Sequel: Alone Together Alone

Take This to Your Grave and I'll Take It to Mine

Chapter 28

I went out (after I grabbed something I would need for this) into the streets to find vampires.

I searched the streets for a half hour before I found anything, but once I found one I found enough for them all.

Four little 'Punks' standing by a car.

"Hey boys." I said making my presence known to them. "This your car?"

"Yeah baby, wanna take a ride?" The tallest one there who still wasn't my height. He had piercing blue eyes, spiky black hair, a nose ring in the center of his nose, and thick black rings of eyeliner surrounding his eyes. They all, just like the Dandies, looked alike and I could have never told them apart except their hair had slight variation.

"Give me the keys." I used the voice that I haven't been able to use in so long just hoping it worked.

Their faces were blank like they were processing what I was saying.

It isn't going to work.

But they still hadn't moved which meant I should move now.

I grabbed my dagger from my boot and hit the first one (the one who spoke to me) in the back of the head with the dagger's handle.

He hit the floor and I was gripping the blade of the dagger, my hand was almost ready to bleed.

They other three started to move to get me.

This was a fight like I hadn't been in for a long time. I wasn't trying to kill these people, I was just trying to get them to the point where I could tie them up or something.

I swung the handle of the dagger again nailing the next in the temple hard enough to make him hit the ground.

The other two continued moving towards me. The one grabbed me, he had a shaved head, lots of black make up on his pale face and a t-shirt with the British flag on it.

Who would wear their flag?

Sorry when I was human the Irish and the English weren't on the best of terms and that's left a permanent mark on me.

So he grabbed me and held me to his chest and turned me so his friend could hit me.

Before this man clad in a Sex Pistols T-shirt could touch me I kicked him in his jaw and he flew back.

I flipped backward so I was behind the vampire who was holding me and I pulled my arm back and punched him in the back of the head.

He fell to the ground too.

I walked to the man in the Sex Pistols shirt that was still on the ground holding his jaw and kicked him in the head so he was out as well.

I picked him up and tossed him in the car followed by his three friends.

I tied them up using the strips of leather I grabbed from my room after I got them in the car. That was difficult, I should have done before I'd tossed them in the back seat.

Well I looked to the front as I was tying them up because I'd realized that I didn't know who had the keys, but to my luck the keys were in the ignition.

That must be a vampire thing. I wonder why we do that?

Well I quickly hopped into the front seat, not looking the luck horse in the mouth, and drove back to the house.

I got out of the car that I didn't park in a tree this time as quick as I could and went downstairs to the guys.

"I assume you're all warmed up go upstairs into your rooms until I call you all back down here." I said as I looked them all in the face.

They all looked terribly confused.

"What's going on?" Pete asked with his concern only being for me.

"I'll explain when I call you back just go now." I said firmly.

They all headed to the stairs and I followed them making sure they went to their rooms.

After I was sure that they were all in their respective rooms I went out to get the vampires.

I opened the drivers side back door to pull them out two of them started coming to. Those were the two I pulled out first.

As I yanked them out they really woke up.

They even thought about fighting back.

"Don't even try fighting or I'll light you up like a candle." I said in a deadly tone, that they for some reason conceded to.

I dragged them in and threw them down the steps.

"Don't move or your dead!" I hollered down the stairs.

They both looked hurt and they weren't going to move plus they had their hands tied behind their backs.

I went out with my vampire speed, not wanting them to get up and do any damage. I got back to their car and the other two were still out cold but that didn't last long. I grabbed the ropes that bound their hands and dragged them out that way.

I was dragging them on their asses behind me for a moment before they really woke up and struggled to get to their feet as I still dragged them.

As I walked into the house I called out to the guys, "Come back down to the basement!"

I walked these two down the stairs.

"You two up against this wall." I commanded to the other two who were still at the bottom of the stairs. They went to the wall I gestured to and stood there facing me, they were afraid.

"Let me make it known to the four of you that I can kill all of you with a thought. The only way you're walking out of here alive is if you do exactly what I say." I informed them right before the guys walked down the stairs.

"What's going on..." Patrick started to ask but stopped himself when he saw the four vampires behind me with their hands tied.

"Holy shit Erin, what is going on here?" Pete said with an emotion I couldn't quite peg.

"You're all going to spar, like I said earlier, but to the death." I paused to let that sink in a little. "Each of you will be fighting with one of these guys and no one is going to help you."

"You can't be serious." Andy said with that skeptical look on his face that I knew him for. When my serious look didn't waver he said, "What Erin do you still want us dead?"

"No I want you ready!" I was angered by his statement. "If you can't handle this how do you expect to make it through the final battle alive? This is only the tip of the iceberg! Now strap up as if this was the final battle, except no long distance weapons. I didn't search a single one of them, so you have no idea what they might have. Arm yourselves wisely you have one minute starting now." I looked to the clock as they moved frantically to get their weapons.

"So you brought us here to let them kill us?" One of the vampires behind me decided to speak.

"Shut up or you don't even have a fighting chance." I didn’t even to speak to them. I didn't care. Their hands were tied behind their backs what were they going to do?

"So if we kill your friends we can leave?" Another one asked.

"That's your only chance." I stated rather plainly.

Time passed rather quickly because it seemed like mere seconds before I said, "Times up, come back guys."

Have I ever told you that there is a method to my madness? The two I threw down the stairs were the younger weaker ones. They are for Patrick and Andy.

"Now I'm going to assign you all one to fight against. You Cannot help one another." I moved so I could see the vampires. "You guys even think about teaming up against anybody I kill you without a second thought. Patrick, Andy, Joe, Pete, if you guys team up you'll regret it."

I looked back at the vampires. British Flag boy was one of he weak ones that I'd thrown down the stairs, he was Andy's.

"Andy you're up against the guy in the T-shirt with the British flag on it."

The one in the Sex Pistols t-shirt was the youngest, weakest, and the smallest, he was for Patrick.

"Patrick the guy in the Sex Pistols shirt is yours."

I other two were pretty evenly weighted but Joe wasn't as strong as Pete. I just hoped I didn't set Joe up for failure.

"Pete you have him." I pointed to the tallest one, the one I spoke to first. "Joe I assume that you know who you have?"

I moved all of the guys away from each other so they'd have room to fight. I moved the vampires to match them.

“I’m going to cut their bindings.” I walked to Pete and his vampire first.

I dragged my dagger straight threw the strips of leather.

The vampire went straight at Pete thinking that was the only way he’d make it out alive.

I’m not worried about Pete.

The next vampire I unleashed was Joe’s.

I’m not worried about Joe.

After Joe I went to Andy and unleashed another beast.

I’m not worried about Andy.

I moved slower to the last vampire.

“Fight hard Patrick.” I hope I’m not killing you.

I was worried about Patrick.

I cut the bindings and stepped back.

I listened to all of their thoughts.

The Vampires’ minds were almost silent. We’re built to kill.

The guys’ minds were racing, none so much as Patrick’s.

Patrick was doing the worst in his fight. He’s over thinking it.

“Don’t think about it guys just let out your natural need to survive.” I shouted to them all but really directed it at Patrick.

Pete beat his vampire then just by putting his hand on the vampire’s chest and frying him. The vampire had been looming over him after knocking Pete to the ground and Pete just put his hand on the vampire’s chest and it was all she wrote.

Pete came and stood by me.

Ever since I shouted the warning it seemed like Patrick was doing worse.

His thoughts were more frantic, he was psyching himself out.

“Keep track of Andy and Joe’s fights but don‘t help them.” I moved closer to Patrick’s fight.

I wanted them to learn the value of life and how to fight like life depended on it but this vampire was going to kill Patrick.

I’m really not who I once was. I can’t watch him kill Patrick. I can’t let Cookie Jar die.

I used a little fire power.

He (the vampire) stopped and clutched his chest in pain.

“Now Patrick!” I shouted to Patrick to tell him to use the knife he had.

He plunged his knife into the belly of the beast.

Only problem, I hadn’t stopped the fire yet. It jumped out to receive this outside air and latched to Patrick for a moment.

I stopped the fire to be sure it didn’t burn him anymore.

“Shit!” Patrick shouted out in pain.

“Are you ok?” I asked quickly.

“Yeah except my fuckin’ hand was scorched!” He was angry, I’m not sure whether it was from the pain or for the fact I helped him.

“What happened to no helping?” Andy spit.

Apparently he and Joe were already finished with their vampires.

“He was Panicking! He would have died if I hadn’t!” I defended myself.

“Like you care! What are you banging him too?” Andy was screaming like no other and he had veins popping out of his neck, all I wanted to do was bite down on those erect veins. I had to drop that thought

“First I’m too heartless, now it’s a problem that I have one! I don’t care anymore! I made the rules I can break them!” I stomped to the stairs, “Dispose of the bodies and practice with your weapons the rest of the night. I don’t want any of you out of this basement after those bodies are gone. I mean all of you in here doing something productive until Pete has to go up to avoid the sun. Got it?” I hissed and started up the stairs.

“And what are you going to be doing?” Andy spit back, at least he wasn’t yelling.

I stopped, anger growing in my body. “What do you want me to do Andy?! Sit down here and baby sit you?! I’m Pregnant, I don’t need another baby! I need to go lay down so that’s what I’m going to do!” I screamed at him and I could feel the anger running threw me, boiling my blood and making it flow faster. Then there was the swoon, that fainting feeling came back and I fell forward. I grabbed the step to stop myself from falling.

I had almost hit my stomach. I may have almost just lost my child.

“Erin!” I heard them shout my name.

I got angry all over again.

I got up. “Just get back to work!” I held on to the banister and continued up the stairs.

“Erin are you sure you’re ok?” Pete asked with worried eyes at the bottom of the steps.

“Get back to work.” I said it harshly.

I got to the top of the stairs and turned, “Pete work with Patrick, I’m not helping anyone.”

I closed the door behind me and went to the attic.

How much work could I need anyways?

I climbed in my coffin and as I closed the lid I started thinking about Pete and the fact that he’s going to be up here bothering me later.

Those Dandies had the right idea with putting a lock on the coffin. Only I want it on the inside.

I fell asleep only to be awoken a few hours later by Pete.

“Erin I need to talk to you.” He spoke very gently as he shook my shoulder to wake me.

“What?” I was still a little grouchy.

“Move over so I can get in and talk to you.” He was still speaking in his gentle voice that I knew him for more then anything else.

I complied, rolled over onto my side so I could look at him when he spoke.

He laid down next to me on his side so he could look at me too.

“Erin, I think you should take it easier. You keep almost fainting and I’m worried. Erin when was the last time you had a night where you just hung out reading, writing, or even watching TV? You need to relax.”

“Peter I’m fine, I know what I can and can’t do with my body.” I just spit my venom at him.

“Erin, I know it’s your body but it’s OUR baby. As in my baby too. Please just take a day off, we all need it.” He said this pleadingly.

“How do you expect any of us to slow down? Do you not realize how little time we really have?” I was ranting but he placed his hand gently over my mouth.

“Erin you’ll kill us if you don’t give us any breaks. You know Andy and Joe have day jobs right? Patrick works on stuff for us all day, he’s actually patented and sold some of it among the small vampire hunting community. I’m the only one who doesn’t bring in any money and doesn’t do anything but hunt vampires. They need time to rest too.” He just was so honestly worried about, not just me, but everybody.

“Fine one day, that’s all! After that it’s back to normal, I’m not slowing down at all. No matter what you think. I'm the captain of my destiny, I'm not listening to anyone got it?" I said sternly. "Now get out of my coffin."

He didn't say anything but he did get out of my coffin.

He listened to me for once.

I fell back to sleep effortlessly.
♠ ♠ ♠
Erin's opinions are not my opinions
Just sayin'
Sorry it's taken so long, the next few chapters may take time
I'm sorry in advance