Sequel: Alone Together Alone

Take This to Your Grave and I'll Take It to Mine

Chapter 15

My eyes opened and I was awake in reality.

I woke up a tangled mess with Pete in his locker.

He had woken up before me and was looking at me intently.

"What?" I said in a quiet, tired voice.

"I feel like I took advantage of a broken and hurt girl last night." He had true sadness in his eyes. I couldn't help but feel bad about what I did in that dream world. "So about Alessa, if she wasn't pregnant would you have jumped down to save her?"

I thought about for less time then most would. "No."

"It's because of what happened to you isn't it?" He said more gentle then I ever heard him speak.

"I think so." I said earnestly looking into his eyes.

His eyes, were so much like those of my beautiful Andres. I guess Pete in general reminded me of him. He wasn't like a twin or anything but, the deep complexion, dark hair, deep eyes, and glorious smile, it was all so reminiscent of Andres.

He buried his head in my neck. "I'm so sorry." He mumbled into my neck.

I put my hand on the back of his head to comfort him. "You’re not the one to be sorry." I am because you don't know what I did in my sleep.

I will never be able to tell him.

Or kill him.

God does this job get harder and harder everyday.

I've really decided, I'm not going to kill him. But I have to make sure he gets his life back.

"Pete, what month is it?" I asked.

"July. Why?" He said moving his head out of my neck to look in my eyes.

"The prophet told me there was going to be a huge event on the night of a blood moon that would decide the fate of vampires. We are going to be greatly out numbered, but he said it's not the numbers that win the battle it's faith that will. So blood moons only come in October right?" I explained.

"Yeah. Is this all the blind man was talking to you about?" He asked curiously.

I knew I couldn't tell him about his way out yet. "Well yeah, but he reminded me of my real name. Erin Enya Edalene. Erin meant Ireland, Enya meant little fire, and Edalene meant noble/king. It was such a long time ago." I was yet again going back to the old days, but just the good times that I had with my friends and Andres.

"I'm going to take you back to Ireland." He just blurted out.

"What?" I asked in disbelief.

"I'm going to take you to Ireland one day. Maybe after the trouble is all over we can just go. It would be like a vacation and you could show me around." He said sweetly looking in my eyes.

I knew it wasn't going to happen. He was going to get his wish and I was going to lose him. "I'd love that." It was hard not to cry knowing that it wasn't happen.

"I think we're going to have to train twice as hard for this and learn new weapons. So lets tell the guys." He said opening the doors to the locker.

I taught the guys how to use every weapon I owned over the next three weeks. Even Patrick could use a bow with accuracy. Andy already could use a sword with skill so I didn't have to teach him that, I helped him get a little better though.

So three weeks passed and it was August. Every night had gone nearly the same. Drink that crap Pete drinks, train until the guys want to die, cuddle up with Pete in either his locker or my coffin (I couldn't go in my coffin for a week after Cleo), then fall asleep and have William take advantage of me, and everyday Patrick telling me that he's one step closer to the cure to making me myself again and everyday believing him less and less.

Oh, and Joe has been getting real close to Alessa, and if I'm not mistaken she's quite taken with him to.

This night was no different. I awoke after my daily mind game with William in Peter's protective arms and he was still asleep.

I have decided since Cleo died to be a little more open (at least to myself) about my emotions and I think I've finally admitted to myself that I lo..

"Erin." He interrupted my thoughts as he said my name as he woke up, not even thinking coherently yet. "Is it time to get up?" He said with a sleepy voice rubbing his eyes.

He reminded me of a child in moments like now.

I smiled at him. "Yeah Sweetie." I said in a motherly tone as I pushed his hair out of his face in a motherly way. I did that when he acted like a child to make fun of him.

He smiled back. "It's a shame your a vampire, you'd be a great mother."

"I have you. I don't need a child." I smirked in return.

"Hey! I do not act like a child!" He feigned hurt.

"Ok honey." I said and pinched his cheek.

"That's it." He had started to move towards me and I was out of the coffin before he could touch me.

He followed and tackled me on the old couch and tried to tickle me to death.

I screamed, laughed, and kicked. "Pete stop!" I whined.

Just then everyone was rushing up the little rickety stairs to speak with us and they stopped when they saw us.

Pete on top of me tickling me on the couch. Luckily we fell asleep in clothes last night.

"What's going on up here?" Joe asked with a confused look on his face that everyone else wore as well.

Peter and I froze in our positions and our faces fell.

I pushed Pete off of me. "Nothing." I said coldly and pushed through them all and going down the stairs.

I heard Pete scolding them. "Great we have the ice queen back. Thank you guys, you made her feel uncomfortable."

I stopped at the bottom of the stairs so I could listen to him.

"But it's important we have to go." Patrick said apologetically.

"But what were you doing on top of her tickling her?" Andrew asked.

"Just messing around. We were joking back and forth and she threw her insult and I tickle attacked her. That's it I swear." He kept his word even though those were his friends, he lied for my pride.

I continued to the bathroom. I went in and washed my face to calm down.

I knew we had to go so I couldn't take a full shower.

I ran back up to the attic and everybody had cleared out and there stood Pete getting ready. He didn't notice me yet so I slowly walked up behind his boxer-brief clad figure and slapped him on the rump as I walked toward my dresser.

He let out a little scream, almost like a squeak only a little more manly. Not much more manly, but a little.

"I didn't know it was you." He said after regaining composure.

"They never do." I smiled back.

"There's something really big tonight. Patrick said it was going to be bigger then the last two for sure." He said getting back to business.

"Well we're prepared for anything right now." I said as I pulled on another one of my tight high cut shirts and long tight pants that I tuck into my boots.

After I got into my boots Pete was already dressed and we headed to the basement to grab weapons.

All the other boys were down here getting strapped up as well.

We all have a bow we use and I use my crossbow that has a special pouch that hangs on my hip and the arrows sit on my back like all the others do. My sword and several of my knives were also attached to me now. As always half of the knives are in my boots.

A question that you've probably been asking since the beginning, 'Why don't they use guns?' Because guns are only for people who are to afraid to really face their adversary and because they have no effect on vampires. Why? Nobody knows.

Once we all looked ready I asked, "Ready to kill?" With my twisted smile and almost sinister voice.

"Fuck yeah!" They all replied.

We headed out to the car and Alessa already had it started. She wanted to do something and we all objected and she begged until she could at least drive.

So Patrick now has a ear piece so if we're in big trouble she just comes around the corner and maybe takes a few out with car and let's us hop in.

She also told us she was great at doing donuts, although I have no idea how that helps us.

So Patrick took the front seat Joe sat directly behind Alessa, Andy was next to him, then Pete, and finally me. We were all squished in this seat uncomfortably.

I looked over at Joe and he was right against the front seat rubbing Alessa's belly as she was driving.

It was so sweet that he liked her so much that he was like this and it wasn't even his baby.

"Joe don't distract her from driving." Pete said a little rudely. It's like he's jealous that he can't have his hands on me in public without me freaking out.

"Sorry she said it was kicking and I figure kicking would be more distracting." He said innocently.

"Pete leave them alone. It's cute." I said pushing his arm a little.

"Wow. That was the first time you've ever sounded like a girl." Andy said, but not in a mean tone, just a surprised tone.

"Wow. That was the first time you sounded like you didn't hate me!" I said in a surprised tone as well.

He smiled. "Don't worry I still do." This was the first time I wouldn't believe it.

I don't think he hates me anymore.

I just smiled back at him.

We arrived as always around the corner and now that all of us know how to use a bow we all start off hidden (or on a rooftop in mine and Pete's case).

The boys went off to hide in alleys and Pete flew me to one roof top and he went to the rooftop across the street.

This is a scene all the clicks were here, Dandies, Punks, everybody, and I don't know who we're going for. I guess everyone.

I put an arrow on the bow and aimed at a vampire with hair spiked in a way that just isn't natural.

I hit the trigger of the bow and off it went and four other arrows were flying.

All hit different vampires. Mine hit my boy right in the side of the head and he tumbled to the ground. I had already reloaded and aimed at another.

All of the vampires were standing in shock looking franticly for whoever was firing at them.

Arrows continued flying and hitting their targets.

Pete was the first one to come out just itching for a real fight and the boys followed but I needed to wait for a minute.

I had a bad feeling and had to go to the other ledge that was by the car and there was a Dandy going to the car and I shot an arrow straight through his chest right where his heart is and he fell and landed on the hood of the car.

That girl's not dying on my watch.

I looked around and didn't see anyone else near the car and went back to the real fight.

I saw a limo pull up in the very back of the crowd of vampires and I saw none other then
William stepping out of this limo followed out by the infamous Katrina. She hung by him like he was what was giving her life and he was giving her the brush off.

Let me describe her to you, She has long white hair, skin almost as light as her hair, and she wore an ankle length skirt with a slit to her upper thigh matched with a shirt cut scandalously low and hooker heels. He was right she's a cheap slut.

They had what looked like a body guard right by them that must have gotten out of the limo after the slut.

I put another arrow on my bow and aimed, fired, and nailed their bodyguard in the throat.

Katrina jumped, screamed, and attached herself even tighter to his arm.

I laughed a little.

William's eyes scanned the rooftops until his eyes landed on me and he couldn't help but smile and wink.

That action enraged me. I put the bow back in the pouch on my hip and jumped from the roof and pulled my sword from it's sheath and took a different route then the boys I wanted to get to William and Katrina. I know I can't kill William but that doesn't mean I can't hurt him.

I don't get why they haven't gotten the idea and started carrying weapons because they're so easy to just to cut them down.

There was a problem. There were just to many of them. Even an experienced fighter could never take this many. I shoved my sword back in it's sheath to fight them hands on, because either way I didn't have a chance alone.

I looked over to the guys to see if they were luckier then I, in hopes of their help.

Unfortunately they had the same luck as me. The vampires had them all restrained and the ones that I was fighting were doing the same to me.

We were all dragged to the front where William stood.

"Hello, noble hunters," He said mocking us all. "As you may have noticed we have every gang here fighting against you. That is because they all work for me. Always have." He said pulling his coat closer to himself in a boisterous manner.

"Then why did they all fight with your morons in bowlers?" I spit back.

"Erin, you have so much fire in you. We'll work on that later." He smirked and winked.

Pete and me were both trying to get near him and kill him.

I looked to Pete and he was more then ready to kill him.

"Peter my dear child. The only one I've sired in centuries. The only one of my children still alive." He walked to Pete so he was standing right before him. "You’re prefect. If only I had the blood Erin had and you'd be unstoppable," he took Pete's bangs in between his fingers. "but I'd be better." And he flicked his hair out of his fingers. He walked away and continued. "There's only one way you’re getting out of this alive," He paused to over dramatized this like he always does. "Give me the girl." He laid his eyes on me and walked towards me.