Dear You

Yes, another one of those letter things you see everywhere. I'd just thought I'd make one.
If you want to join, the rules are simple

1. You either ask me or one of the other authors to join

2. You cannot use this to cuss out other people/members that you don't like. This is to let your feelings out

That's basically the rules if you WANT to join. If you already are a author, then these are your rules

1. Like number two above

2. You cannot decline a member if they want to join, unless they either

a)want to use it to cuss out or embarrass people
b)just want to join for no specific reason, not even to make a 'Dear You'

3. You must at least make two Dear You's. (You can leave the name anonymous)

I hope these rules can be followed. They are not they hard.
  1. Dear Mr. Example
    This is just an example so you can know how it is like to write one
  2. Dear Isiah
  3. Dear Hunter
    This is a little rant about my stalker who loves me
  4. Dear Gage
  5. Dear Someone
  6. Dear Gale