Sequel: Alone Together Alone

Take This to Your Grave and I'll Take It to Mine

Chapter 1

Where do I start with in a tale such as my own?

It is quite an interesting tale, murder, love, hate, and vampires.

Yes, you read right... vampires.

I know people of this day and age don't believe in vampires, but I being one of the last ancient vampires I don't believe in the vampires of this day and age. They're weak, pathetic, sad excuses of what started as vampires. How the old ones such as myself died out to leave these diluted versions of ourselves to walk the earth as what humans would call vampires is unknown.

How these weaker beings known as vampires came to be is a complete mystery to me. The old thought was an old one was turning a human and before all the blood the new one would need to be powerful was taken from the old one something happened that stopped the blood transfer needed. Which left the new vampire weak and that was the start of the weaker race. Now the weaker race reproduce horridly fast because the vampire 'virus' (as most call it) doesn't require a blood transfer... It only takes one bite. That's if they don't make sure you're dead. Half the new vampires now are mistakes. But that's all the background you need.

Well now you know where hate comes into the story, I hate these pathetic excuses for vampires. I had no friends. Although when you just might be the most powerful thing walking the plant why the hell have friends? But I had a pet. An overweight cat, she was black with white on her chest, her name was Cleo. Don't ask me I didn't name her.

Well I'm Erin. I’m tall, I have eyes that are icy blue, with natural black hair that goes to my mid-back and will curl or stay straight. I have been told far to many times of my exceptional beauty and actually it’s the only reason I'm a vampire today. You see vampires were very, how do you say, um, concerned about the looks of those that they turn. You would be ashamed of an ugly fledgling. That’s another problem with the vampires of now, they ruin our image with their imperfections. So yes they're weak, reproduce to quickly, and they're ugly. So now I take it upon myself to destroy them all, so I can restart the powerful race. That is my mission in life, because I may very well be the last person who can.

To the actual story.
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Sorry it's so short the other chapters will be longer this is just the first taste.

Umm Finally giving Erin a face, Katy Perry was the closest I could come.