Sequel: Alone Together Alone

Take This to Your Grave and I'll Take It to Mine

Chapter 20

"Let them go." I said sadly as I put my head down unhappy with my discovery of their distain for me.

"What?" William sounded shocked.

"What?" Echoed Peter who also sounded shocked.

I looked to the guys who all looked like they couldn't believe their own ears.

I looked into Peter's eyes. "I can't tell him to kill you. If it's my choice it's not happening."

The vampires all looked very displeased with what I was saying.

"Fine." William huffed. "There's a surprise waiting for you at your car." He was disappointed in my decision.

They were released and Joe burst into a run to the car and the rest of the guys followed.

"What did you do William?" Anger rising in me only guessing what he did.

"That lovely girl you saved, what would a bunch of vampires do to her?" He evilly smiled.

I slapped him so hard he flew off the car. "You bastard!"

I jumped off of the car and ran with all the vampire speed in the world to that car. Even in these slut shoes I ran faster then most humans' eyes could follow.

I turned the corner and was disgusted by the sight. Alessa was on the hood of the car, bite marks all over her body, and she was dead as a doornail. I knew her child didn't have a chance either because there was blood covering the fabric over her belly. There was blood every where. They just killed her to do it.

I gasped. "Oh my God." I slowly stepped closer.

They all looked at me. Joe had tears streaming down his face.

I put my hand on her face and turned her head so I could see both sides of her neck. They had bitten both sides of her neck and various other places on her body. I turned her head so it was looking towards the sky, then moved my hand to gently close her eyes.

"Don't touch her." Joe said finding his voice. "This is all your fault I know it! You knew the best way to hurt us without harming a hair on our heads was to hurt her! So you had them do it!"

My mouth hung agape unable to believe anyone could ever accuse me of killing a woman who was with child. "Never. I couldn't."

"Bullshit!" He spit back. "Just go."

I was on the verge of tears. "I promised the night I saved her that she wasn't dying on my watch. I've saved her twice!" A tear rolled down my face.

"Well you’re great at keeping your promises!" He yelled at me.

The limo pulled up behind me and out of it jumped a very angry William.

"Alright Erin, it's time to go." He growled and roughly grabbed my upper arm.

"Don't fucking touch me you low life prick!" I screamed and ripped my arm away from him.

He, in turn, back handed me across the face so hard that I flew into their car (the bat mobile) so hard that it shock the car enough to knock Alessa off of it and I think I may have dented it too. My back hurt as much as my chest did when he pushed me off of the building.

My lip was bleeding from the hit to the face.

I might have worded that funny. He hit my face so hard that I flew into the car where I hit my back against the car.

I touched my lip in amazement. The last time a man hit me hard enough to make me bleed was that guard back in Ireland.

"You are a low life." I said barely above a whisper, but I did get louder. "Only a low life would be a pickpocket, only a low life would hit a woman, and only a low life would have a pregnant woman killed!" I was yelling right in his face. I mean I was only inches from his face.

He took notice to the blood on my lips and decided now would be a good time to embarrass me, because he licked my lips just to taste my blood.

He looked like he loved it for a moment, but it's like something came crashing down on him.

"I want you to stay away from the mansion. I don't want to see you again." He spun on his heel, was back in the limo and gone.

I know I didn't want to be near him, but what changed between before he licked my lips to now. Not that I'm ungrateful that he's leaving, but just curious.

I looked back at the boys. "I give you my condolences and I hope you understand that I didn't orchestrate any of this." I said then put my head down and started walking away rubbing my own back.

"Erin, where are you going?" Peter asked weakly.

I turned back to him. "What does it matter? You all hate me, I lost my only friend weeks ago, I gave up my apartment, they made me dress like a slut, and they have my boots. I have nothing to go to."

"Erin we don't hate you." Patrick said trying to comfort me. "We just don't trust you right now."

I laughed at Patrick's never ending sweetness. "If I were you I'd hate me." I sighed. "Can I get some of my clothes? I don't want to walk around in this."

"Of course Erin." Patrick said gently.

"What are you doing with her?" I asked really softly.

"There's nothing we can do. We just have to leave her here for the police." He said really quietly again.

I just slowly nodded and started to walk away.

"Hey where are you going?" Patrick shouted to me.

"I'm walking I wouldn't want to ride in a car with a person I didn't trust I figured you wouldn't either." I said turning back to look at him.

"Ride with us." Peter said voice returning for the first time for a while.

I walked back to the car. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah. Sit in the front." Patrick said as he got into the driver's seat.

Patrick was the only one who would keep eye contact with me that wasn't a glare, so I was glad that I got to sit next to him.

That car ride was awkward to say the least, and quiet. The tension in the car was so thick that you could cut it with a knife. Joe was still upset about Alessa; Andrew was fuming that anyone would let me back in the car; Patrick was just trying to keep his attention on the road and not be involved; and Peter he just seemed hurt because he still didn't want to be near me.

Once the awkward car ride was over I climbed out and moved my seat so everyone else could get out too.

I stood back as they all got out and just walked past me. I just followed them slowly, feeling that I had no right to go in here, it's not my home anymore. Pete held the door open for me but wouldn't look at me. Joe and Andrew walked off to their rooms not wanting to spend another moment with me and Peter went downstairs feeling the same thing.

"I'm going to go up and change." I said to Patrick sadly.

"Erin." He said warmly.

I looked at him to say I was listening.

"No one here will hate you forever. You know the big battle? Are you still going to be there?" He asked with his warmth never falling.

"I think I found my cure in the Dandy mansion. I might just end the battle. They still have my boots too and those mean more to me then any cure." I said that last part with a smile.

"Why? Did you see the condition your boots were in?" He asked with an arched eyebrow.

"Yes, that just means they served me really well for a long time." I said smiling.

"Whatever." He scoffed.

I laughed and headed up to the stairs and pulled down the stairs. My back was still killing me and I really felt it going up the stairs. I looked around this room that me and Peter had been sharing only nights ago. It had memories of the happier me. The only time in my whole vampiric life that I was happy. It was only days ago but the way it came to an end made it feel like I was going through ruins that are centuries old that held these memories.

I walked to the dresser that was mine and changed my pants first.

Peter walked in while I was buttoning my pants.

"Sorry I just have to grab something." He said as he headed over to his side of the room.

I just continued changing. "It's your room do what you want. Stay if you need." I pulled off my shirt about to change shirts.

"Erin how hard did you really hit that car?" He almost sounded worried.

"Hard enough to dent the car." I didn't care about my back. I will inevitably get better.

"You might want to have Patrick look at that." His voice didn't change.

I pulled on my shirt. "I'll be fine." I said and grabbed my wallet from the dresser.

I started to head for the stairs when I started to feel dizzy, then blacked out.

I woke up in front of Patrick's desk with no one in the room but him.

"Hey Erin." He said in the gentlest voice this evening.

"How did I get down here?" I looked around just really trying to assess what happened.

"Well Pete said you passed out, so he brought you down. I took a blood sample that's why there's a small bandage on your forearm. I asked everyone to leave when you started to wake up, because I'm not even sure I'm prepared to understand what I'm about to tell you. I'm also pretty sure that you may be a little shocked as well." He really sounded like a doctor to me.

"Ok." I also hated doctors for the way they can drag anything out for a century.

"Well I checked your blood for any abnormalities since the last time I checked your blood because it's not common for a vampire to faint. Well before I even compared it to the last blood sample I noticed something that struck me as odd, but I compared it to your last blood sample anyway. What I noticed before was the same.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I finally made it to 20!
I'm excited.
This is the first story I posted that wasn't a one-shot (or a two-shot).