Sequel: Alone Together Alone

Take This to Your Grave and I'll Take It to Mine

Chapter 23

Before the guys got back he took some blood for Pete's drink. We kept the stuff that use to be used for his drink for me. After he drained the blood from me I needed a drink. By now I knew how to make it myself so as I was standing there making it the guys came home. Not knowing how to handle the awkwardness that still hung around them I put my head down.

I finished making my drink and grabbed a cup to pour this crap in.

"Pete I have something for you to try." Patrick said to Pete as he came up the stairs.

"Ok." Pete said not really paying attention to Patrick but I felt his eyes on me.

"Pete come down now it's important." Patrick said in a honest voice that said he was trying to take Pete's attention off of me.

I heard them walk down the stairs. I turned to go up the little stairs that lead to the attic and Joe was standing right there in my face.

"Erin are you alright, you look worse then you did when you fainted yesterday?" Joe asked with concern.

"I'm fine don't worry about me." I said shyly and that's when I noticed Andy glaring at me.

"Don't worry we won't." He spit with his sharp tongue that was yet to cut me that deep. Him saying that hurt, because I'm still unsure of all their real feelings towards me except his.

The worst thing is none of them will ever know that I really do care and it's not just a lie to have somewhere to stay where no one hits me.

I just put my head even lower and trudged over to the stairs and made my way up.

I opened my coffin, sat there, and drank the contents of the cup in only moments. I couldn't get the thought that they hate me out of my head. I hate that thought more then anyone would ever know. I curled up like I did when I was human and pregnant. I fell asleep like that.

Patrick was shaking me to wake me up.

"What?" I groggily said, rubbing my eyes.

"It worked great!" He was ecstatic. The new fake blood worked for him, for Pete.

"And you needed to wake me up for this, why?" I was cranky when woken up.

"I wanted to tell you tomorrow is your night to get into the Dandy house. The guys and me are going to be handling them for a while. Joe asked if you'd be helping again now that your back but I told them no because you may be to ill. Ok?" He was telling me everything I needed to know.

"Wake me up tomorrow." I said rolling over going back to sleep, because I didn't have the strength to deal with being awake right now.

My eyes opened and I was back in William's room. I can't believe this asshole is doing this again.

"Erin, have a seat you need it." He said trying to sound polite.

"What do you want? You left me alone for two days, why come back?" I asked just tired of him, and just wanting to be left alone.

"Aren't you curious about why I don't want to be near you anymore?" He asked trying to get me to go through all the trouble of caring.

"Not really, I could care less, now that you mention it." I said back in a lifeless tone.

"Well, I see the mood swings aren't fictional in pregnancies." He said just to be an ass.

"How did you know?" I said raising from my chair.

"I was the first to know sweetheart. I'm surprised you know now. I thought I'd be the one to tell you the news." He said with a smirk. "It's not mine, just so you know. We never had sex outside of here and I could stab you though the stomach here and nothing would happen. Have you told the oh-so sentimental Peter?"

"That's none of your business." I said stubbornly crossing my arms.

"Ah you haven't said a word." He was still mocking me. "What are you afraid he'll curse you, call you a lying whore? Will he say it's mine and that he hates you? Are you afraid of being alone again?"

"I'm not afraid of anything!" I screamed tired of his scorn.

William laughed at my outburst. "Erin, you’re hopeless."

I had nothing more to say to him. I just closed my eyes and tried to wake up.

Luckily everything faded away and it was back to the blackness that was my dream world that I loved for its death like feel.

When I woke up I knew it was time to prepare to get my strength back. I got up and changed into my usual fighting attire. I didn't shower, vampires don't have a stench when they don't shower. So it doesn't really matter as to if we shower or not.

I went downstairs after I was dressed to get a drink.

The guys were all buzzing about the house they prepared for their battle. I just quietly walked into the kitchen to get my drink and maybe something to eat.

That's still a weird thought, eating, after centuries of feasting upon blood.

I made my drink, but couldn't eat because the guys were still running around non stop.

Patrick walked in after I made my drink and put some keys in my hand. "Here we're leaving any minute now. Just leave after we go."

"Patrick come on it's time to go!" Shouted Joe from the other room.

"Bye Patrick." I said as he started to turn.

He turned back only now realizing that I wasn't going to fight with them tonight.

"Be careful, ok." He said and put his hand on my shoulder.

"If that needle holds my cure you'll never have to worry again." I said returning the smile.

"What do you mean, 'if'?" He asked worried.

He was going to continue but I put my index finger to his lips to silence him. "Patrick I'll be fine. Now go." I said firmly, removing my finger from his mouth.

He sighed as he reluctantly turned and trudged to the door.

He was truly worried. No one felt that for me in centuries until I met them. I can't fail them. I went downstairs to get the weapons the Dandies didn't strip from me when they striped me of my pride. I first grabbed my heavy broad sword, then grabbed some of my left over throwing knives, and felt ready.

I went back up to the attic and grabbed a small purse or pouch that has a long strap so I can hang it around my neck.

I walked out to the car and I got into the car and looked around at the controls.

I can figure this out.

I've never driven before, but I've watched, and I learn fast.

I put the key in the ignition and turned the key like I'd seen it done a thousand times over and it started to move.

I did what anyone would do if they were in a car that was rolling toward a house I hit the brake... To hard and jerked forward, now I know that you slowly put your foot down.

Wow, this is going to be harder then I thought.

I figured out how to put the car in reverse in no time, and backed into the street.

Turning was a challenge, I barely missed the neighbors car. That wasn't a big deal because they're a drug dealer and their grandfather cheated at cards.

Don't ask, just remember, I'm old.

I was a little difficult to stay in a straight line at first, but once I got it I did fine.

I miraculously found the right road and kept going. The road started to look deserted I hit the gas and was speeding in a way that was never thought possible.

It didn't take long to get there with the way I drove.

I parked the car... In a tree. I hope the guys don't get upset about that.

I climbed out of the crashed car and smiled at my own stupidity.

Then pulled out my broad sword and walked up to the door.

I looked at the door then to my feet and smiled.

I'm going to kill them in heels.