Sequel: Alone Together Alone

Take This to Your Grave and I'll Take It to Mine

Chapter 16

Katrina didn't look very happy with this idea.

Pete was really fighting now it took an extra two vampires to hold him back.

"You’re a bastard." I said through my clinched teeth.

"As are you, but in the literal since." He smiled. He knew about my life. How?

I spit on his face.

And he backhanded me and sent my head flying in the direction his hand flew.

"Don't touch her." Pete screamed. He was fighting hard, every vein and muscle in his neck protruding through the skin.

Then he started to think.

He put his hand on one of their chests and did the fireless fire trick and got away from them.

He ran to William and grabbed his collar and lifted him off the ground. "Don't touch her." He hissed.

"Before you answer, let me tell you something about little-miss-perfect-Erin." He said as he pushed Pete's hands off of himself and hovered down to the ground gracefully. With Pete back in the hands of the vampires "From the get go she wasn't going into this to be your friend, any of you. She was going to use you all to get closer to her goal and when she no longer needed your help she'd get rid of you." He said with a satisfied look on his face.

"It's not true! Tell him it's a lie Erin!" Pete again screamed but this time more of a hopeless scream.

All I could do is hang my head in shame because this was true. Of the many things I've been accused of in this life, this was one of the few that was true.

Andrew who had just begun to trust me was furious. "I told you not to trust her! I told you she was a liar and you said I was being judgmental! But look I was right!"

"Erin." Pete said barely above a whisper. "Tell me it's not true."

I wanted to cry because he looked so hurt that it was killing me.

"I can't say it's a lie."

I was cut off buy the still furious Andrew. "See!"

I raised my voice, "But things have changed! I don't know what you guys did to me but I care to much to kill you." I paused. "Since the night after Cleo died I knew I'd never be able to do it." I said looking Pete directly in his eyes that had turned cold to me.

They almost seemed to be warming up to me again.

Then William decided to speak again. "And another Erin fun fact. Every night we meet in the dream world and sleep together. It's not a lie don't even bother asking. It's more true then most things that will ever leave my lips."

Pete's eye were even colder then before.

"What?" Katrina's shrill voice cut through the air.

"Take her." Pete whispered.

William mocked, just wanted him to scream it out. "What Peter? I don't think I heard you." He said sinister smile, hand on his ear and just mocking him.

"Take her!" He shouted. His voice softened again, "Come on guys." His head was slumped over and he started to walk away from me.

"Peter!" I said some what loud and suddenly.

He looked back at me with no real expression.

"I wouldn't have saved her if I didn't care." I said really softly.

He arched his eyebrow and William grabbed my arm and started to drag me away.

I looked at all the guys quickly Joe and Andrew had dirty looks on their faces and Patrick just looked like he was hurt too, he cared about me, not the way Pete did, but he did.

My head slumped over in shame. William pushed me up against the car. "Put your hands on the car and spread 'um." He said mocking me.

"Haven't you degraded me enough?" I was ready to cry but I'll never show that to him.

"Just do it, we can't have you running rampant with all of your weapons." He said firmly.

I complied.

He removed my sword first, then the arrows, the bow that sat on my hip was as good as gone. His hands started to get more intimate with each leg finding a knife on each side of each thigh. He went over my thighs twice before he was satisfied then moved down to my boots.

"These are known for how many knives they carry I'm just taking them off. You won’t need them." He said as he turned me and unlaced my boots.

I lost everything. I didn't have any fight left.

That's funny the girl that was nothing but fight has no fight left. At the beginning of all of this this could have never happened to me. I was too strong, too proud, and too far away from my heart for any of this to affect me.

"Put this stuff in the trunk." He barked at some random vampire after he had all my weapons.

He grabbed my arm again and dragged me right by the glaring Katrina and shoved me into the limo. I curled upon the long seat across from the door at the very end right by the divider between the driver and us. I was curled with my back facing everyone and my face in the seat.

"Well Erin, I'd like you to turn around and meet my second in command, Brendon, and Katrina the only woman who wants white hair." He talked about Katrina with such distain.

Pete probably talks about me like that now.

"I don't care about any slut or asshole that's in this limo." I said rather plainly.

"Hey Bitch, From my angle I'm not the slut in this car..."

William cut Katrina off. "Erin this is the only time you'll talk to my second like that, it happens again there will be consequences." He said almost like he had some real power over me. Maybe he thought that since my father was dead my whole life that he got to play that role too.

"What about me William?" Katrina's voice penetrated the air again.

"Shut up." He said silencing her. "Do you understand me Erin?"

I flipped over so I could look him in the face as I said this. "What are you going to do William? Rape me in my sleep? Kill the only companion I've had in centuries? And once I start to pick up the pieces and make friends for the first time since I died ruin my life all over again? Nothing you can do matters anymore so keep your threats, they don't mean a thing. I hope you know what you've gotten yourself into." I paused putting my thoughts in order. "I've lost my fight, my ambition; I'm going to be useless." And I just laid there staring at the ceiling. "Oh and Katrina. Next time you say a word about me you’re as dead as a doornail." And I closed my eyes and slept until I was being dragged out by my arm.

This was an all to familiar wake up for me, which just made me all the more unhappy. The only people who I ever willingly told my life story hate me.

I followed after him out of this limo and saw this huge mansion. I looked around and we were in the middle of nowhere I must have slept awhile.

William pointed up to a balcony on what must have been the top floor. "That's the room you've spent many days in, now you get to do it in reality." He smirked and grabbed my waist and started to fly towards the balcony.

I didn't hold on to him because I was just living in the hope that he would drop me.

Luck wasn't on my side as he made it up to the window without dropping me. He sat me on the balcony and I looked down and this was a higher drop then the one that I survived weeks ago.

I was rushed with the thoughts of Pete again and my head hung even lower and I walked inside.

William was sitting on his bed and looking at me smiling. "Welcome back."

"Do I have a room of my own to stay in while I'm here or will I be further degraded here?" I asked not lifting my head.

"Oh stop with that talk." His smile didn't fade. "You'll stay here. I have clothes for you and you won’t leave unless I say you're coming with me."

"Fantastic." I said sarcastically and sat in one of those big chairs and held my knees to my chest. "Let me guess your going to dress me like a whore like Katrina dresses?"

Just then there was a knock at the door.

William let out an exasperated sigh. "Come in." He called out to whomever was at the door.

"William." Katrina's faux sweet voice spilled into the room. "I was going to ask if you wanted my company-" She stopped as she saw me and her face changed to anger. "Never mind you have that whore." She spit at me.

I guess I had a little of my fight back because I was up with my usually unused vampire speed and had her pinned by her throat to a wall.

She was coughing and scratching at my arm that held her trying to escape my grasp.

"Never talk to me like that again! What did I say to you in the car? Do you remember?" I nearly screamed at her but held my voice down lower so everyone in this damned house wouldn't hear my business.

She shook her head yes and by this time William was prying me off of her.

"Katrina out!" He shouted and pointed to the door.

"But it was her! Yell at her!" She whined.

"You started it. Out." He said in a firm voice.

She stomped off and slammed the door behind her.

"I hate her." He said under his breath.

I laughed. "I'm glad we have something in common since I'm stuck with you." The last part wasn't said as happily as the first.

His face almost softened completely, but he kept some of the strength in his face. He came to me and put his hand on my shoulder. "You'll get used to it and you won’t hate it after a while. There may even be a day that I say you have the opportunity to leave and you'll chose to stay." He said in a soft voice that was attempting to comfort me.

"Well I have nothing to leave to." I said with my head falling again. "I have no one, and nowhere." I walked over to the bed to sit down.

"This is so different from your typical facade. The, 'Everyone can fuck off because I can handle myself and I don't need you.' It's almost refreshing." He smiled at me. "Did Pete see this?" He asked gently.

I respected him for the respect he was giving me right here. "To some extent yes, but for the most part no." I said looking up into his eyes. "Well you obviously know about my past, what is there to know about you? Where do you come from?" It's not fair for him to know about me and me not to know about him.

I mean a few nights after I told Pete and Patrick about me Pete told me his story.

He was a young rebel. He said his father and him didn't see things eye to eye. His father told people that Pete marched to the beat of his own drummer. His full name in Peter Lewis Kingston Wentz the third. He was an all-state soccer player in high school and he said he loved being in bands. He was in several bands that he told me about, but I only remember two. Arma Angelus, he was the vocalist, and Fall Out Boy, that was the band that the guys had formed before Pete was bitten. They were an inch away from a deal on an indie label called FueledbyRamen but he was turned and couldn't do the things during the day that would be demanded from a guy in a band that's trying to make it. They have a Cd worthy of the average garage band, but you could tell they had something special. Remember how I said there were instruments in the basement too? Well just because that's not what they're going to do doesn‘t mean they have to stop, they can still play. They play better then they did on that Cd I can tell you that. God, I fell in love with a man I planed to kill. I befriended the friends I was going to massacre.