Status: Writing

Scared to Be Loved by You

Chapter 2

She was sitting across from the school when she noticed a guy staring at her. ‘Odd...’ He was tall and had short hair and dark make-up and he looked really pale.

"Ok why do these people wear make-up? That’s weird. Why do guys need make-up? Maybe that’s the "in" thing now-a-days. He's still staring at me... Do I have something on me?"

She look on her clothing, nothing... She got up to go down to the nearby store down the street. ‘That guy is still staring at me’ she thought. She looked back at him, still walking. "He's following me... now what?" she started to walk faster.

She got in the store and ran into the restroom... scared. She walked out after five minutes later hoping he didn’t come in the store. She looked around and saw him paying the clerk. She had all her stuff in her hands and was trying not to make a sound walking out, but being "little miss clumsy" she had to hit the bag of chips with her suitcase and made all the bags crumble. After that happened, he looked at her and smiled and she immediately went down and try to pick up the bag of chips that fell the floor. He came over, knelt down and said, "Hi, do you need help miss?"

"No, no, no, I’m fine. I just dropped these; I can pick them up" She looked down so he wouldn't see her.

"It’s ok, let me help."

"No, it’s ok."

"You know you can look up now."

"I... I... don't want to." He lifted her head and she looked into his eyes. He had the most beautiful eyes she had ever seen. They stared into each other’s eyes for a while and the clerk distracted us.

"Ummm, miss you have to buy those chips now. They’re open.

"Wha... what?"

"I said, you have to pay for those chips."

"What chips?" He pointed down and she saw there was a bag busted open. ‘Oh fuck!’ She thought. Then the guy got up and said "Hey Frank, I’ll pay for them."

He went to the counter and he took out his wallet and paid for them. He walked back to her and gave his hand out for her the grab it. He helped her up and she grabbed her suitcase and they walked out the store... Still he had her hand in his. They walked outside towards the school... She decided to stop and let go of his hand.

"Thanks again back there."

"No problem."

"Ummm, what’s your name by the way?"

"My name is Jimmy."

"Well thanks Jimmy."

"You’re welcome and yours?"


"You’re not from around here, are you?"

"I used to live here when I was little, then we moved to Las Vegas." I lied.

"Well then, welcome back to Los Angeles."

"Oh, so that’s where the bus driver dropped me off then?"


"Oh I’m sorry. I talk to myself at times."

He looked at her with a weird look of confusion. She looked away.

"Ok... Ummm, so where are you staying?"

"Ummm, I don’t know yet."

"What do u mean? You have nowhere to go?"

"No, I just got here today."

"What do you mean?"

"I... Have... No... One... To... Stay... With!!!" I yelled.

"Ok, no need for yelling. I understand that. Do you have any family members here?"

"My family died in a major car accident 4 years ago." I lied again.

"I’m sorry. Do you want to stay with me?"


"Do... You... Want... To... Stay... With... Me???" He was doing hand signals towards her.

"Ok... I got it."


"Ummm, I don’t want to intrude on your family..."

"It’s ok... they let anyone stay at the house if I have a friend in trouble."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. You can meet the guys too, tonight."

"Wait… What guys?"

"You did see those guys that I was hanging out with at the school right?"

"Ummm yeah, I think so..."

"Well they saw me staring at you and they told me to go over and talk to you."

"And what, think you can get into my pants?"

"No, no, I didn’t mean that."

"Oh yeah right Jimmy. I see how it is!"

"What do you mean?" He had a confuse look on his face. "I was only trying to be nice to you."

"That’s it… That’s what guys always say and boom! You let them in and they get what they want and they leave. I’m no fool!"

"Zoey, I didn’t mean it like that. All I’m trying to do is help you out."

‘Why am I so offensive with him? He’s too nice but then again, he might be like Patrick. I have to keep my guard up.’ She thought.

"So?" He asked.

"Ummm, I’m sorry but I don’t know you. But thanks anyway."

"It’s ok, but here’s my address if you change your mind."

"Ok." He left and went to his car and drove off.


It was about 8:00pm and it was getting cold. She never remembered Cali being this cold... There was a car that had been following her since 7:00 and she was getting pretty scared. She's afraid that it’s Patrick. She took out her jacket from her suitcase. The car was still following... She looked back and try to see who it is, but the headlights were too bright. She turned back around and started to walk faster... The car began to go faster... She got to a gas station and asked the clerk to call the cops because of the car following her, but when the car stopped in front of the store it was him... Jimmy and his friends that were in the car. She turned around to the clerk and told him to stop because she knew them. He did, Jimmy came in the store and said;

"Sorry if we scared you, but I notice that you have nowhere to stay the night."


"Come with us. My friend said it was ok for you to stay with him."

"What about your parents?"

"I asked and they said no more kids here, so I asked my friend if you can stay and he said sure you can. We been trying to get your attention by following you. I guess that didn’t work because you almost called the cops on us."


"Oh I want you to meet the boys."

He turned around and waved at the car and about 4 others guys came out of the car and came in to the store.

"Guys I want you to meet, Zoey. Zoey these are my friends... Matthew Sanders, Brian Haner, Zachary Baker and Jonathan Steward." Each of them waved when he said their names, but she didn’t pay much attention to the other guys because the Brian guy was cute.

She looked down and saw that she had dirty clothes on from running and from that ditch she fell in to earlier. ‘Fuck!’ She thought.

She said hi and Jimmy said that she needed to change because she’s going to a show with them tonight.

"I need to shower first." She told them and they said that she could get one at Brian’s apartment, since it’s near the venue. "What!? I’m going to that cuties house to shower? Ok."
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