Sequel: Alone Together Alone

Take This to Your Grave and I'll Take It to Mine

Chapter 24

I kicked the center of the great door and it came toppling down like a domino.

I walked over the door that happened to have someone under it.

"I'm back." I called out in an ominous tone then drove my sword threw the door. Into what I was assuming was the vampires head because when I pulled the sword back up I saw gray chunks that distinctly resembled the brain.

Allow me to say it was chaos. These weren't the fighters I was dealing with, these were the women and the aristocratic men. You know these men thought they were to good to get their eternally young hands dirty. So it wasn't a difficult battle.

I made my way to the elevator and I still hadn't seen Katrina.

I rode the elevator to the third level and tried to open the door to the lab. It needed a key. Well, I don't have the key, but I have an all access pass. I did what I did to the other door, but this door didn't fall over it just flew open.

The door lead to a small hallway that had another door. It was locked too.

Another door bites the dust, turned to splinters by me. Here was the lab and there was a small feeble vampire in a wheelchair. I, in my nearly seven hundred years, have never seen a vampire in a wheelchair before.

"Well, hello, who are you?" I said with a smile.

He looked petrified.

I grabbed my boots from the counter that was next to me but closer to him and he rolled back quickly.

I ignored his fear because I felt it would be wrong to laugh out loud. I jumped up and sat on the counter and began pulling off the other shoes and pulling on my boots.

"I'm Samuel." He managed to stutter out.

"Well Samuel, what are you doing in here?" I asked wanting him to answer because I already guessed. A man dressed in a lab coat in a lab must be the scientist.

"This is the only place I go. This is why William had me turned, so I could do lab work for him." He said, fear still seeping from him.

I was finishing the final laces of my boots.

"Let me guess your the one who came up with the shit in that needle that made me weak?" I said not angry with him.

"Well you don't think William could have come up with that do you? But he made me. He told me what to do and I did it." He said fear obviously leaving him he even insulted William's intelligence. I like this guy already.

"Well, is that the cure?" I asked, now finished with my boots and gesturing at the needle. I was swinging my legs because I have issues keeping still some times.

"Yes, but you'll need six more injections of that size for it to take it's full effect." He said honestly.

"What?" I asked. If I was in a cartoon my jaw would have hit the floor.

"You need to inject yourself with that for a week for it to have it's full effect." He finished.

"Ok, if you only have one how am I supposed to get cured?" Now I was getting aggravated.

"One of the guys you fight with is good with science, he can recreate it if he has a sample. I give you some now and save a tiny bit to be copied." He seemed to really be on my side.

"Well how do I know I can trust you?" I started sliding the blades they had taken from me back into my boots.

"Because after I do this for you I want a favor." He looked into my eyes in an imploring manner.

"What's the favor?" I asked arching my eyebrow.

"Kill me." This was the most noble begging I've ever heard.

I looked at him like he was insane still.

"Trust me no one wants to live in a wheelchair forever." He said in a pained voice.

I looked at him with great respect. "Done." I said. "Set me up Doc."

He rolled his wheelchair to the other side of the counter.

"You’re going to need him to duplicate three-hundred ccs worth of this stuff. Fifty ccs at a time. You'll only need six more after this first one." He said then pulled out a tiny vile and injected a tiny bit into the vile. "This should be enough for him." He commented as he tossed me the vile.

I slid it into my bag that's been hanging on my shoulder the whole time.

"Come sit down, so we can get this over with." He said just really wanting his life to come to it's end.

I sat in the chair in front of him.

"How long have you been a vampire Samuel?" I asked out of sheer curiosity.

"Nowhere near as long as you but longer then I ever wanted to be alive." He then stuck the needle in my throat.

I felt it run into my veins and it felt as if I was being pumped with a liquid fire. Burning every inch of my body, every blood cell that ran in my body individually burned and I was never so aware of how many blood cells there really are.

As it ran threw me I thought about this man that was pumping this liquid fire into me, he was the nicest vampire I'd ever encountered. I guess when you have a limitation that makes you different, "weaker" some would dare to say, it gives you a different strength, inner strength.

Wow, it took me nearly seven hundred years to learn that. I guess those few weeks changed me into better, less arrogant person. Not having my, "Super Strength" to keep people away and to keep me above them all, made me stronger in another way.

Cleo was right, Pete was the one to give me a heart. He helped me when I took my greatest fall. Which, for the more naive of you, wasn't off of a building, it was off of my pedestal.

"You’re done Erin." Samuel said as he withdrew the needle. "Rumor has it that you could kill an army of vampires with just a thought. Is it true?"

I smiled still being arrogant enough to love the idea of my name bring fear to others. "Yes, I could take out quite a few."

"Well," He said sighing in the way that you knew it wasn't going to be good, "You’re not going to be like that right away. It will take a while, but no more then a year."

"A year?" It felt as if all the air in my chest had been sucked out of me.

"Yes, you'll have your powers, they just won't be amazing right away." He said reassuringly.

"As long as I get them back right?" I said trying to put this better person I had become to use.

He just smiled. "You’re not good at the humble thing are you?"

I just shook my head no.

"Well, This first injection will have more power to it's punch for the first few hours tonight." He said, then a gleam came to his eyes as he willed himself to speak again. "Can you try to make my death as quick and painless as possible please." His voice was pained, but happy.

"I'll do my best." I said with my firm, strong voice. My voice became more gentle and compassionate. "But I'm sorry to have to kill someone as nice as you."

"Thank you. It was a pleasure to meet a living legend." He said with a broad smile adorning his narrow face.

I smiled at the comment.

The easiest and most painless way I could think of was snapping his neck but I'm not really sure how painless it is.

"Are you ready?" I asked gently as I put my hands on both sides of his head.

"Long past ready." He closed his eyes and let out one last great sigh.

I yanked his head around as fast as I could until I heard the signature snap that screamed he was dead. His body went limp and I leaned him back in his chair.

I went through the cabinet that he pulled the little vile out of and grabbed a vile and a clean syringe.

I walked over to grab my sword that they took from me and thought about leaving through the door, but looked back at the bulletproof glass.

I smiled to myself because I just had to do it.

I grabbed the chair I was sitting in when he gave me the shot and threw it through the window. Bullet-proof isn't Erin proof. At least not when I have my cure pumping through my veins.

I hopped through the window soundlessly and was back in the main hall of the third floor.

I was headed to the top floor because I knew exactly where Katrina was.

I passed no one on these stairs nor did I see anyone in the halls. If anyone was still alive they were under their bed quaking in fear.

I finally reached the door that lead to William's room. I slowly turned the door knob so I wouldn't be heard and quickly crept in.

Well when I called her a whore I wasn't wrong. She and Brendon were 'having a moment' in William's bed.

"Ah, wouldn't William kill to see this?" I said making my presence known. "Or maybe he'd kill because he saw this." I said with a satisfied smirk.

They both abruptly stopped, looked at me, then were grasping at the sheets to keep themselves covered.

"You worry about modesty now? Isn't a little late for that you cheap whore?" I directed that more towards Katrina.

I didn't give either of them a chance to say a word to me. I threw two knives and each landed in one of their heads. One went threw Katrina's temple and the other went through Brendon's nasal cavity. It may have annihilated his brain, damn I'm good. That's not a shot most can make, some would even call it impossible.

I pulled the clean syringe out and kneeled next to Katrina.

I stuck the needle into her jugular and was quickly supplied with enough blood to fill the syringe quickly.

I withdrew the syringe and blood still flowed out. Her blood was pouring out of the small hole in her jugular.

I pulled the small empty vile that I took from the lab and injected the blood into the vile. I slipped the now full vile back into my shoulder bag.

I looked at the two bodies and realized they both had the same flat, boring brown eyes, except his were lighter.

I got this lovely macabre idea.

I took that syringe and stuck it right into her left eye. I used the syringe to suck the thick, white, jelly-like fluid from her eye. I took the syringe out of her eye and shot it on to the wall. Nobody is going to know what that crap is until they look at their faces.

I did the same to him and threw the syringe at the other wall instead of just spraying it.

I think I left my mark.

I heard noise coming from downstairs, I think William and his idiots were home.

This would be the time for me to make my exit.

I yanked my knives from their heads and whipped them on my pants and stuck them back in my boots.

I heard William's angry voice booming at the other end of the hall.

I ran right to the door that lead to the balcony, got out and flew off right before William burst into the room.

All he saw was the doors flung open curtains flowing in the wind in a picturesque manner. He ran on to the balcony anyways just to scream at me.

"ERIN!" He roared. "You will pay!" He then trudged back into the house to handle all the problems I left for him.

I smiled to myself as I flew home just dying to tell Patrick that I was going to be ok.

I arrived home and was disheartened by the fact that their car wasn't in the driveway. I could feel my heart drop into the pit of my stomach, I couldn’t think anything that wasn’t “They’re hurt.”

I walked inside and knew they hadn't been home.

This wasn't right the Dandies should never get home from a battle before the guys.

The Dandies have the guys, I know they do.

I prepared all over again, only this time I grabbed my large crossbow that hung from a belt around my waist, more knives that I stuck in my boots, my thin light sword that I had only just retrieved from the Dandy mansion which hung on my back, and I felt ready.

I took to the sky again, flying as fast as I could because I wasn't going to let them be hurt.

I arrived back on William's balcony assuming it was safer then taking the front door. I kicked the doors and the glass shattered, the wood was now nothing more then splinters, and what was left the doors flew apart.

To my surprise William was standing there, leaning his tall frame against his bedpost with his eyes transfixed on the guys who were tied to chairs.

"I was expecting you a little quicker then that Erin you must be losing your touch in your old age. But it did give me some time to speak with Pete about you." He said with a sickening smile.

My heart sank only imagining what he could have said to Pete.

I looked to Pete, he looked furious.

William didn't tell him what I was afraid he would.

"No I haven't told him what you’re thinking Erin. I was going to right before you broke down my door." He looked to me for the first time just to throw me a dirty look. "Allow me to ask, did anyone ever teach you how to knock?"

"It ruins the element of surprise." I said walking toward the guys to untie them.

"I wouldn't do that Erin, I have all of my fighters standing outside my door just waiting to burst in and kill you." He said in a firm steady voice. He then picked up something off the bed.
It was a syringe.

Don't tell me he's thinking what I am.

"Well Peter the thing that I've been dying to tell you, that's also been plaguing Erin's mind and your friend’s mind," He said gesturing to Patrick, "Is that our dear Erin here has defied all logic. She's pregnant with your child."

Pete looked dumbfounded but almost happy.

"Not like that matters." He said getting back to the subject of the syringe. "Erin what did you do with one of these earlier?" I didn't respond I couldn't. "Was it something like this?"

He went to Pete ready to do to him what I'd done to Katrina and Brendon.

I jumped as fast as I could and landed on Pete's lap. "Don't touch him. Don't touch any of them." I hissed as I pushed him back into the bed post with my foot.

He looked like he could have laughed out loud. "Says who?" He clapped and Dandies came rushing in.

He held his hand up telling them not to come any closer.

I stood up and walked right up to him, so close I could feel his breath.

"Me." I said in a tone so severe that it would make the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end. As I said it I raised my hand and used all the strength I had to burn some Dandies down.
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I'll apologize for the eye scene. I'm a little sick and twisted.