Sequel: Alone Together Alone

Take This to Your Grave and I'll Take It to Mine

Chapter 7

I needed to eat, let the blood of the scum of the earth wash away the taste of his lips.

I dried myself and walked out in my deep red towel in search of clothes.

Peter was awake and on the couch in his underwear.

"Erin." He said happily trying to get my attention.

I kept walking through my apartment toward my big, black dresser.

I was digging through it looking for a good pair of pants when I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist.

"Erin, What's wrong?" Peter asked me putting his head on my shoulder.

"Peter, don't touch me." I said coldly shrugging him off.

He was shocked. "What?" His voice sounded hurt.

"Peter, I told you, 'Out of my character.' All of that should have never happened. But you know what bloodlust ends with." I gave him sympathetic eyes to match his hurt ones.

"So you felt nothing?" His eyes were searching for something, anything to tell him I was lying.

But he already knew all to well that my face was a mask used to keep the world out.

"Now Peter if you'll excuse me I have business to attend to." I started going through my clothes again.

"Well, I guess you’re not lying. Can you do one thing for me?" I looked at him to acknowledge his question. "Call me Pete." He sounded so meek.

"As you wish." I said it simply enough for him to know I meant it.

After I was dressed in my dark jeans and black, tight, sleeveless, shirt that said 'Killer' in big blood red letters I walked toward the door.

I looked back at Peter who was still on my couch with his head in his hands.

"Peter, you might want to call your friends. They're probably worried." I was really worried about him.

"Ok. But call me Pete." He said it as if it agitated him that I called him Peter.

"Oh yeah, sorry. Bye Pete."

I walked out the door and was headed to the nastiest, dirtiest, most crime ridden part of this hell hole town. As I walked by the liquor stores, prostitutes, and cheap motels I searched for the one person that deserves to die tonight. The one out here amongst the crack whores and dealers. The one with the dirtiest record.

As I walked reading all the minds of those I passed none stood out.

Until a man with a shaved head, baggie blue jeans, and a wife beater that clung tightly to his chest.

But what marked him the winner was when his girlfriend told him she was carrying his child he beat her to death.
That was all I needed to hear.

He was looking me up and down.

Yeah, I'm going to kill him.

"Like what you see?" I asked in the most seductive voice I could.

He probably thought I was a hooker despite the fact that I wasn’t really dressed like one.

"If I say yes what happens?" He had that tone of voice that just screams, 'I think I'm the baddest thing to walk the earth.'

It's ironic that he'd find out he isn't by dying at the hands of the true baddest thing on earth.

"Then I say follow me." I walked into an alley where no one would notice me killing him.

There were some junkies down farther in the alley shooting up. They won't even notice me once that poison enters their veins and hits their system.

"Hey baby." My favorite little gangster finally followed me.

I turned to him. "Hey." I said as I pushed him against the red brick building.

"Feisty." He commented with a smirk.

"You have no idea." I said as I went for his neck.

Fooled him into thinking I was going to kiss his neck.

Stupid humans, they'll fall for anything.

I bit down and felt the sweet, sweet satisfaction.

My addiction.

My drug.

My heroin.

My greatest flaw.

The thing that pushes me to do the worst.

Like sleeping with Pete?

Was sleeping with Pete really that bad?


Why does my mind do this?

I heard his heart start to slow.

"Now my favorite asshole, allow me to tell you why your dying at my hands tonight." I whispered in his ear as if it were some great secret. "Do you remember the night that you beat the life out of you lover?"

He hoarsely whimpered in response.

"Have you ever heard of karma? Well let me say this is it." I hissed venomously.

I grabbed his head and hit it into the wall.

"This is the death you deserve." I hissed in his ear.

Then I continued to beat his head into the wall. Every hit was harder. Flesh and what little blood he had left was clinging to the wall.

I dropped this faceless, pathetic bag of bones and flesh.

I had blood and chunks of flesh splattered all over me but I paid it no mind. I just wiped my mouth and headed home.

Tonight wasn't a time for a vampire massacre.

Enough blood was spilled yesterday.

WAIT? What am I saying?

Tonight is perfect. The less with fangs the more they'll bite.

So if I don't strike while their numbers are down they'll just build right back up.

Peter, my most overused associate, it's time to hunt.

I flew home and barged right through the door.

"Peter?" He was standing by my bed changing back into yesterday’s clothes.

He looked at me with a not so happy look.

Damn I called him Peter instead of Pete.

"Yes?" He said with an agitated tone.

"Sorry, Pete. Tonight is perfect for killing. The ones that are left from yesterday are rushing to recreate their numbers. So if we get them now we might be able to push them closer to extinction in this city."

That city was one of the last with any vampire population at all, but the population there was far too great, but there were one hell of a lot more hunters in this city too.

The vampires out numbered humans five to one. How there were any humans left in this city is beyond my comprehension.

"I like the way you think. It's cold." He said with icy venom dripping from his voice. "What about John?" He asked.

The way he was talking to me bothered me a little. I've been called cold before but when it came from Pete it felt different.

"Who the hell is John?" I was confused.

"Dirty. Dirty John Miller."

"Oh. We lost him. Unless he changes his mind. Why'd you call him John?" Ok I now knew who it was just why did he call him that?

"I'm afraid he's not the same old Dirty. So I can't bring myself to call him that." He said earnestly.

"Did you call the guys? Are they battle ready?" I just needed that quick subject change.

"Patrick got Andy and Joe out this afternoon and they erased our record. Thank you

"You’re welcome. Make sure they're ready." I started to walk away.

"Why are you covered in blood? It smells human?" He was curious.

"I tried to save a human but I was too late. The person was beating this man's head into the wall and it splattered." That was something like the truth.

"How did you get so close and not stop them?" Peter was giving me the third degree!

"I don't need your shit Peter! Get the guys ready and lets ride!" I won’t stand for that shit. I stormed off into the bathroom to wash my hands and face.

I stood there washing my hands first when Cleo jumped up to the edge of the sink and scared me half to death.

"Jesus Cleo! Trying to give me a heart attack?"

"Your heart doesn't beat to begin with. What was that out there? A lovers spat?" She teased.

"No Cleo! A normal fight just like everyone has. Did you hear how he talked to me?" I sounded as mad as I was... almost.

"He doesn't know you drink blood, huh?" She almost sounded like she felt bad for me. She watched me scrub the blood from my face.

"Of course not. He drinks something that Mad Scientist Patrick thought up." I finished washing my face and hands and walked back into the main part of my apartment.

"I called the guys Er." Did he just call me 'Air'? "They have a suggestion."

"What did you just call me?" The look on my face must have been priceless. Shock. Confusion. Surprise. All at the same time.

Pete looked like he thought it was funny.

"Er, short for Erin. Well the guys suggested you move in."

"Why?" Who chooses to live with me? Cleo didn't, she never had a choice.

"Because they thought it would be easier to fight together if we were at the same place at the same time you know." There was a begging in his eyes that he'd probably never admit to.

"Yeah but where will I sleep?" That was the best question ever because it was quite important.

"Dirty's room." He said it like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"What about Dirty's stuff?" Duh, Pete, think about it! I'm not touching Dirty's stuff.

"Well that's why we have to go there now. And I don't think we'll be fighting tonight."

"Why?" What was this all about? My face held curiosity that came simply from wanting to know what he hadn’t yet told me.

"He forced us to make a truce. So he can get his things without being hurt." He said pulling on his shoes.

"How was this forced?" This doesn't sound like a forced situation. The curiosity remained.

"He said he'd give them time to get us or they would just come kill Joe, Andy and Patrick." He was tying his shoes.

"Well let’s go. Give them no time." I grabbed him and pulled him out the door.

As soon as we were outside I took him into the air with me.

He was so close. It was already awkward and Peter made it even more so.

"You smell so good." He said against my neck.

"Pete don't get any ideas." A serious tone took over my voice.

"But I'm so hungry." His lips were right against my neck. I could feel the words as he said them.

It sent shivers up my spine.

"Stop it Peter!"

"But you taste so good." He went back to kissing my neck.

"Fly yourself!" I dropped him.

He has slow reflexes because he's falling.

Who cares, he'll catch himself.

I sped up so I wouldn't have to deal with him.

I showed up to their house and Dirty was standing outside at the door.

"Hey if it isn't the sexy bitch that has Pete tripping all over himself." He said in a tone that screamed that he wasn't the same Dirty.

"I could say the same for you just without the sexy part." I said that just to spite him.

"Oh and I can smell Pete all over you." So the spite goes both ways as he commented with an evil smirk.

"I flew him halfway here." Guilt almost came over me for what happened in the privacy of my coffin.

"Your face says more." He taunted.

I immediately wiped the look off my face and went back to my usual mask.

"You’re so sure of yourself even though you’re not the, 'yourself' you use to be." I took a step closer. "Just remember what Pete said the first night I met him."

"Behind you’re back or to your face?" Now the smug look returns to play.

"When he told you I was more powerful then any other he'd ever met." It was my turn to boast and make him realize I'm not one a weak one such as himself should challenge.

"Oh yes, and you proved him wrong with the holy water?" The cocky bastard commented back.

"One unusual weakness that leads to numerous strange strengths." I snapped back.

"Right." He said disbelievingly.

Pete walked up.

"Get your shit, and get gone." Pete said with a severely serious tone.

"Not even a hello to an old friend?" The smug look should have been beaten off his face.

"Not when I'm in a good position to kill him." Pete lied, he couldn't have killed him. He cares too much.

But I could.

"Well actually I think not." The smile on Dirty's face got bigger if that was at all possible. "Because unless I get in there and get my things without being harmed I have people ready and waiting to kill your little friends."

"They used to be your friends too." Pete was furious and couldn't believe a friend could do this. "Get in there and work fast."

Dirty walked inside. Pete went to follow him and I grabbed his arm.

'Don't worry I have a plan.' I spoke it to him through my mind so only he would hear.

I let go of his arm and followed him in.

There they were tied up on the couch that was on the left wall. On the side of the couch that was farthest from Pete and I were three vampires. Dirty stood to the right of the group.

Time for my plan to take effect.

The plan was called, 'Kill-Dirty's-Flunkies-and-show-him-who's-boss.'

"So Dirty these are your boys?" I looked them up and down, sizing them up.

They're the same old pathetic excuse for vampires that we have plastered all over the world.

"Yes. Why have you cowered in fear of them before?" A cocky smile swept over Dirty's face.

I took another step towards them and they unlike Dirty were old enough to know that I'm more powerful then what could be explained. So they nervously fidgeted.

They were quite obviously frightened just the slightest bit more every time I got closer.

This brought a smile to my face. "No I've just killed some of their friends like this." I raised my hand and set the blaze that would melt them from the inside out.

In their final shrieks of pain you could see the flames licking the backs of their throats.

I stopped the fire knowing that they were finished. Unless I really wanted to watch them burn from the inside out, but I don't have that kind of time.

"How the hell did you do that?" Dirty backed up a little bit and eyes were the size of dinner plates.

I reveled in his fear.

"Just an old trick, that you'll never be capable of. I can use it on anyone. But it works best on vampires because our insides are more flammable." I buffed my nails on my shirt in that, rubbing it in his face way, because I was still enjoying the fear radiating out of him.

"So what she's saying is get your stuff and leave." Pete said stepping up so he was right behind my shoulder.

Dirty hurried past Pete and I back to his old room.

"Hey guys could one of you untie us?" Ever patient Patrick.

"Sorry Patrick." I stepped over the corpses and untied his hands. Then moved on down the line to Joe, then Andrew.

"Pete have you eaten?" The constantly concerned Patrick asked Pete.

"No." Pete said with a monotone voice looking directly at me and moving to sit on the arm of the couch."What about you Er? You hungry?"

"No I'm fine." I said with a meek voice looking down at my beaten and destroyed boots.

"What do you eat since you can't have holy water?" Patrick asked looking as if he was going to go all 'Patrick-the-scientist' and start taking notes.

"I can't explain it, but it doesn't matter because I hardly eat anyways." Part of that was honest.

"How often do you eat?" Joe asked.

Why do all of these people care? I'm a vampire, not only that I'm a vampire that they just met and I'm going to kill them all in the end.

"A good average for me is once every month or every month and a half." This was totally honest, I'm doing better.

"Isn't that like starving?" Patrick asked concerned.

"No, vampires know before they hit starving. I won’t hit starving after about two months." I put my head down in shame, again studying the worn out boots, and all because Pete knows how we know.

"So do you just want to move right after Dirty's done moving?" Pete said to take the heat off of me. His voice was back to the usual Peter no more monotones.

"Do you all want me to live here? Even Andrew?" It was truly surprising.

"Yeah you’re cool." Patrick replied sweetly. "As long as you try to keep your cat from talking to me."

"I don't mind." Joe said before he processed what Patrick just said. He turned his head to Patrick. "Did you just say her cat talks?"

They had another discussion entirely, all about Cleo.

"They forced me to agree." Andrew answered frigidly. "But I guess it will help when it comes to fight time. Other then that stay the hell out of my way."

Pete turned to me with a childlike smile. "Come on Er, you know you want to?" He really wanted this.

"You sound retarded when you call me that, you know." I let a slight smile out when I said it.

"Well Pete was always retarded with the ladies." Joe came back into this conversation with a sarcastic remark.

"And your girlfriend is where?" Challenged Pete.

"Where's yours?" Touché.

"Um..." Uh-oh, Pete improvising. I don't like this whole not knowing what he's going to do. It makes me very nervous.

"Er here, is my girlfriend." He wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

My body grew tense and my face held a shocked expression that must have said it all.

Everyone else's paled in comparison. Although they were astonishingly shocked as well.

Then he picked up where he gave everyone a heart attack. "She's a girl, and she's my friend." His smile was huge.

I hate him.

I relaxed.

"I thought for a second there that you actually might be going out with... her." Andrew belittled me as usual.

"Andy there's nothing wrong with her! Not every vampire is against mankind." Peter defended me. God did that feel odd, having someone defend you I mean.

How wrong he is about me. Just like the weak ones that think immortality means never dying.

Then they die by my hands.

Now that is a beautiful thought.

"Whatever." Andrew huffed and pushed past me to get to his room.

An amount of time that is unknown to me later, Dirty was done and we were facing off.

"From this moment on we're on opposing teams." Dirty said as we all put on our intimidation faces as we had our stand off.

I was to Pete's left, and Patrick was directly behind me, and Joe behind Pete.

"Now it’s your team versus the rest of the vampires." Dirty talked to us as if he actually believed we were on good terms.

He's going to screw us over in the end.

"Dirty why did you have to pick the wrong side? You could have strengthened this team." Patrick. Oh-so caring Patrick.

"I guess your new friend’s strength makes it so I have to. I guess it really has to be an even playing field." He extended his had out to shake. "Now I must say goodbye." He shook Pete's hand, then as he shook mine went to kiss it.

I yanked my hand away.

He acted unaffected and moved on and shook hands with Patrick and Joe.

He then left.

Strange the things those tiny, insignificant things like nicknames can do. They can make the coldest, numbest heart feel as if they've grown attachment.

Because it felt as if it mattered that Dirty walked out of my life.

Oh well, I was going to kill him anyways.