelve missed calls from Patrick. She didn’t want to hear them, so she deleted them. What was she supposed to do now? She has nowhere to go and all she has is $100 in her pocket. She started to walk until her feet hurt. She looked around where she was… A high school. There were still kids standing around chatting. She had to start a new life for herself. Instead of being the punching bag Bitch she was now Zoey Riddler. Free…
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This Story is told in Third person.