Sequel: Alone Together Alone

Take This to Your Grave and I'll Take It to Mine

Chapter 4

He didn't scream out.

I looked at his arm; it wasn't eating through his skin.

"It burned a little but not like it did to you." His arm was a little red where he poured it.

"How? What? This doesn't make sense." I kneeled back down elbows on my knees and hands in my hair. How can this happen the weaker race has a strength against us? How did this happen?

"Erin what's the big deal?" Peter was leaned down right in front of me.

I looked at his arm again. "Nothing." I shook the previous thoughts out of my head.

"Well dude you made a good decision when it comes to the first girl in the pack." Patrick said sweetly.

"Yeah man, she's bad ass. She knew what would happen to her arm and still showed you for fear of your well being. She should get a hardcore award." Dirty said. God I hate using nicknames, it causes you to become so much more attached.

"Yeah Pete you didn't fuck up." Said Joe just to taunt Peter, a friendly taunt.

"You all are to trusting." Andy said.

"Is you full name Andrew?" I asked Andy.

"Yeah, why?"

"Because the way you talk to me you don't want to be friends and I like full real names better anyways."

"Why didn't you ask Dirty or Joe?"

"I was going to tomorrow Andrew. Well it’s time that I take my leave." My accent came back heavily right there.

"Wow, I just noticed you had an accent. Is that your real voice or were you just trying to make a good exit?" Patrick asked with interest and enthusiasm.

"I'm Irish and Italian, raised in Ireland. But I've been a long time gone." I said with a sigh because I missed the place.

"Isn't it gone a long time?" Andrew said just for the pleasure of correcting me.

"I like the way I say it, Andrew, and just for your information I know proper American English, the Queen's English, and not to mention Gaelic. So if you want to correct me I'll ask you to speak Gaelic to me properly." I was exasperated with him. "Well its time for me to leave for home. Goodbye Andrew, Joe, Dirty, Patrick, and Peter."

"I'll walk you out." Peter chimed in happily.

He thinks he won the bet.

Oh no. That wasn't fair Andrew was an ass! I think I win.

We walked out the door and once he closed the door he got a smug grin.

"Wipe that grin off your face. That guy was impossible! I won over the rest of them without even turning on the vampiric charm."

"Yeah. Dirty was really fond of you... What am I talking about anything that has boobs and breathes, Dirty is fond of. But not always as much as you."

"See I win the bet."

"No you didn't win the bet. Andy hates you."

"So it was never said as ALL of your friends, it was just friends. Patrick, Dirty, and Joe are your friends right?"

"Damn loop holes." He cussed at his own stupidity.

"Just steal your socks back." God that's so obvious. It's not a hard problem.

"It’s a little more difficult in my situation." How is it more difficult?

“Don’t they sleep at night?” He's got to be stupid.

"They're all really light sleepers now. So when they do sleep I couldn't sneak in."

"So you’re not a sneaky vampire?" I questioned with a smile.

"No ma‘am. Before I was a vampire I was clumsy but being a vampire evened it out so I'm not clumsy but I'm not you."

Of course, no one's me. I'm the last of a powerful race.

"Well you owe me new boots." I smiled victoriously."So get on that. I'm a size 10 in women and 8 in men."

"So how do I meet up with you so we're ready for the next battle?" He smiled back.

"Here's my number." I pulled a sharpie out of my back pocket. I carried them because I like to leave threatening letters on dead bodies incase other vampires see the bodies. "Do you mind if I write on your hand in sharpie? It will be a pain to take off."

"That's fine. I'll see if holy water can take it off." He was taunting my one weakness.

"Hey, just because you have one strength over me." I took his hand and wrote in the palm.

Touching his hand forced some important issues into my head that I didn't search for before.

His holy man that was bringing him holy water wasn't so holy.

"Peter you have a person that is pretending to be on your side but isn’t." I sounded like a corny palm reader.

"What are you a palm reader too?" He read my mind.

"No just watch your supplier." He put his head down in thought.

It was time for me to leave. "I have to go Peter. Be safe. And don't forget to call. Remember you need me." I said that last part sarcastically.

"Yeah..." He looked up at where I was and I was gone. I could still hear him from where I was in the sky. "Bye." He said sadly thinking I just left him. Which I did.

I was home at my studio apartment in 5 minutes.

I walked in and there was Cleo sitting by the door on her cat bed.

"Took you damned well long enough." She said bitterly to me.

"Cleo I'm doing something important and you just want me here to feed you. You overweight sorry excuse for a cat."

"Ouch that hurts, Erin, right in the heart. Not like you know what one of those is."

Yes I had a sarcastic talking cat. Hey she's my only friend.

"Yes I do but I don't have one, get it straight." I have to make that correction.

"Excuse me." She was a sassy one.

"Well I have found people who want to kill vampires as much as I do."

"Humans?" This surprised her, I thought even less of humans then I do of the weaker race.

"Well one of them is one of the weaker race, but he doesn't want to be one so all of his human friends have band together to try to find a cure." I rolled my eyes with that last word.

"Optimists. Not like anyone I could ever imagine you hanging out with. I mean I'm a pessimist and so are you and I've been your only company so what does that say? But back to the topic. Why does he fight on your side? Does he know you‘re going to kill him at the end of it all?" Lots of questions in little time.

"No but I guess he'll just find that out right?" I said with my evil smirk. "But have I ever told you of how when I'm spying around and they're talking of something to be afraid of that isn't me, it's Peter Wentz right?"

"Yeah you were really offended and you said if you ever met him you kill him on sight- Oh my God your working with the guy that made you jealous? With your ego? What's he like?" She was shocked.

"He could have made it as an old one by way of looks. He's just a little taller then me, dark hair that hangs into one eye, hazel eyes that could entrance anyone with a heart, and lots of tattoos. One was like a necklace of barbed wire or thorns."

She cut me off. "Wait, how high was this necklace?"

I pointed to the center of my chest about 3 inches bellow my throat.

"Was he not wearing a shirt?!" She sounded quite surprised.

"No he was, just the shirt was a v-neck."

"You’re going to find your heart because of him. Whether it’s before or after you kill him. He's going to give you one." Now she thought she was high mighty psychic.

"Never. The whole night he insisted I call him Pete but you know me."

"Yeah no attachment except for this poor cat that has to listen to this crap."

"Hey I made a bet that his human friends would love me even though I'm a vampire and I won over all of his friends except one. I called them by the names they were introduced to me as except for the one that I hated. It was Andy, Dirty, Joe and Patrick. I called them all by those names. Except Andrew because I realized we're not going to be friends or even fake it on my side." I said honestly.

"Because you an unfeeling melancholy bitch." She spit back.

"Well I have a right to be." I was falling into a depression that I fell into whenever I thought about my lack of ability to keep anyone around.

"Well you’re out all the time or you’re asleep, so that leaves me alone constantly." She said reminding me that I'm not the only one always alone.

"Welcome to my world." That was the stuff that got me to hit the rock bottom.

In all the legions of vampires alive I'm the only old one. The only powerful one I've seen in 600 years is my own reflection. Let's put it like this I'm not quite 700 yet. I'm lucky to be an old one. The weak vampires came to be a short while before I was turned.

The vampire that turned me saw the future (some do, he said it came with age) and he knew his demise would soon come.

I walked to my bed that was surrounded by blood red curtains except for a door-sized area covered with a black beaded curtain. I walked right through. I climbed right to the middle of the bed and moved the blankets and opened my coffin.

I designed that myself and hiding my coffin inside my bed was a fantastic idea. Most of the vampires of today don't use coffins but I'm not most vampires. I don't board up my windows either.

Well my maker sensing his demise wanted to make one that could some how bring the old ones back to power. Which is why I'm amazed that he picked a woman.

He was killed not 5 years later. From then on it got harder and harder to find an old one, every year that passed was harder then before. I was alone. I realized what I had to do and have been doing it ever since.

As I got comfortable in my coffin I closed the lid. Day was fast approaching and I was exhausted. Cleo curled up on the top to comfort me. If I ever went to sleep in a bad mood she did that. She couldn't stay asleep all day and she can't lift the lid herself so she won't join me inside.

And I fell into my slumber.

But I had this dream that kind of stuck because vampires don't dream.

"Well we'll make sure that there's a fight on 4th street. But you can only arrest these guys." The dandy with long dark hair that framed his pale face that held an old world beauty pulled out a picture of Andrew, Joe, Patrick, Dirty, and Peter.
"So we show up and you make us vampires?" The overweight, unattractive cop asked.
"Yes as a matter of fact we'll turn the four of you before hand but if you don't show up I'll kill you. We'll need you to be vampires so you can take him."
It took four horridly ugly vampire cops to take Peter?
This dandy didn't feel like the average vampire. Kind of like Peter...

As I was roused from my sleep it felt late for me like I should have been up for hours.

I pushed the lid of my coffin preparing to get up.

It wouldn't budge.

I started pounding and screaming. I heard movement in the apartment.

"Erin!" Cleo called to me from outside the coffin.

"Cleo! Get me out!" I screamed with intense anger.

"What the hell is I supposed to do? I don't have hands! How the fuck am I supposed to pick a lock?!" She shouted back franticly.

"A LOCK! A FUCKIN LOCK! Who put a lock on my coffin?!" My fury rose.

"Two people dressed in suits and bowler hats." She said trying to think of a better description but coming up with none.

"DANDIES?! Dandies trapped me in here?!" Out of frustration I started pounding on the coffin lid again. I was pissed. "Where is the lock Cleo?" I said with a sigh.

"The center on the side that opens, duh." Now she's talking to me like I'm stupid. I'm going to kill her once I get out.

I strategically put my hands below where I assumed the lock to be and pushed.

I hope this lock snaps before my coffin.

Something finally snapped.

Cleo got off the top of my coffin and it was flying open.

The place was trashed! I'm going to kill some Dandies.

That reminded me of that dream.

I wonder if Peter called?

"Did I get any calls, Worthless bag of fleas?" I asked in an exhausted voice.

"As a matter-of-fact, you didn't pay for a phone for no reason; you got your first call, Melancholy bitch." She said back in a surprised tone.

She wasn't lying, I just wanted to seem as human as possible. For the same reason I had an answering machine.

I pushed play and Peter's voice rang through the room.

"Hey Erin, It's Pete. Peter, sorry. Um, there's a big fight going on down on 4th near Fremont. It looks like its going to be big trouble. But maybe you’re already there. Either way, its 9:15 and we'll be there in 5. So if your not there get there. Bye Erin."

Oh my god the dream.

"Oh my sounds like somebody likes you."

"Oh my God!" I couldn't believe my dream came true

"What's the big deal if he dies, you said you were going to kill him anyways." There was a slight taunt in her words.

"But this is too soon." I was changing full speed into a long sleeved button up and flare pants that I won’t tuck into my boots. "Wait, what time is it now?" I couldn't see the clock.

Where did they knock that fucking clock?

"I found the clock!" Cleo shouted. "It's 12:30."

"Shit. I'll be back." I was out the door.

Then on the street, then into the air.

I landed on Fremont just past 5th and walked (more like ran) to 4th. I saw what was left.

Dead vampires everywhere


Cop cars.

I saw the dark haired dandy from my dream having a conversation with a cop and a man in a priest's outfit.

I walked with fury beyond compare to that dandy.

I pushed him up against the cop car they were standing next to by his shirt collar.

"Where are they?" I was on fire.

Which meant other things would be.

Just then the nearest body lit up.

"Oh, the people who started all of this and were carted off to jail?" He asked smugly.

"They started it?! I know what really happened! You planed this! And Mr. Wannabe-holy man got close to them to see the way they worked. But my question is how did you know I was involved? I met them yesterday." God I'm a subject drifter when I'm angry.

"Because your not the only one with dreams." He said it to me like I was an idiot!

"Well I'm going to be the only one to leave here without a body bag." Well ok no body bags vampires don't need them. We turn to ash by morning and the wind carries us away.

"So you think." He pushed me back and the priest and the cop moved in front of him.

"This is sad." I said as I lit the both of them up without a second thought. I pushed them and he was like the disappearing Dandy, he was gone.

But there was a note:

"So Erin, you think you’re strong enough to take on a whole race?
I'm Pete's maker. I'm the one he's after. Once he kills me or I'm dead he might lose inspiration. Remember he's only looking for a cure, what if killing your maker is the grand cure it’s said to be?
But you may have also noticed he is more like you’re kind then anyone you've met in 600 years. I'm the correction that created the ‘weaker’ vampires.
The first. Which means I'm almost like an old one.
Peter as well.
But there are good reasons we outlived you. Think about the holy water.
You'll never succeed.
We are the improvement. Peter has possibilities that are beond compare. You can help him be the best ever. Just think on it Erin. He, like me, doesn't pass it like the others of the great improvement, he has to give the other his blood as well. Your dream race only better, could come from him.
Remember that Erin.
King of vampires,

Arrogant ass. Thinks he's king. I'm more like a king then he'll ever be.

I have to go get them out of jail.

I started to walk the way there and I saw Dirty...

On the ground...


"Dirty!" I rushed to his side and kneeled beside him. "How long have you been here?"

"Long enough to know I'm not going to die." He sounded disenchanted. Like he felt he could have done something to stop it.

"You can be like Peter and still be on our side." I was trying to be the optimist that I'm not.

"I'm not Pete. He has more control then me. I already want to take a bite out of somebody." He looked pained, but becoming a vampire is a painful experience.

"No, Dirty you'll be fine. We'll all help you." I've never been good at looking on the bright side.

"You’re horrible at optimism. Go get them out of jail and when the day comes, kill me, Pete won’t be able to." I don't get why some vampires don't hold on to their soul. He has one but not a firm grip on it anymore.

"I'm sorry Dirty but I've got to go." I didn't want to have to say yes to his last request, although I'd kill him, even though I didn't want to. Peter has that infectious smile while all his friends (Except Andrew) had catching personalities. Dirty's was amazingly contagious.

I had to get to the jailhouse and get Peter out. Everyone else could survive the day but not Peter. The day would eat him alive.

I took to the air again. It took less then five minutes to get there.

I walked in to the room that had overweight cops sitting behind their desks eating their doughnuts and drinking their coffee.

"Hello Ma'am, What do you need?"

"Four gentlemen were brought down here earlier from the street fight and I'd like to bail them out."

"Well I'm sorry but that won’t be happening until their court dates."

"Can I see them for a minute?"

"No visiting hours are over."

Time for mind control. "You'll let me see them now." I said in a forceful but polite voice.

"Come on they're right back here." He got up from his desk.

I looked up at the security camera I already subconsciously turned it off and did the same to all the others in the building.

I wonder what the guy watching them will do.

"Here you are Miss." He said as we stood in front of the cell that contained the four boys I was here to get.

And it was sad how horrible they all looked. Pete was sitting as far away as possible clutching his stomach (looks like someone needs his potion), Joe looked like he had never been in jail before and was contemplating what this will do to his life, Andy was thinking about if they got sent to prison if he'd get turned into some guys bitch because they'd love his long hair, and Patrick looked like he was dying.

Wait! Dying?

But not completely, just a mortal death for the soon to be immortal.

We don't have much time.

"Can I speak to them alone?" In the same voice as earlier.

"Yes. I'll be back in 5."

"Thanks." He left. "What the hell happened to him Peter?"

"What the hell happened to you?" Peter asked with a slight growl because of his hunger.

"I was locked in my coffin for working with you. That damned Dandy found out and had two of his flunkies come in and put a lock on the outside of my coffin. Now look at what you've gotten yourself. Two new vampires and only one I can save if I act fast." This is infuriating. If you have friends protect them!

"What do you mean two?" Andrew inquired rudely.

"Dirty and Patrick. It was to late for Dirty but there might be time for me to help Patrick."

"Dirty?" Peter asked weakly like he was about to cry.

Come on the man had Peter's name tattooed on his toes they had to be attached.

"Yeah his change was almost done I couldn't have saved him."

"What do you mean saved him?" Joe asked just wanting it all to be a dream.

"There's a chance that this potion I can make will change him back before his change is done. That's why I have to get them out now I'll be back."

I went to the cop. "Sir I need you to let them out." Using my mind control voice on this mindless buffoon.

"I'm sorry Miss but I can't their dates for court are a long way off." My mind control only goes so far.

I guess I have to do this one step at a time.

"You’re going to change it." Mind control voice still going.

"Let me change it."

"Patrick and Peter are up for bail tonight, now."

"Mr. Patrick Stump and a Mr. Peter Wentz are up for bail now."

"And Andrew and Joe tomorrow at noon." I'm not going to push my luck I can only do so much.

"And a Mr. Andrew Hurley and Mr. Joseph Trohman are up for bail tomorrow."

Here's the part I press my luck.

"And after you let them out you delete the fact they were ever in here out of you database." I used all the strength I could.

I hope this works.

"And once they're out since they've never been in any trouble before it will be like it never happened." He smiled politely at me.

God I'm good.

"So 500 for the both of them?"

I'm not paying more then that.

So I used my mind control.

"Yes ma'am."

I handed him the money.

"Let's go let them out." He said happily.

Once we got over there the cop said. "Peter, Patrick, your leaving."

"What about us?" Andrew anxiously asked.

"You go up for bail tomorrow at noon same for you Mr. Trohman."

"Sorry guys it was the best I could do." I said honestly.

"It's ok." Joe said with understanding.

"No it's not she's tricking you." Andrew said just to spite me.

"No she's not man mellow out. Just help Patrick." Joe said defending me. God no one has defended me in 600 years. It was strange.

"I'll do everything in my power." I paused. "Come on boys." I speed walked out of the place and all the cameras switched back on.

Patrick almost collapsed.

"Carry him Peter."

"Where are we going?" He grabbed Patrick although he wasn't much better.

"My place although you need to get holy water from your place."

"Why your place?"

"Because I know what to do and your place might not be safe. They've already hit my house, and they won’t do it again." I took Patrick from Peter's arms. "Hold on. So you can save your strength for your venture home."

He wrapped his arms around my waist from behind. "Why don't I just go there first?"

"You don't know where I live."

"Oh, yeah... I knew that."

We were in the air and his arms wrapped tighter for fear of falling. I don't know why but I didn't mind the feeling.

We were to my place.

We walked inside.

"Now you know where to go. Now go home and bring holy water."

He was gone without another word.

"Patrick you’re going to be fine." I gave him a few words of reassurance.

"Why can I be cured but Pete can't?" He looked feverish he was dying. Peter better fly fast if he doesn't want his friend to face his fate, like Dirty.

The two other ingredients that I would need I had. Yes they're poisons to us but not with the horrid affects of holy water.

Well the other two ingredients are garlic and whisky.

Yes, whisky is a poison for us. We can't have human food or drink and something that burns going down a human’s throat will eat through ours like acid. Not as bad as holy water. Holy water is incomparable.

I grabbed the imprudence from my refrigerator.

Garlic and Ten High whisky, one of the cheapest whiskeys to be found. It's better for this situation, more burn and less taste.

I poured the whisky into a large glass. Filled it half way. Then took the garlic and cut it up in the smallest pieces I could. The garlic left a burning tingling feeling where I touched it. I lifted the cutting board and dumped all of the chopped up garlic in the cup.

As if on cue Peter rushed in.

"Here. I hope this is enough." I was one of those small vials that they had before.

"That's fine." He tried to hand me the vile. "I'm not touching it you pour it in the cup."

He rolled his eyes at me and walked to the cup and dumped it in.

"Aren't you going to blend it Erin?" He noticed the small chunks of garlic in there.

"I would but I don't have a blender." His eye grew wide. "He can drink it like that."

We walked through my destroyed apartment.

Damned Dandies.

To Patrick who looked worse then ever thought possible.

"Patrick." I spoke in the gentlest voice I could muster.

His eyes fluttered open.

"You have to drink this all down fast ok? It's a little chunky. I don't have a blender." I handed the glass to him.

I pulled Peter back.

"There's a small chance that he's too far in the change for this to work and if that's so it could kill him." I whispered to Peter in my hurried tone.

"WHAT?!" He replied in a harsh whisper.

"What don't you trust me?" An evil smirk played across my lips because his reaction was hilarious. Maybe it's just because I haven't had a friend in so long I don't get what he feels.
Whatever it’s funny.

"Why are you smiling do you want him to die?" He was furious.

“No but I don’t think he’s going to, look.” Right as I nodded in Patrick direction he passed out.

"He died you evil Bitch."
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