Sequel: Alone Together Alone

Take This to Your Grave and I'll Take It to Mine

Chapter 26

"But we're here to help you." Patrick said to comfort me.

I know what they don't, what a burden that is to carry.

"Whatever you say." I said really quietly. "I'm going to lie down in my coffin" I got up and crawled into my coffin.

I heard the shuffling of feet as they walked down the steps.

I figured they all just left me alone, but I was wrong.

Pete opened the lid to my coffin and climbed in on top of me and closed the lid.

He kissed me passionately.

"Of course it would be you, the most extraordinary vampire I've ever met, that would be the one to break the one rule that we all thought could never change. You should be happy, this is a blessing." He said softly as he ran his hand through my hair.

"A blessing I will be handling on my own." I said in an even quieter voice then before.

"I would never leave you like this. That is my flesh and blood, my child." He said with his eyes showing the truest love I'd ever seen before.

"Don't you remember, 'Getting your life back,' why would you want to be anywhere near me?" I asked honestly.

"Because I love you." He said as he slipped our hands together.

"Love doesn't change the way things happen Pete. Trust me it never will. Some people believe that the world bows down to pure, real love; but it really just envies it and tries to destroy it at all costs." I may have been the expert in that department, or maybe I was just a jaded, arrogant fool that thought they were wiser then they actually are.

"So says the skeptic." He said back in an even tone.

"No. So says the one who’s lived several life times and seen it over and over again." I said back firmly.

"You know more about what's going to happen then your letting on, right?" He said almost in a sad tone.

"I don't know Pete, I just don't know." I said in the same tone.

He lowered himself down so he was gently laying on top of me with his head on my chest.

I stroked his hair to comfort him.

He wrapped his arms around me like if he let me go I'd vanish.

I looked down at him and this was one of those moments that he reminded me of a child.

He buried his head in my chest, not really caring that his head was on my breasts like the average man would, his eyes were clenched shut just trying to absorb the comfort he could, that's really what he needed here, comfort. He was like a sad child that went to his mother for comfort.

What is Pete other then the oldest child I've ever known?

"Pete how old are you?" I asked in a calm soft tone as I looked down at him.

"When I died I was 25, so that makes me 27 now." He said in an uninterested tone.

"Well you told me what type of kid you were, the bands you were in, and all that stuff but you never told me what happened when you were turned." Curiosity finally got the best of me.

"Well it was the day before my 25 birthday and my friends (some you don't know and the guys) had taken me to my favorite place to eat and they all had things to do after, except for the guys. So we had to make our own fun. At the time that meant getting wasted. Patrick and Joe had fake ids because they were only like 19 or 20 at the time. Andy doesn't drink anyways. Well after we all (except Andy) got hammered like the blind carpenter's thumb we were headed home and I had to pee. So I told them I had to pee and I was going to do so in an alley. I walked (more like stumbled) into this dark alley and did my business. As I zipped up my pants I felt a hand on my shoulder and a voice that I didn't know speaking to me."

"Let me guess William?" I cut in knowing all to well who it was.

"The one and only." These words were bitter. "He said something along the lines of 'Peter you have a great destiny.' Then he just chomps down on my neck. That was my final shining moment as a human, it was spent sloppy drunk pissing in an alley." He said disappointed with the fact that he spent the last night of his life drunk.

"Why does it matter, you get another chance?" I asked him honestly.

"What's going to happen Erin?" He asked putting his chin on my chest and staring up at me with pleading eyes.

No matter how much I wanted to tell him the little bit that I knew, I couldn't.

Something told me that he needed to be human again come hell or high water.

I pushed his hair back from his forehead. It all fell back anyways.

"I don't know Pete." I said gazing deeply into his eyes.

After I said it I saw disappointment in his eyes, he knew I knew more but he left it alone.

We just stayed like that for a while.

I was the first to speak again. "You guys are still training right?"

I'm just making sure they didn't stop doing that right before the big fight.

"Not as hard, we didn't have your slave driving ass here pushing us." He said seemingly without a care in the world.

"Tomorrow we start again then." I said plainly.

"What are we going to do about you? You can't fight like this." He said softly.

"Yes I can, I can fight any day, of any week, of any month, of any year. Nothing will ever keep me from fighting ever again." I'm not going to let him think that I'm going to stop.

"But.." He tried to argue.

"No, I'll not stop, and I won't fight on this." I said stubbornly as I turned on to my side forcing him off of me. "I'm going to sleep." I muttered angry at him.

"I'm sorry Erin. Goodnight." He said as he cuddled close to my back and buried his head in my hair.

I was still angry at him but went to sleep without a problem.