Status: Writing

Scared to Be Loved by You

Chapter 5

Zoey woke up after she had her drink of coffee. “Ha-ha I scared Brian last night and made him jump.” She thought.
She got up and looked in to her suitcase.
“Awe. Feels like a black tank with jeans day.” Since Zoey had her own bathroom she didn’t have to walk across the house. Walking into the bathroom and striped down, she let the water sprinkle on her bruise and scared body. She tensed up when they stung her fresh scars. She didn’t have time to cover them with make-up before she left Patrick’s house. She washed up, got out and got dressed. As she finished blow drying her hair, she walked out and she saw someone outside on the balcony, sitting down on one of the chairs writing something. She got scared thinking its Patrick. She grabbed a pillow and slowly stepped outside. The man was still writing and didn’t notice Zoey stepped outside. .With the instant Zoey brought up the pillow and wacked the guy as hard as she could.

"Ouch!! what was that for?" he fell to the floor rubbing his head as the book fell also.
"Oh. My bad Brian, I thought u were...." She blushed.
"You thought I was him huh?" he got up and the book he was writing in, and sat back down.
“He’s eyes were gorgeous.” She thought getting lost in them.
"Umm hello??" he waved his hands in her face. This got her out of her own trance.
"Oh, what u writing?" she changed the subject
"oh this nothing, just lyrics to some songs" he tossed it behind his back
"let me see!" she tried to get it from him
"no, stop acting like a 5 year old" he began to laugh. Which she knew she was. She began to laugh. “
I never had fun like this before” she thought.
They began to laugh more in which she started to jump up towards him because he was taller than her.
So thinking a 5’2” girl jumping to a 5’10” guy is impossible.
"That’s not fair!" she pouted crossing her arms
"you really like this, don’t you?" he asked
"I never really felt like this. I never really did this with..." she looked down
"it's ok, I’m having fun and so are you" he lifted my head and they looked into each other’s eyes again. He began to slowly move closer to her. They wanted this...Zoey wanted this moment to happen.
"I can’t...." he turned away looking down
"huh?" she was confused
"I can’t do this. I can’t do this" he got up and walked out
She was left there shocked. “Did I just get diss?” she thought.

The next few days Brian been avoiding her a lot. She asked everyone what was wrong with him. But they didn’t know either. She stayed home one night, while the guy went and did a local concert and after to a local bar. Writing things in a notebook she got at the store with Valarie. Then all of a sudden, she heard a crash downstairs. She got up and grabbed a bat that Johnny gave her for protection. She slowly walked down the staircase with the bat. She knew that the guys were going be out all night. Brain, well all she knows is that, he just leaves when he wants to. No one knows where he goes. As she got to the bottom of the staircase, she heard someone in the kitchen. Cautious, she walked slowly into the kitchen, scared as hell. There was a man dressed all in black. “Oh hell, he’s in the fridge looking for something.” She thought. Since the switch is near the fridge, she quickly ran toward the switched and turned it on and swung at the guy. He fell to floor, faced down. Terrified if she killed the guy, she kicked him and poked him with the bat. She decided to turn over the intruder and was stunned to find out it was....
♠ ♠ ♠
So srry it has taken me so long to update!
im back now.. major writers block! i swear!!!
comment please tell me how it is!