Sequel: Alone Together Alone

Take This to Your Grave and I'll Take It to Mine

Chapter 2

I was walking down a deserted street my ragged combat boots hardly making a sound. Well, ok it wasn't deserted, there were humans going in their hustling and bustling way. But there were no other vampires out there; I was in the mood for a kill. I was ready in my fighting apparel, black, sleeveless, high cut, tight shirt and tight black pants that were tucked into my boots.

There was one way down that street. He was my height (maybe an inch taller), tan skin for a vampire, and fairly attractive. He had a red and black v-neck shirt that showed a tattoo that went around his neck, pants that look better suited for a girl, and an attractive face, looking back at me with no fear in his sparkling hazel eyes. Oh this will be interesting.

I read his mind to see why he wasn't afraid of me.

The last memory in his mind, he and his friends just killed 3 vampires. The killing wasn't the weirdest but his friends were human.

I dove deeper as we got closer.

He was killing all the vampires trying to find the one who turned him. This is the oh-so-frightening Peter Wentz that has all the rest of this pathetic race shaking in their boots.

A vampire who doesn't want to be one. I should make his death extra painful...

No he could help me. He could be a pawn in my little game. Better put on my act fast.

He looked ready to strike.

What a fool.

I pulled him into the alley. That caught him by surprise.

"Are you Peter Wentz?" I asked in a hushed voice. He shook his head yes. "I'm in the same boat as you I want all of these cruel sick vampires dead. But I think I need help. You know I can't take the world alone." God am I an actress.

"Why should I believe you?" He doesn't believe me?

"If I was against you I wouldn't pull you into an alley without trying to kill you would I?" Giving him the most sincere face I could muster.

"But this could all be a trick?" It sounded more like a question by the way he used his voice inflection.

"I don't believe in tricks. Plus its not like I have allies. I have no friends, only a cat." My harsh reality came back.

"A) You don't need allies to trick a person, and B) how am I supposed to believe you?" The first was a good point but how was he supposed to believe me?

"Can't you tell?" I can always tell when someone is lying to me.


"If I were lying wouldn't you know?"

I don't know, is this one of the weaker races downfalls?

"Yes, but there's something about you that's sending mixed signals I can't read you." He didn't mean minds the weak race can't read minds.

"Well what can I do to make you believe me?"

"Kill with me."


We walked he more or less lead. I didn't know where he was leading.

He glanced at me.

"Why do you feel the need to display what you are around your neck?" He was bitter.

My pewter fang necklace. "It was put onto me when I was turned and I like it." And I didn't lie.

"If you’re out to kill your kind why do you like it?" He's voice was so glacial.

"It’s not that I don't like being a vampire I just don't like the killing. I can't do it." I lied. I killed. Not innocent people, murderers, rapists, scum of the earth in general. I loved to kill none the less. "So I hear you have human friends. Why do they stay? Aren't they afraid?" When I had friends they left me out of fear after I was turned.

"They're true friends; they're trying to help me find a cure." Optimism another word for idiocy.

"There is no cure." I stated cold but never losing the trace of my Irish accent that still remains. "It's in your blood-No correction, it becomes you blood. You have a better chance of curing Aids or cancer."

"How do you know so much? You’re in the same fucking boat!" Boy did I piss him off.

"No we're fuckin' not! I'm trying to improve us and you’re in complete denial! Allow me to say it’s not just a river in Egypt!" My exceeding honesty returning.

"How is this convincing me that I want to work with you?" Adverse isn't he?

"If I have this much passion in an argument imagine how much I have in battle."

"I can imagine your passion in other places too." He was joking with me now. He had a smile on his face. He had a fantastic smile too. Infectious some would call it. A shame I would eventually have to kill him.

I smiled back. "Are you getting fresh with me Mr. Wentz?”

"Maybe. I never caught your name?"

"It was never thrown. But its Erin."

"Well, Erin, since you have advantage of me here can I know your last name?"

I hadn't used my last name in so long that I don't even remember it. "Can I be frank? I don't remember my last name."

"How can you not remember your last name?" He looked at me like I was an idiot.

"I don't know I just don't."

He looked at me with suspicion then turned his gaze back to in front of him. "We're here."

It was a local vampire hangout, the street was probably packed is he crazy? What does he think he's one of the old ones? I could do this and walk out alive, but could he?

"Hello boys." Pete said simply void of fear.

"If it isn't Peter Wentz, the vampire against his own kind." One of the large male punk vampires said.

I hate their gangs (or others call them clicks) they're all the same weak pathetic race.
But none the less this was the punk hang out.

"And he's got a lady friend that's a vampire why didn't you kill her? Because she's so pretty?" A little British punk guy said.

"I thought all the British vampires were Dandies." I said with my attitude problem rearing its ugly little head.

"I thought all Irish women were tavern whores." He fired back.

An old anger rose and I decided, I'm going to kill him.

I'll burn him from the inside out. I raised my hand and he started screaming and the flames that had engrossed his insides showed themselves at the back of his throat and through his melting eyes. Right there I used my hands to stop the fire as effortlessly I started it.

All the vampires looked at me with fear in their eyes. Here's something about these weaklings, there best attempt at fire they get sparks that they shoot. If it does anything, it stings for a second. Even Peter looked a little thrown off.

Then they all realized that not everyone was coming out alive, them or us.

This is when chaos broke out. Let's guess there were 40 other vampires there. So 20 on one. Piece of cake.

BUT I have to watch Peter, to see if there was really a reason for him to be so well known. I should make it seem somewhat difficult so I don't have to jump in and save him.

My side of the fight was so boring I wasn't even watching it. I was watching Peter. At one point they seemed to get the upper hand and had him restrained. Some of them went into the nearest house (you could tell it was a vampire's it was boarded up on the inside to keep the sun out) and pulled out a girl who was maybe in her twenties.

What the hell are they going to do?

They dragged that girl right in front of Peter who they were still holding by the neck.

"Kiss her! Kiss her!" They all started chanting. They didn't mean an actual kiss on the lips. They mean the vampire's kiss... A kiss of death.

"Taste her sweet blood that's pumping through those veins." The big guy that was holding him said.

Peter went in for the bite.... Oh my God.

He's not?

He bit the guy's arm instead and started kicking their asses. She took off in the opposite direction.

Then Peter did something that really surprised me.

He put his hand on one of their chests and burned their insides to a crisp.

It was like my fire trick only... No flames.

He's of the weaker race how did he do that?

I was done with mine because I was no longer in a sparing mood so I just set them on fire.
Peter was now done with his as well and he had some questions.

"How the hell did you do that fire stunt? I've never met another vampire that did anything like what I can do." He looked slightly agitated because he wasn't the only one with that power.

"I was going to say the same thing. My powers are different to say the least." I smirked my powers gave me overwhelming pride. Isn't pride a sin? I've committed my share.

"Let me guess you can fly too?"

"Hell yes I can fly. Wait, Can you?" Now I was thrown off.

Hell no this weakling can't!

"Not very far but yeah."

He wasn't lying!

"I have no limits." I was bragging now.

“Well, let me be the first to say I hate you because you're more powerful than me, but I will be delighted to fight with you. You’re one hell of a girl. The guys have to meet you." He put his hand out for me to shake it like that was the binding contract.