Illusions to Fix the Twist in You

Safe in your arms

It had been two weeks since I moved into Shins house -Yes, he owns a house.- I was bunked in the spare room and was getting ready for my session with Dr. Fitzgerald

“Hey Corrie? Marshy wants to know if you’re ready.” I chuckled at Amy’s nickname for Marcel. ‘My names Marcel Amy! I’m not a bog!’ He would argue with her and she would just smile innocently and snigger

“Yeah. I’m ready.” I got up from the chair that sat in front of a desk in the room and grabbed my carrier bag before walking out into the hall and followed Amy out into the Kitchen

“Guten Morgen.” Marcel nodded to me

“Guten Morgen.” I replied with a small smile as I grabbed an apple

“You know what! I’m going to get the bus in.” I smiled brightly

“Really?” Amy blinked to me, I nodded

“Yes. I need to become dependant on myself don’t I.” I shrugged and caulked my head

“Hmm… I don’t know. How about next time. Then we can show you which bus to get.” Shin told me, I sighed but nodded

“Okay. Well we better get going then.” I shrugged again and the two of them nodded

“I’ll see you later Sugar Butt!” Amy laughed as Marcel rolled his eyes and gave her a tender kiss. I turned away, feeling both jealous and the need to give them privacy

“Okay. Let’s go.” Shin smiled and we left.


“And how doe’s that make you feel?” I sighed. How I despised that question!

“I don’t know. I mean. I guess I wish it never happened. I mean, Pucca was my best friend. I wish I could have stopped it…” I shrugged. We were currently talking about when I was younger. About how my parents carted me off to a Catholic Boarding school, how I was bullied, about my friends, and how I was influenced and prone to Drug-use and Alcoholism

“And did she ever listen to you?” The shrink asked, I shook my head slowly

“No. She didn’t. Well… I guess I never stood up against it. I always ignored it… I thought I couldn’t stop it…” I said softly, looking at my hands that sat on my lap

“Hmm…” I could hear him scribble something down

“Dr. Fitzgerald?” I asked, something popping into my head suddenly

“Yes Corina?” He looked up at me

“How… How’s Andreas?” I asked quietly and caulked my head, the man froze slightly and then blinked

“He’s fine… Actually. Corina, how do you two know eachother?” He asked, I winced

“He was the guy five years ago…” I whispered

“The guy?” He repeated, I nodded

“The one who caused all this…” I motioned the office with my hands, Dr. Fitzgerald’s eyes widened slightly

“That was him!?” He hissed slightly, I jumped and nodded, looking slightly confused

“You didn’t know?” I was stumped, he shook his head slowly

“Em… Well… Corina, that’s the end of the session…” He gave me a fake smile. I scrunched my eyebrows together

“But we have a half an hour left…” I looked at my watch to make sure I was right

“Could you… Just leave?” He pleaded. I looked at him; he looked tired, confused, panicky and scared. I nodded silently and stood up. When I made it through the hall, I heard footsteps behind me

“Corina?” I turned around to see Strify smiling at me

“Hey Andreas.” I smiled politely back

“I haven’t seen you in a while.” He chuckled; I shrugged and put my hands into my pockets

“I’m not living in Dirk’s anymore… I’m bunking with Amy and Marcel.” I told him. His face brightened

“That’s excellent!” He came over and hugged me. I hesitated but hugged him back

“Andreas?” We both looked up to see Fitzgerald looking down at us

“I’ll see you later.” Strify smiled at me and I nodded before getting out of the house as quickly as I could.


“So you write your dreams in it.” Amy stated as I showed her my dreams diary, I nodded

“Yeah. Dr. Fitzgerald said it’s supposed to help some how.” I shrugged and the younger girl nodded

“I never got that when I went to a shrink…” She muttered. I looked at her in surprise

“Why did you have to go?” I asked, I sighed sadly

“Long story…” She whispered and walked out of the room. I blinked and shrugged before going over to my desk. I sat down, opened my diary, and began to write, still thinking of what Amy’s story could be…

Amy’s Prov.

I sighed as I made my way through the halls of the house. I hadn’t thought of my counseling days in awhile. I had finished with my Shrink about a year ago and that was it. I was supposedly ’cured’.

“Oh Slaini. If only you were here…” I whispered as I took out a locket that hung delicately over my breastbone and opened it to show two pictures. A girl who was identical to me but with short, pixie like, dyed black hair and then me.

“Amy?” I turned to see Marcel smiling at me softly

“Hey Marshy.” I smiled slightly back as he took me into him

“What did I tell you? I am not a bog!” I could feel his chuckled reverberate through his chest

“You know I love you right.” I said quietly and looked up at him, his face flashed confusion before he smiled

“Of course I do! And I love you too.” He kissed me tenderly and held me closer. I sighed happily and snuggled back into his chest. They could never get me here. Not my memories. Not my past. Now my inner demons could get me when I was in Marcel’s arms. Nothing or no one. Once I was here in his arms, I was safe.
♠ ♠ ♠
SORRY!!!! I AM SSOO SORRY!!!! I HAVE BEEN SICK AND HAVE HAD THE WORST DAMN WEEK OR TWO!!!!!!!!!! >.< My phone broke, I got sick, my guitar is acting stupid and now I have to have a root canal and a filling done!!!!!!!!! *angry face* oh well!! I'm dont my rambling!! Heres the song!!!

Safe in your arms by Abandon.

'I'm in a dangerous place, no direction within,
I feel lost in myself, trapped in my skin,
It's a critical place, in my mind I can tell,
That the future looks dim if I don't get help.

I am lost without you.

Safe in your arms,
When I'm weak you carry me,
I am safe in your arms,
You're my strength, You're my safety.

Oh, look back, all the years, all the blood, sweat and tears,
There were times in was hard and I fell apart,
You're the light at the end, on the road you're a friend,
When I wanna give up, you keep showing love.

I know I'd be lost without you.

Safe in your arms,
When I'm weak you carry me,
I am safe in your arms,
You're my strength, you're my safety.

Safe in your arms,
When I'm weak you carry me,
I am safe in your arms,
You're my strength, you're my safety.

With you I'd never walk alone,
I know, I know where I belong,
With you I'd never walk alone,
'Cause you carry me.

Safe in your arms,
When I'm weak you carry me,
I am safe in your arms,
You're my strength, you're my safety.

Safe in your arms,
You carry me,
I am safe in your arms,
You're my safety.

I'm not alone,
I'm not alone,
I'm not alone,
I'm not alone.

There you go!!!! This song is actually Christian music!!! (I'm Agnostic!! (Well Roman Catholic by Baptism!!!!))

Enjoy!!! Love!!! Subscribe!!! Comment!!!

Marco out!!!