We'll Sing It Back


Peter Wentz had lots of hooded sweatshirts. Patrick Stumph had lots of hats. Andrew Hurley had 'one too many pairs of drumsticks'. Ryan Ross had every single shade of every single colour in eyeliner. Gabriel Saporta owned more purple items than anyone could name, so many in fact that he had invented his own shade. If God decided to do something about poverty and turned all of Joe Trohman's guitar picks into loaves of bread and fish, the third world would be swimming in tuna sandwiches until the apocalypse. And Brendon Urie had enough female admirers to have a different girlfriend for every day for at least two years. But that didn't make Hanna Osment one of them.

She watched him with nothing short of contempt as he strode into the recording studio in a way that would make a clueless onlooker think that he owned the building and the souls of those inside of it. He disappeared around a corner and for a very long two-second time period, Hanna continued to stare at the spot where he had been with a very noticeable irritation.

Her irritation was so noticeable that the image of her eyes, burning with a fiery contemptuous passion, danced in the singer's mind as he turned the corner and disappeared from sight. He had immediately recognised her as 'the girl from the bus stop' but had chosen not to say anything until he'd learnt more about her and whatever ties she had to the building or those inside of it.

Brendon turned another corner into a small kitchen-like area with counters, cupboards and drawers of the same hideous faded creamy yellow sunshine colour. A kettle, which looked like it had not been used for some time, sat in the corner where the two counters met and the bread bin had been left open, revealing that it was empty.

He sighed and crossed the room to the mini fridge, which resided beneath a cupboard and drawer-less counter. Upon opening it, however, he found that the only edible objects left inside of the fridge were a box of green seedless grapes, a weetabix, a carton of milk that was half full and two chocolate coins still in their golden foil wrapping.

The other things in the fridge that were not so edible were the lump of cheese with a layer of two-inch thick hard mould covering one side and an orange fungus covering the other and a black wire that was particularly thick and long and took up an entire shelf.

Brendon decided that a trip to the local supermarket was in order, not that he had any idea where the local supermarket was but did it matter? Someone kind and giving would show him the way, as was almost always the case with a boy with a face as cute as his.

"Guys, I'm going to the supermarket, anyone coming?" Brendon asked, walking back into the main section of the building and looking around.

Very few people looked up and those who did shook their heads before returning to what they were doing before. Hanna, who was not yet accustomed to the sound of the musician's voice, looked up from the conversation that she was almost taking part in and her eyes met his. For a brief second, no one in the room was aware of the glare that Hanna was giving Brendon. No one was aware of the fact that they were watching each other with intent emotion.

No one noticed anything until Brendon exclaimed, "And why has no one introduced me to this lovely young woman?"

As he had expected, several heads turned to look at him. Some faces bore exasperated expressions, some looked simply confused and others (also known as William Beckett) looked as though they knew what was going to happen next and they were dreading it.

"Erm... Brendon, this is my cousin, Hanna. Hanna, this is Brendon, he sings for Panic! At The Disco," William gestured from his cousin to Brendon and back again while he introduced the two. Hanna's expression remained stony and cold.

"Yes, yes," Brendon said, waving a hand dismissively, "But singing's not my only talent." He winked at Hanna who, not surprisingly, raised an eyebrow and made a sound that could only be described as a 'scoff'.

"Well, Hanna will come to the supermarket, won't you Hanna?" Brendon grinned his infamous grin. He didn't expect her to oblige, but he knew that she was coming with him either way.

Much to Hanna's short-lived relief, William rushed to rescue by jumping into the conversation and saying, "Hanna and I have got to talk about important family issues."

"But we need more cereal!" Peter, the owner of the record label to which Panic! At The Disco and The Academy Is... were both signed, shouted to the trio. "And someone has to protect Brendon from all those screaming thirteen-year-olds that seem to come up through the floor."

"I'm glad someone's thinking about my safety!" Brendon pointed to Hanna and added, "I think she'd do a great job. I mean look at her, she just screams 'stop in the name of the law'!"

"Sure I'll protect you," Hanna smirked, grabbing her coat which had been thrown lazily over the back of a chair.

As they walked towards the studio doors she couldn't help but think, in a somewhat more malicious voice that her usual thinking voice, but only so I can be the one to tear you to pieces.