Sequel: Alone Together Alone

Take This to Your Grave and I'll Take It to Mine

Chapter 31

We looked each other in the face and knew this could be bad.

Although it proved part of our theory from last night when scheming. We figured that the reason for this was vampires’ populations had become to high and this was our natural population control. So if we waited to go out there they’d have started killing each other so our jobs would be slightly easier.

One problem; Pete and I were vampires how would we avoid the fight?

We just stared into each others eyes feeling the violent rage course through our vanes. We didn’t know what to do.

Pete then took the reigns pressed his lips forcefully on mine.

We violently and passionately kissed in the closet we slept in.

It was distracting that violence.

I pulled away and almost growled the words, “One last hurrah?”

“Of course.” He growled too and pulled me back to his lips.

This may have been our last kiss to be shared and we both took it to full advantage.

Suddenly we heard a crash like a fist flying through the wall.

“Erin! Pete! I think we should go now!” Patrick called after the crash.

Pete and I separated almost instantly fighting instinct fell from us for the moment when we burst out of the closet we saw Joe, arm buried elbow deep into the wall.

“Patrick you just might be right.” I said with my eyes bigger than they may have ever been. “Lets strap up!”

I moved to help him get himself from the wall.

“Joe is your little angry moment not over or can I help you get your arm out?” I asked just to be safe.

“You’re safe Erin.” He sighed. “We’re probably going to have to pay for this.”

I laughed of course Joe would worry over something so trivial.

With my help he got his arm out with hardly a few scratches and he rushed to get ready too.

I sat down after grabbing all of my weapons and sitting them next to me, laced up my boots and began putting all of my knives in them. I probably had 15 knives in each boot before I was satisfied.

I grabbed the thigh knife holsters and strapped them on sliding their knives in them as I did so.

So that was about 34 knives and I wasn’t done yet.

Next was my crossbow.

I attached it to my belt as usual and moved on to my swords.

I stood and put my broad sword and my thinner samurai sword’s sheathes on my back. I grabbed my swords and slid them into their proper place.

I attached my arrows to the opposite side of my belt.

I grabbed my wrist bands and shoved them into place then jammed four knives in both.

I signed. I was ready.

I turned to the guys and they were all looking at me expectant, waiting for me, worrying about me.

“Let’s move.” I said in my strongest voice, the one that told them it was really fight time.

Patrick pulled out his cell phone and typed for a minute before looking up and giving us the nod for us to move out.

“The other hunter’s will be on their way.” He told us as we all walked out the door.

We walked down the hallway, all in the zone, serious looks adorned our features.

Some of the hunter’s followed us out to the cars.

We had to drive to the middle of the valley where it would be taking place.

We left the car on the side of the last hill before the fight.

The guys had checked out the place during the day so we’d be able to park and still have the element of surprise.

“Are you all ready?” I asked. “You’ll probably only be able to use your bows once before they decide they want to attack us before they finish killing each other. We can only hope that most of them continue fighting each other rather than worry about us.” I was ignoring the urge to kill better than Pete and Joe combined.

I wanted everyone to know the facts about the bow and arrow start.

It wouldn’t last long.

They all just nodded ready to go.

Four cars of hunters had followed us apparently Patrick had suggested they use long distance weapons first too. They were all using really high tech weapons, Patrick designed them I think.

We all got out, ready as we’ll ever be.

I grabbed Pete’s hand.

He turned to me, impatience etched across his face because of the fighting urge.

“Pete, remember to kill William when the Blood moon is visible, okay?” I said worried about the outcome still.

He nodded and pulled me close again losing the impatient look in his eyes finding a caring look. “Be careful.” He said gently and placed his hand lightly on my belly like he’d done many times before.

This time I felt this horrible felling that it was part goodbye even if he didn’t realize it.

I pulled him closer and attached my lips to his.

“You too.” I said as I broke our lips apart.

We started walking toward the battle again when someone stopped me.

I turned back to see Andy looking at me hand outstretched ready to shake my hand finally.

“Thank you Erin. I’m sorry about everything, I guess I don’t hate you too much.” He joked.

That didn’t matter though, the handshake was the big deal.

It meant he finally trusted me even though this time I’d given him reason not to before.

I felt as though my eyes would well up with tears.

I clasped his hand tightly and smiled at him.

“Fight well my friend.” I emphasized the word to tell him my feelings.

“You too.”

We separated from our moment and walked up to the top of the hill where all the other hunters were standing waiting for me, I was giving the signal to start.
♠ ♠ ♠
The final filler before the fight scene.
I'm sorry but the fight scene has been giving me hell