Sequel: Alone Together Alone

Take This to Your Grave and I'll Take It to Mine

Chapter 19

"Erin." William whispered as he shook me awake.

"Yes." I snapped back just wanting to sleep a little longer. Forever would be good, the deep sleep from which you never awake. That's what I'm wishing for.

"I'm going to tell you what I was going to tell you last night. You are going to do what I say or your going to regret it." He said in a severely dangerous tone.

I wanted to laugh. "What are you really going to do?" I rolled on my side to look him directly in the eyes.

"I can do things to you that you wouldn't believe." He rolled on top of me and pinned me flat on my back. "Like rape you. I mean I could just use those mind powers and make you want to but I think classic rape will make you obey better." He went in to kiss my neck.

But my fiery rage came out and I threw him with all the strength I have.

He hit the wall so hard that a painting fell from the wall.

"Never touch me like that again! I don't care if I'm not the way I once was; I'm not going to be a battered woman again. I played that roll for too long when I was alive. I'm not playing it in my afterlife." I screamed at him and stormed out of the room.

I decided that I was going to explore my prison. I walked down the hall to the stairs I went down them seeing lots of people but not acknowledging a single one. I went threw several floors seeing the same things and that was nothing that interested me. I was looking for something, I wasn't sure what yet. It was the third floor when I found what I was looking for.

There was a room with a large window, it's sterile white interior, and massive amounts of science equipment told me this place was a lab. I bet this is the place that held my cure. I looked threw the window, examining every detail and I spotted my boots off in the corner with all my knives on the counter next to them.

I'm getting into this room.

There's no door out here. That doesn't matter.

I punched the glass with everything I had.

Nothing. It's bulletproof glass.

That doesn't mean I'm going to stop.

I kicked the window with these hooker shoes I made lots of noise and people would come out and look, scoff and return to their rooms. I could feel the window was about to give out.

William grabbed my arm and dragged me away. "Well I have thought up the best punishment for you. So I want you to get dressed. Allow me to say there's a chance the worst won’t happen, but you have to make the right decision." He said with a smile on his face because apparently this was going to be torture for me.

He continued to drag me up the stairs all the way to his room. "You have one minute before I come in there and drag you out dressed or not." He pushed me into the room slamming the door behind me.

I hurried to the closet and the same unappealing wardrobe, as yesterday only I must have angered William enough for him to get rid of all of the shorts so I was just left with skirts. So I grabbed another one that appeared long enough to cover me as well as any of these skirts would. The picking of the shirt was just as difficult as yesterday only today I only had a time limit. I grabbed a shirt that would cover all of my stomach, but little of my breasts. It was a halter top that was cut so you could see both sides of the breast except for what was covered by the four inch thick chunks of fabric made to cover my breasts. Allow me to say what I may have said before, I have large breasts, and I don't think they will stay in this tiny sad excuse for a shirt.

I walked out anyway right as William was walking in to grab me. "Good you’re done. Let's go."

He walked right back out. He was really angry with me. My job just might be done, he might kill me.

He walked us to that elevator all over again. We went in and he pushed the bottom floor button.

I looked around to get a better idea of my surroundings, William was to my right, and there was something strange on the wall to my left. It looked kind of like a door.

Now I know how to get into that room. That's why they make such a big deal about who uses the elevator. I'm getting out of here with all my powers back, and my boots.

For now I'll just act like he matters and do what he wants, that isn't on the list of things not to do from last night.

Which means I'm still going to be a bitch to him.

Once the elevator stopped and we were on the bottom floor he walked me out the front door where there was a limo sitting in the driveway right outside. We climbed in and we were in this one alone.

"You don't leave my side, understand?" He said demandingly.

"Whatever." I said looking away from him.

"You’re not worth the trouble you know. I can't stand being around you. I just wish that poor guy Andres didn't die for you because it would be okay to die for a good woman, but you. I wouldn't do it." He said just out of spite.

"That's what you say now, but it's not what you were saying last night." My sharp tongue sliced back.

"Say that to Peter." He said coolly.

"Fuck you." I hated these types of battles on long car rides so I ended it on the simplest note possible.

"Already did. Want to do it again?" He sarcastically said back.

"Never. Allow me to say I've only had four men in bed that weren't you and you’re the last one I'd hop back in bed with."

Ok I tried to end it but that's not happening.

He moved away from me so he could have a better look at me, "Why's that?" He asked in a very curious tone.

Now I get to damage his ego. "You were lousy."

"Oh really? That's not what you were saying last time." He remarked and I was done with the conversation.

I move to the other seat and got lost in my thoughts. He may have even still been talking but I didn't care. When I get lost in my thoughts the rest of the world is gone, time doesn't even exist anymore.

What seemed to me only moments later I was being shaken and told to move by William.

I followed him out and he lifted me to the top of the car and climbed up himself.

That's when I realized what I'd be watching, and what my punishment just might be.

I couldn't watch what was about to unfold. So I just sat next to him on top of the car as he wrapped his arm around my waist, and I couldn't help but keep my head down because this night was just like the last.

They were out numbered just like last time.

So I just played with the hem of my short, black skirt. I hate the way he forced me to dress.

Again Peter, Patrick, Joe, and Andrew were dragged to the front, before William all over again.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't you all again." William said with a satisfied smile. "This time I can't decide whether I want you dead or not so let's have Erin decide."

My head flew up with surprise written all over my face.

"So Erin what do you say?" He said pulling me closer.

I looked at them hoping that they wouldn't look like they hated me, but they did.

They aren't even looking to me for sympathy.