Status: Writing

Scared to Be Loved by You

Chapter 4

Brian laid there all sore from the show. The guys played a really good show. They were everywhere on that stage. He really wishes that new girl that Jimmy found today was there. He thought she’s really cute. He wonders if her so-called boyfriend is following her. He felt like he has to protect her now. ‘She’s so cute and more beautiful without the bruises on her. But what if she’s not ready to fall for me? So many “what ifs”?’ went through his head, so he decided to go down stairs and get a cup of coffee. He picked up a magazine and read an article about "The Life of Nirvana: The Whole Story Behind The Lyrics and Tragedy" as he read it, he didn’t hear anyone come down the stairs.

"What you reading?" He jumped out of the chair as the voice laughed.

"My bad. Are you ok, Brian?" It was Zoey.

"Yeah I’m fine; Just don’t scare me like that again."

"I’m sorry."

"It’s ok. No broken bones though." She laughed again. He thought she had a cute laugh.

"So you didn’t answer my question…"

"Huh? Oh it’s ‘The Life of Nirvana’ it’s really good. I loved this band, I can’t believe Kurt is gone. I know it’s been years but still."

"No way!? I love that band too, but Pat never let me listen to them anymore, he said ‘that band is no good anymore since they lost their singer you can’t listen to them anymore’...” mimicking Patrick’s voice.

"That Pat guy is really an asshole!"

"Yeah I know, I just can’t believe I left him. I didn’t know I had it in me."

"Well at least you’re safe here with me... I mean us... us." She looked at him strange again, but brushed it off.

"Okay you’re strange."

"It’s what I do best." He smiled and she smiled back and made herself a cup of coffee and sat next to him.

"So what are you doing up this late?" I asked.

"Well I’m used to waking up at this time because of Pat, he made me do everything early in the morning and if I didn’t. I had to suffer the consequences."

"Well, he’s not here now. You can go to sleep."

"Well I can’t, I’m so used to waking up at this time." She took a slip of her coffee.

"Well I’m going to sleep now. Good night and I hope you fall back to sleep." Brian said getting up.

"Oh ok. I’ll just be here, I might make you boys breakfast."

"Really? We haven’t had a real breakfast in a long time." He said looking back.

"Yeah sure." She said still sitting.

Brian walked back to his room and looked back at Zoey who was still sitting there at the table. He sees her touch her cheek and smile, he wonders if she knows that it was him.
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