Illusions to Fix the Twist in You

With Every Fiber Of My Being.

Amy’s prov

I sat in Shin’s and my room. Sitting up in bed as I blindly watched a DVD that played on my portable DVD player. I sighed as I slammed it closed and shoved it onto the floor, luckily Shin wasn’t in the room. I kept thinking back to the conversation I had earlier with Corina, the conversation that brought back memories of my past. I still remembered the time when everything was perfect, not that everything wasn’t perfect with Shin, because everything was blissful with Marcel! I just hated thinking of the past.

It may be childish in other people’s eyes to be hung up on things like bullying or even to be hung up on people that you never met, but those who have been affected by these events have a different opinion about that.

I was fifteen when my mum told me that I was adopted. She told me that before I was three I had a mother, father and a twin sister. But when I turned two my parents-my real parents- were killed in a car accident, and my sister and I were shipped of to an orphanage. Unfortunately, my sister and I were split up when a couple wanted her, but not me.

I was happy when I figured out that I could get in contact with my sister. However, I was heartbroken when the couple who had adopted her told me that Cancer had run through my biological family and had unfortunately claimed my sister’s life only two months before hand. She had Hemangiopericytoma; it grew in the lining of the brain. The only thing that I got was a small picture of her. She was smiling brightly, and she looked just like me, with the exception of her short, pixie like, dyed black hair.

I subconsciously fingered the locket that I constantly wore.

What made matters worse was that a new girl had come to my school. She made friends with my friends, but did not, like me. She started to pick on me whenever my friends were not looking. She then started to manipulate my friends to hate me, all but two of my friends, Siobhan and Ailish, who finally realized what was happening. But it didn’t stop the bully; she continued and began to pick on Siobhan and Ailish as well.

I started to hide in my creative side. My temper flared and I wasn’t my usual funny, weird self, I was just a shell. Then I started to get sick; the flu, viruses, chest infections. Just normal, regular sicknesses, but they lasted for weeks, even months. My adopted parents thought that it was because of the news of my sister. I never told them what was happening in school, my stress levels climbed to unbelievable heights… And when I did tell them, it was too late.

I smiled slightly, tears dripping down my cheeks as I slipped my wig off. It was probably my biggest secret. Mesothelioma, a relatively rare type of Cancer. So much for thinking that the gene had skipped me, my survival rate was from one to five years. But because Mesothelioma can lay dormant for years the Doctors had figured out that I had lived with it for ten years, and that the stress that I had felt had caused it to, I guess you could say, come alive. I didn’t know what to do. Cry? Laugh it off? Be angry? I didn’t know how to express myself. That’s when I learnt the guitar; meanwhile my parents had sent me to counseling. I started to write songs, stories, poems and even draw stories. That was when I met Marcel.

I giggled slightly.

I had decided to audition for the Yearly Christmas Concert that m school held. I remember entering the room and seeing Shin from Cinema Bizarre, I inwardly freaked, I had been a CB fan for ages! And was heartbroken about them breaking up. I sat down, blushing like a fool with my guitar on my lap, fully aware of Shin’s gaze upon me. I played the song with a few mistakes. (Mostly forgetting the words) I was so embarrassed, but then he smiled at me, that smile that made my heart melt. It was the best day of my life.

He stayed in Ireland for a little while longer, and helped Ms. Casey (The music teacher) for a while. But what I noticed was that whatever chance he got, he talked to me. It went on for months, until he spilled his feelings for me. Once again, I freaked out. I told him that I liked him too and that was it. Much to my parents disappointment I dropped out of school and moved over here with Marcel. But they didn’t do anything. They let me do what I wanted because they wanted me to live before I… before I died.

“Amy?” I looked over to the door to see Marcel leaning on the doorframe, smiling softly at me

“Hey Marcel.” I smiled back, he sighed and walked over to the bed and then crawled on it over to me

“I love you.” He whispered and kissed my cheek, I sighed in happily. I lived to hear those three sweet words from his lips

“I love you too.” I breathed out. And I meant it; I meant it with every fiber of my being.
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I'M SO I have been really sick!! I have had migranes that made me cry in pain so I couldn't come on to write my stories!!! I am ssoo sorry!!!!!! And I don't rreeaallyy

My Immortal by Evanescence.
I'm so tired of being here
Suppressed by all my childish fears
And if you have to leave
I wish that you would just leave
Because your presence still lingers here
And it won't leave me alone

These wounds won't seem to heal
This pain is just too real
There's just too much that time cannot erase.