Sequel: Alone Together Alone

Take This to Your Grave and I'll Take It to Mine

Chapter 3

"Your human friends?" On closer examination of his face, he could have made it as an old one. His eyes are what would win the vampire over.

They shone through the darkness of the night, this honey colored brown sparkling to a beautiful green, these words can’t even capture the beauty.

"Yeah, Dirty, Patrick, Joe, and Andy. They’re great. Well, Ms. I-can-fly-forever, fly us to my place." He had a smile on his face. Yes, his eyes and his smile is what would deem him worthy.

"Do I really want you that close to me?" I'd have to hold him close so I wouldn't drop him.

"Yes because walking is overrated and the guys have the car."

"Come here."

"Wait aren't you going to at least step into an alley where people might not see us?"

"No one will see us." I said with no trace of fear.

"If you get us killed its all your fault." He walked right up to me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Peter if you get too grabby I'm dropping you."

He moved his arms up.

And I was rising to the sky.

"Where to Peter?"

"117 Jansen street. It's right by..."

I cut him off. "Ironic as this seams Peter, I know where that is. Before you were a vampire there were lots of vampires there. More recently I've walked by that house and thought about raiding because it looks like a vampire's house with the windows boarded up."

"Well it wasn't always a vampire's house." He said sadly. Then he brought himself up a little bit. "Why do you always call me Peter? Why not call me Pete?"

"To be honest, nicknames build attachment. I'm not crazy about attachment."

"That's why you don't have any friends." He was teasing me again.

"I could have friends if I wanted Peter." I was acting as if he offended me.

"Prove it." He said far to smug for his own good.

"Watch your friends will adore me even though I'm a vampire."

"You want to make a wager of that?" He had a playful grin across his face.

"Why not, I'm going to win. But you can't tell them."

"Done. If I win you buy me socks."

"Socks?" I was utterly shocked. "Of all things on this earth you could have asked me for, socks?"

His amazing eyes lit up. "Yep. Socks."

"Well, what if I win?"

He looked at my feet. "You need new boots those are messed up. So that's what you get if you win, new boots."

I looked down at my torn and tattered combat boots that I love. "Why does it feel like I've got the better end of this deal?"

"For the average person you do, BUT when you live with 4 other guys you run out of socks fast. Even if you write your name on the bottom. I saw Patrick walkin' around in one sock that said 'Pete' and one that said 'Andy.'"

"Wow. Now I'm glad I've never had to live with guys."

"We probably couldn't steal your socks. Girls' feet are too small."

"Socks stretch."

"I know. None of us guys wear the same sized shoe. But they can't stretch that much, can they?" He asked like I'd know.

"What do I look like, the sock maker? I don't know." What the hell is he asking me for?

We were now gracefully descending to the ground.

"We're here." I stated the obvious when our feet hit the ground.

"I know I live here." He laughed at me. "Now make them love you without being fake."

"No being fake. I'll just loosen up a bit." I said waiting for him to lead the way.

He walked up to the door and went in, I closely followed.

"GUYS!" He shouted for them to come out of the woodwork.

Four guys emerged from different rooms.

"Hey sulk boy we figured when you came home you wouldn’t talk to us." Patrick said. I knew it was him from some of the visuals I got with his stories.

"Who's this?" Andy asked looking at me slightly apprehensively.

"I'm Erin." Turning on my feminine charm and extending my hand out for a handshake.

"Sorry for being rude but I'm not touching you until Pete explains why you’re here." His voice was more abrasive then I thought it should have been.

"Sorry for being rude? Yeah right. These are you oh so great friends Peter?" I was pissed off. I was trying to be nice and he speaks to a lady so rudely. In my day and age no one would have spoken to a lady like that!

"Don't freak about Andy he's been overprotective since the whole vampire thing came up, and guys this is Erin. She's an amazing vampire. More powerful then me. Thank God she's with us and not against us. Erin this is Patrick," He pointed to the guy in the hat with big black glasses that I already knew as Patrick, "That's Andy," He pointed to the asshole with shoulder length auburn hair and glasses, "That's Joe," He gestured towards the guy with light eyes and dark hair that was fairly curly, "And this maniac here is Dirty." This guy had long curly dark brown hair and a Miller High Life vest that looks like he never goes anywhere without.

"Hello lovely lady." Dirty said and I put my hand out for him to shake it but he kissed it instead.

I trying to win this bet giggled girlishly.

"Hey Pete she laughs like you." Joe said insultingly.

"Hi Erin." Patrick said kind of shyly taking my hand and shaking it.

"Hi Patrick." I said with a smile.

"I would kiss your hand except I don't know where Dirty's mouth has been." Joe said as he reached out to shake my hand.

"That's ok." I said shaking his hand. Then I had moment of realization. "The way you said that makes me want to know, should I wash my hands?" I asked with faux worry dripping from every word.

"Well let’s talk about Dirty a little bit." Peter said adding the dramatic pause. "He's like our look out. Actually more like my bitch. He has my name tattooed on his toes. Show her Dirty." He paused and took off his shoes.

"He also has your name on his socks. You must really own his feet. Do you have a foot fetish Peter?" I questioned with a smirk.

"More then you ever want to know." Dirty answered for Peter who smiled really big. He got his socks off and his right foot had Peter spelled out with a letter on each toe and on the left foot Wentz was spelled out.

"That is to weird even for a vampire." I commented.

"Well we also dare him to do stuff and if he doesn't do it he loses his hardcore title. Like one time we made him this plate of random crap food it was the nastiest crap we could find and he had to eat it. He was shoveling it down then he started puking on his plate and he kept eating it." Peter finished his story and I was glad it was only my hand and not my cheek.

"Where is a sink so I can wash my hands?" They all started cracking up.

"The kitchen area is right there." Peter pointed to my right. There was a counter with a blender with something that resembled blood in there already blended.

"What's that?" I pointed at the blender. It doesn't smell like blood. Well, not human blood.

"Oh, Pete I made you some more of your blend so you wouldn't have to." Patrick said in a manner that showed he forgot until then.

"Well what is it?" It smelled poisonous to me.

"It’s what I drink to keep the bloodlust away." Peter said with a serious tone overtaking his voice.

"But what's in it?" I said more slowly.

"Um, lots of stuff actually. Garlic, Holy Water, Pigs blood..."

I cut him off. "By the first two ingredients you should be dead."

"It’s only a little bit of holy water."


"But I'm fine I've been drinking this pretty much since I was turned."

"Do you have enough holy water for me to give you a little demonstration?" I asked somewhat frustrated.

"I think so, the priest just brought some more today." He walked behind the counter. "Here use the half-empty bottle instead of the full one." He tossed me the bottle, which I caught with caution.

"Pessimist." I said to him sarcastically.


"You said half empty instead of half full."

I then started the demonstration. I opened the bottle. I kept my eyes on that bottle like it would attack me if I stopped watching it.

"Andy you might want to watch this, it will cause me a lot of pain." I saw out of the corner of my eye Andy moved closer.

I tipped the bottle (that was probably 2 inches tall and a half of an inch wide) over and let it pour over my skin. I started screaming when it hit my skin. I used half of what was left then dropped it and fell to the ground clutching my left arm close to my body. I stopped screaming and silent tears rolled down my cheek for a moment. Then I found my composure and wiped my face with my right hand.

"The after effects of holy water." I held out my arm that had a deep mark that looked like a burn wound. You know that exposed bight red or pink flesh that's still moist. It went the deepest where it was right under the holy water bottle was and just a little bit more and you would have seen the bone.

There was a group "EEW!"

Dirty being the odd person he is asked, "Can I touch your wound?"

"Yeah touch the deepest point and tell them how close the bone is." I held my arm out and looked straight at Peter. "If I can do this," I took a quick intake of air when he touched it, "To my outsides what does it do to the inside of you?"

"Dude its like this far from the bone." He held his index finger and thumb a quarter of an inch apart.

"Do you want me to bandage that?" Patrick asked me with concern in his voice and eyes.
I looked back at my wound. "No need." It was already slowly regenerating.

"How the hell did she do that?" Andy was shocked at my body's natural regeneration.

"You can't do that, can you Pete?" Joe asked.

"No. But I want to see the holy water." He bent down to pick up the bottle I dropped.

There was still some in it because it landed funny so it all didn’t pour out. He took off his jacket and rolled up his red and black striped shirt on both arms.

He held it above his right arm.

"Don't do it on a tattoo it might not come back." I simply warned

Luckily his left arm wasn't as excessively tattooed as the right, he just hand to move up higher on his forearm.

He poured.
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