Status: writing

You Had Me at Hello

Chapter 2

A few days had passed. The boys and Amanda were hanging out practically every day. Still Amanda didn’t understand what Brian had told her that day in the park.

“Mom I’m going to the park.” Amanda yelled out to her mother who was in the kitchen.

“You better be back before 8pm!” She yelled back, as Amanda walked out of the house.

The wind brushed against her, felling the warmth of the sun hit her face at the same time. She closed her eyes while walking not knows where she was going. She hit something hard that made her fall to the floor and snap out of trance.

“Ouch. I’m so sorry! I should have been looking at where I was going.” She said not looking up at the person just at their feet. She’s dusted off the dirt from her clothes and that’s when she heard the person laugh, someone she knew.

“It’s ok. “She looked up into the person’s green eyes.

“I’m so sorry Zacky, I was lost in the moment.” She blushed.

“It’s fine Amanda. Everyone gets lost in the moment in California at some time.”

“Any injuries?” She laughed. As they helped each other get up off the ground. “What are you doing here?”

“Taking a walk, just to think.”

“Well can I walk with you then? And what were you thinking of?” She asked.

“Well…” They started to walk. “There’s this girl that I know and I want to ask her something, but I don’t know how to ask her.” They found a park bench and sat.

“Well, what were you going to ask her? Ask her out? Ask her to prom?” Amanda started to name different things as options. Zacky just smiled and looked down.

“I don’t know how to ask her to prom.”

“Don’t worry. Look here's a plan that you can use. It’s going to be romantic. All you have to do is this. Leave a rose by her locker for a week. One every day. On the 5th day leave a note and tell her to meet you somewhere. It can be anywhere. When she meets you, have a dozen or a few roses with you. If you can’t say those words. I can make a banner for behind you saying “PROM?”, that would be really cute. Well to me of course, if someone did that to me.” Zacky looked up at Amanda.

“That’s a great idea, but I got my own plan. Thanks a lot Amanda. I’m going to use some of your idea.” He smiled and got up. “Want to go for a walk again?” He held out his hand. She reached for his hand and began to walk. They talked about music and stuff. They were walking all over the park. It soon began to get late.

“It’s getting late. I better get home.” She stopped and turned around.

“You’re not walking home alone. I’ll drive you.” She smiled. “I’m parked over there.” He pointed.

She nodded and walked with him towards his car. As they got in there was something on the passage seat.

“Hey Zacky, there’s something in the passage seat.” Not opening the door.

“Really, like what?” He got to his side. She looked into the window, to see a dozen of roses and a card.

“I see you already got the roses and the card.”

“Read it?”

“But it’s not for me…” She looked at him.

“Just open it.” She grabbed the roses and the card and sat in the passage seat.

It read:

Amanda would you like to go to prom with me?

- Zacky B.

Amanda looked at him with a smile on her face.

“Am I the girl you wanted to ask?” He nodded a yes and smiled.

“Well would you?” He asked, as he started up the car.

“I thought you hated dances?”

“It’s prom and it’s the last dance ever and I want to take you.” He smiled and started to drive.

“What about Brian?” She asked.

“He told me that he was going to ask some girl he’s been liking out to prom.”


“Is that a yes?”

“Yes.” She smelled the roses as they drove to her house.


“Thanks Zacky for the ride and the roses.” Amanda said shutting the door to Zacky car as he drove off. Amanda walked in with her mom still in the kitchen.

“Mom, I’m home!” She said walking into the kitchen with the roses.

“Hey honey, dinners is ready… Oh who gave you those?” Her mom asked eyes the roses Amanda carried in her hands. Amanda looked in the cabinets looking for a vase.

“My friend Zacky asked me to prom. Where’s a vase?”

“Under the sink and is he cute?” Her mom always was one of those little girls in school where they got all jittery over a boy. She was her best friend, other than Zacky and Brian.

“Well yeah, you can say that. You met him. He's the one with the short hair and the bright green eyes.”

“At least it’s not the other one.” Amanda knew who her mom was talking about, Brain.

“Why you say that?”

“There’s something about that boy.”


“I don’t like the way he dresses… Two belts and that hat.”

“So what mom, maybe I like boys who wear tight jeans with two belts and wear eyeliner. Zacky wears that stuff too.” She argued back.

“But Zacky is different. He’s welled behaved and I know he has a future.”

“So does Brian, him and Zacky already started a band.” Amanda found the vase and places water and the roses in and carried it up to her room. Not listening to what her mom had to say to that. As she shut her door, she placed the flowers on her dresser and sat on her bed. She was still pissed off at what her mom said about Brian. Brian was welled manner, the same as Zacky. ‘What does she see in Zacky that she doesn’t see in Brian?’ Amanda thought as she got comfortable in her bed and fell asleep
♠ ♠ ♠
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