Sequel: Alone Together Alone

Take This to Your Grave and I'll Take It to Mine

Chapter 21

“There were strong chemical markers in your blood that are quite similar to the ones in a pregnant woman's blood." My jaw dropped. "But I have never heard of a vampire pregnancy, I never even thought it was possible, so it could be sign to a strange vampire disease or anything."

"There’s never been a disease for vampires. How could this have happened? Never has there been a vampire that could have children. It was always through the blood." I was just astounded by what I was hearing I couldn't believe it.

So I may very well be pregnant.

I would think it has to be Peter's child, because you can't get pregnant in the dream world can you?

"Well who would the father be?" Patrick asked inquisitively, but still seeming to be impartial.
I looked up in his eyes and I think it gave him all the answer he would ever need.

His eyes expanded to the size of dinner plates. "No?" He said with a disbelieving voice.

"Please don't tell Pete." I begged. "Because it might still be as impossible as we thought and I just might be dying." I talked of my death with a smile because that other option is just crazy right now.

"Only until I can tell if it's really a pregnancy or not. How do you know it's not William's?" He asked in a gentle voice.

"I never had sex with William outside of the dreams he pulled me into. I don't think you can get pregnant in the dream world." I said quietly feeling so cheap trying to figure out who the father of my possible child is. At least last time I knew the father was Andres, but now it's the big debate on whether you can get pregnant in your dreams.

"I didn't know you and Pete were together like that. Well I mean he did seem overly protective of you that night and when you were taken he didn't speak a word for hours. It must have been killer for him." He put his head in his hands just thinking about it.

"It killed me too." I said softly. "I have to go." I said getting up to walk to the stairs.

I got to the stairs but as I was going up the first step I felt that dizziness again but I caught myself on the railing.

"I can't let you go." He said walking up behind me. "Not until we find out what it is for sure. I can't let you leave when you might be carrying my best friend's child and your having these dizzy spells. Something could happen to you and I couldn't deal with that ok?"

"If you can explain it to them fine but you have to do it." I said and started back up the stairs. He closely followed me up the stairs.

Once we reached the top I saw Peter and Joe sitting on the couch and Joe looked pretty taken aback.

Joe looked up and saw me and Patrick. "Erin I'm sorry." He came over and hugged me. "If I had known about you I'd have never accused you of doing that to Alessa." He may have been crying again. I stroked his hair to comfort him. "I was just so upset. I loved her. Her son was due in a month. Why couldn't they just let her have her son and have their lives?" He asked as he cried into my shoulder.

"Vampires like them are cruel and vindictive. They just want to get what they want done and they don't care who they hurt." I said honestly still holding him as he cried. "I know because I used to be just like them."

"So what's wrong with her Patrick?" Peter didn't really look at me at all.

"Yeah man, is she ok?" He broke away from me.

"I'm not sure yet, so she has to stay." He said trying to make them believe it.

"Well we'll have to ask Andy." Pete said still not sure whether he wanted me to stay or not.

"No she can't leave." Patrick insisted.

"Why not?" Peter was catching on that something wasn't right.

"Because he thinks it might be a vampire disease and I might be dying." I explained for Patrick not sure if he thinks this fast on his feet.

"Yeah and I'm going to have to do more blood work to find out." He said expanding upon what I said.

"Yeah and it may be contagious so Pete me and you shouldn't stay in the same room." I said putting my head down a little. "Oh but don't worry Joe he thinks that your not susceptible to it because your not a full vampire."

"Ok I'll just move into Alessa's old room." Pete said quietly.

"I'm going to get out of the way and go to my coffin." I said turning around and heading to the pull down stairs.

"I'll follow to make sure she doesn't fall." Patrick said following me.

Once we got out of their ear range Patrick asked me, "Why don't you want to be around Pete now?"

"I just don't want to chance spilling the secret." I said then something struck me. "I'm hungry." I put my hand on my stomach.

"And now would be the time for me to make my exit." He said about to walk away from me.

"No Patrick that's the thing, I'm not really hungry for blood. I want normal food." I was astonished by this simple fact myself.

He laughed a little, although I'm not sure why. "You're pregnant."

"Don't tell Pete." I said begging again.

"I won't until I have hard proof to back it up." He promised me.

"Thank you." I hugged him. "Now I'm tired and I'm going to sleep."

"Goodnight." He said as he started walking down the stairs.