Sequel: Alone Together Alone

Take This to Your Grave and I'll Take It to Mine

Chapter 10

"I'm sorry Erin! It was an accident I swear! I was practicing aim and my hand slipped!" He ran up to me and turned me to him.

"It's ok." I whimpered through gritted teeth. "No I lied its not. Put the bow down."

I fell back.

Pete just happened to walk down the stairs right then.

"Erin! Are you ok?" Pete was freaking out.

"Do I look ok?" I screamed at him because I was in so much pain.

"What do we do?"

Why was Pete asking the injured one this?

"Push it the rest of the way through." I writhed in pain as I told him to do it.

Patrick took a step back. "Pete this is your job."

"Won’t this kill you?" Pete asked with concern dripping from his voice.

"No it's going through my stomach not my heart." God I was in pain.

If he waits too long I'll just heal around it.

"Ok." Pete said not very confidently.

He sat to the side of me and put one hand on the arrow and the other on my stomach.

He started to push it slowly.

"Not so slow." I groaned in pain.

It went as far as he could push it. Now he'd have to pull it out.

This is gonna suck.

"I'm going to pull it the rest of the way out, ok Erin?" Pete tried to prepare me for one of those things you just can't prepare a person for.

He yanked it right out.

"Fuck!" I fell back again; I was sprawled out flat on my back. "Pete I need you to get me to my coffin." I said weakly.

He didn't say anything, until after he picked me up and saw a puddle of my blood on the floor.

"Patrick clean that up." He ordered and continued up the stairs.

He walked into my room and then my bathroom.

"I asked you to put me in my coffin." I said quite simply as he sat me on the sink. I could ignore the pain if I was still.

"I'm going to clean you up. I'll be right back." He made sure I was balanced and walked out.

He returned not even two minutes later with a huge first aid kit and a shirt.

"You are not taking off my shirt." I said stubbornly.

"I've seen you without a shirt before." He smirked if I had been in better health I would have hurt him for that. "Raise your arms or I'll cut the shirt off."

"But it only hurts when I move." I whined.

"Just do it. Come on." He gently coaxed as he ran his arms up my sides to raise my arms. I raised my arms with his help and he pulled the shirt over my head.

He pulled out an antiseptic wipe and wiped down my wound.

"Were you complaining about him not hitting the 'vampire' paper then he hit you?" He had that dangerous smile on his face, laughing at me. "He was pretty close too, if it was higher you'd be dead."

"If I wasn't who I am I'd be dead." I said with my usual attitude. Then I looked down and the wound was right below my ribs. I could now look back at it and see the humorous irony. "Ironic though, that he can't hit a piece of paper but he can hit a flesh and blood vampire."

He finished cleaning my stomach and leaned me forward to work on my back.

"It hurts to lean forward." I hissed into his chest.

"It's ok." He cooed. "I'm almost done. All that is left is wrapping it up."

"If you'd have just left me in my coffin I would be fine right now." If I were lying still, like the dead, I wouldn't be feeling a thing.

"Well what if a bug crawled into your owiee while it was healing?" He said in a child-like voice that also hinted that the simple thought disgusted him.

"Wouldn't be the first and defiantly won’t be the last.." It was the truth; I always had the same idea about my injuries, 'they'll heal.'

"Gross! Girls are supposed to be made up of sugar, spice, and everything nice. Boys are supposed to be made up of snakes, snails, and puppy dog tails." He leaned me back again and he had this childishly grossed out look on his face.

He threw away the bloodied wipe.

Then took out the gauze to wrap me in.

Allow me to say I've felt way worse pain than I felt when he was wrapping me but the pain was still there.

"Erin I'm staying in your coffin tonight to make sure you’re all right." He told me. Not asked told.

"Pete, no..." He cut me off. That ass.

"Yes, I want to make sure your ok." He raised his hand in a silencing motion that told me he didn't want to argue the subject.

I wasn't strong enough to fight right then.

"Only if you have your drink first." There is no point in fighting with this asshole.

"Fine, I already did. That's where I was when I heard you scream. Drinking. I'm fine I swear." He put up his hand as if a vampire could make a honorable swear.


We got in the coffin together for the second time only this time my strict no touching rule was broken from square one. I fell asleep on top of him.

I had another dream though.

But all it showed was a blind man on the side of the road being attacked by vampires. They weren't biting him though, they wanted something. But what is there to want from a blind man? The leader, I think his name was William, had him pinned to the wall by his throat.
"Tell us what you see!" William hissed.
The old, feeble, dark skinned man put his hands up in surrender. "I'm sure this is a mistake. I'm blind. I see nothing sir."
"Don't play dumb!" He shouted and shook the man.

And I was awoken by the feeling of someone kissing my neck.

"Erin." Pete gently whispered as he kissed my neck. "Wake up it's almost sundown."

"I'm awake." I opened my eyes and realized we were in the same position we were in when we last woke up together.

"Why do you get the luxury of dreams?" He asked disappointed that he didn't have the same privilege.

"I don't know. I don't have them unless they tell me what is to come. The creativity is sucked from the world after you have eternity." I loved the creative side of the world from when I was alive but once I died it lost its spark. Maybe it was me.

"When I was alive I had night terrors and I hated it. I didn't sleep well. And now I'd kill to have a thousand night terrors just to have the one nice dream that came after." He was the type to dwell on things. "What makes you so different from me?" He was gazing deep into my eyes trying to figure me out.

"That is a story for another day." I started to open the coffin.

He pulled my hand back. "The sun isn't down all the way yet."

"I don't care but I'll close the lid after I'm out." I said rather curtly.

The sun will kill me but the twilight between night and day or day and night, is what separates me from them.

I got out and closed it quick to protect that pansy.

His emotions called and he's suffocating them.

I walked into my bathroom and removed the bandage that Pete just had to put on me.

Surprise, surprise, I'm fine as always.

I should wear a shirt that shows my stomach just to show my resilience.

I showered then walked back into my room and went through my clothes and found the perfect outfit.

I changed and headed to the basement.

Patrick, Andrew, and Joe were already down there.

"Holy Shit Erin!" Patrick's eyes were huge once he saw me. "I knew you healed fast but not even a scratch or scar." He was closely examining my stomach.

"I'm like that. Are we going to hunt tonight?" I want to kill.

"Is that what you really want to go hunting in?" Joe asked eyeing me suspiciously.

I looked down at my high cut, long sleeved shirt that stops just below my large breasts and pants that hang low and fit well all the way down tucked into my boots that already had knives in them.

"What's wrong with this? There is nothing wrong with attracting the attention of those your hunting. I don't have to be close to them to kill them but you guys do, so you all should be thankful that I can pull outfits like this off." Does that sound cocky? Being a vampire blessed me with intensely toned muscles (in a feminine way) so it wasn't a lie.

"Yeah, they'll be coming up to you asking how much you charge." Andy insulted.

"Fuck you. Are we or aren't we?" I'm in no mood for Andy's shit.

"Yeah we've heard from some of our outside contacts that there is some big Dandy movement on Main Street." Patrick said as he looked up from a cell phone that I'm to old to ever understand.

"Allow me to say, never trust outside sources they'll just set you up. For now let's get ready to roll. Do any of you want to try out more vintage weapons?" I headed up to my room and heard a chorus of declines. I turned back around. "Then are we all set?"

"Yeah except for Pete." Patrick said.

"Well you all head out, I have a few more weapons to grab and I'll wake Peter." They all grabbed what they needed and walked out.

This way they won’t know that Peter stayed with me.

"Pete get up and get ready for battle we're all waiting on you." I said all in one breath as I walked into my room without even looking up.

When I did look up I saw a nearly naked Peter Wentz, covered only in a towel.

I was shocked just like when I saw him with his shirt off. He was beautiful and he noticed me looking.

"You need to get ready." I said averting my eyes to the floor.

"I heard you the first time you said it." He had a cocky look on his face.

I pushed around him to my weapons and grabbed my favorite light sword. Just incase I wanted to feel the kill. I grabbed my bracelets and two throwing knives for each. (The bracelets hold the knives in place under my sleeve.)

I walked back to my door.

"Be at the front door in two minutes ready for a kill or I'm telling them you don't want to go." I said coldly as I walked out I stood by the front door.

Pete went down to the basement and resurfaced in less then a minute.

"Let's go, Erin." He said in that monotone that comes from him every now and then.

We got outside and the guys were standing around the car just waiting. They all have some patience.

Pete, Joe, and me had to climb behind the front seats as Patrick drove and Andrew got to ride shotgun.

The car ride was long and boring but I assume it was necessary.

We parked around the corner from where he said the Dandies were. So they wouldn't totally expect us.

We all made ourselves ready and went our way to the Dandies. I left them and took to the rooftops for a sneak attack.

Or I could just totally annihilate them all.

No I'll let the boys have some fun. I'll hang up here and play guardian angel to the boys for a while.

I peered over the rooftops and it was the scene I saw in my dream only the whole picture not just the section with the blind man.

Why are all of these Dandies here?

Even the leader was here (just like in the dream) this all couldn't be about the blind man.

The boys have now caused a scene. They're fighting a large group of them with decent success.

The vampires that had been surrounding the blind man turned their attention to the guys.

William dropped the blind man and turned to the guys and I did too.

They needed help they were being overtaken by vampires. I lit the fifteen vampires closest to the guys on fire.

Pete looked up, found me, made eye contact, and smiled. I looked back to where William was but he was gone.

I went back to killing the vampires that were hanging in the back. The boys continued to fight and some of the Dandies were starting to get the idea that they were going to die and attempted to flee. I was about to kill the runners when someone wrapped a strong arm around my neck.

I was yanked backward and held close to a mans chest I struggled and tried to scream but he had me too tight. He moved his hand enough to expose the right side of neck and a needle was pushed deep into the vein.

After the needle was pulled out I heard a voice speaking gently in my ear.

"Try living like all the others." It was William I knew it.

Before I could say anything back I was falling towards the ground.

I tried to fly but nothing was happening I tried again with no avail.

I hit the ground hard and felt it. I used a lot of strength to sit myself up.

He didn't make me human or I'd be dead.

What in the hell did he do to me?