Something Vague.

The world we know,

“Ladies and gentlemen were on our final approach to Los Angeles, California, please fastened your seatbelts and put your seat back into an upright position.”

I felt a sudden pain in my arm, making my eyes light up. I looked over at Max laughing at my pissed off expression. I didn’t bother to say anything but positioned myself in the chair more comfortably. I ran my fingers through my hair, messing with it a bit. A normal routine when I woke up. I leaned my face against the cold window looking down at the airport in plain view.

“I’m stoked to get the fuck off of this plane.”

“I’m stoked to get the fuck away from you”, I said looking over at him with a smirk.

He just laughed in response as the plane landed on the runway. I watched as everyone jumped off of the plane, gathering all their things. I was still in my seat; I never understood why people hated flying. I absolutely loved it, for some reason I was never as relaxed as I was in a plane. I also always got the best sleep.

“John, get the fuck up and let’s go. We have to meet with Howard Benson.”

“The famous Howard Benson”, Jared said moving his fingers around making me laugh. “I wonder if he really is an asshole.”

I just laughed at Jared’s concerned face, all of us got nervous on the first day of recording. I got out of my seat, grabbing the bags that I brought on board. Once we passed security we were rushed off to the studio. I sat in the van listening to everyone bitch about how hot it was, I looked back at Kennedy as he talked about the movie that was playing on the flight, I didn’t watch it. My mind was on other things, days like this make me nervous.

“Dude did you see the jugs on that girl.”

“Garrett stop checking out your mother”, Kennedy said with a smirk.

“Kenny, tell your mom to stop calling me. I know she wants my dick but enough is enough.”

“Shut the fuck up!”

I couldn’t help but to laugh at the both of them. They were always going on and on with the Mom jokes, it was really annoying at times.

“We’re here.”

I looked down at my black vans; the nerves that were twisting my stomach in knots were making it really hard to throw up.

“I’m so stoked to just get to work and make this album”, I said looking over at Jared as we walked up the stairs. “I think what we have is pretty sick, I’m just excited to see how it all comes up.”

“Yeah dude, I just want to hurry and get back on the road.”

“I just need a beer.”

I looked over at Kennedy, he was crabby and when Kennedy’s crabby everyone is fucked. We walked into the studio and saw Howard standing there. We all shook his hand and stood there awkwardly as he looked over the lyrics we had. He sat there listening to what we have; my voice was cracking from the nerves. The look on his face killed me instantly, he just stood there emotionless.

“Guys this is complete shit.”

The smile on my face faded instantly, it felt as though my knees were about to give out. I looked over at Jared and Kennedy who shared the same deer in headlights look.

“I literally hated it all”, he went on. “Everything was complete shit, the melodies sounded like nails on a chalkboard. Who wrote the lyrics?”


“The lyrics are so childish and not meaningful at all. Seems like you just watched a bunch of chick flicks cried about it and then wrote those shitty songs”, he went on making me feel like he was kicking me repeatedly in the balls. “I know you have talent guys, you wouldn’t lasted this long but don’t you want to be taken seriously? Not just some pop band from Arizona that just got by with their looks.”

We all shook our heads, understanding what he meant. Our looks have always been an issue with us. We never pinned ourselves as good looking kids until our band got bigger and that was the only thing most of these girls were interested in. Of course I embraced it but I want to be known for my music and not my looks.

“So I want you guys to burn these lyrics do something, get rid of them”, he said ripping up the paper in front of us. “Out of sight out of mind, now go home drink up do whatever you got to do to clear those pretty little heads of yours and write something that doesn’t make me want to kill myself.”

We all nodded before walking out of the studio, our heads couldn’t be any lower than now. We all piled up in the van feeling like our dog was just shot and then ran over a couple of times.

“Ay at least he thinks were good looking”, Garrett said trying to lighten the mood up.
I let out a small laugh from the side of my mouth before looking outside the window at the passing palm trees. John Mayer playing from the speakers making me envious at how talent this guy was; If only I could write songs like him I would be happy.

“Here we are.”

I looked away from Max and looked over at the house that we were pulling up in. We all pilled out of the van, bags in hand walking into the sketchy looking house. All of us picking a room, throwing our shit all over the place to make it more like home. I lay down on the bed, feeling more comfortable than ever. A real bed is equivalent to gold in my world.

“Hey man were gonna head out to get some food and beer, coming?”

“Nah man, I think I’m just going to stay here and think of ways to kill myself.”

“Alright man”, Jared said with a laugh. “Go with the Kurt Cobain method.”

“Good looking out man”, I said leaning back with a laugh.

He just gave me a wink before walking out; I heard the door shut behind them. I laid there feeling tired and really uninspired. Suddenly I heard music being played rather loudly from the house next door. Curiosity got the best of me. I got up from the bed and looked over at the house and there stood a girl, in nothing but underwear and a Star Wars shirt painting her wall. Her blond hair pulled back in a hair tie. I watched her dance around to Notorious BIG, this girl was adorable. I watched her rap to every word as she danced around painting on her wall. Her small frame dancing along to the beat, I couldn’t help but to laugh at the sight. I couldn’t help but to feel like some creep staring into the girls room but I couldn’t help it. When I heard the front door open and shut, I jumped back from the window and lay back down on the bed.

“Hey man we brought in and out.”

“Thanks dude”, I standing up, stretching out my body with a smirk hearing the music being played from the mystery girls house.

“Damn, hottie alert!”

“What?” I asked looking over at Tim walking in with Pat.

“Hot blond eight o’clock”, Tim said walking over to the window, Pat and Garrett following over.

I walked over to them, trying to look just as surprised as the rest of the guys. I looked over at the small framed girl still rapping along with Biggie, writing out lyrics on her wall.

“I’m kind of going to enjoy this place now”, Garrett said with a laugh. “I mean we have a hot girl next door wearing nothing but underwear and a Star Wars shirt.”

“Dude those are Star Wars underwear, the clone wars.”

“I think I have a boner.”

“I would love to show her my light saber”, Tim said making me roll my eyes with a laugh. “No wonder John picked this room, asshole has the perfect late night show.”

“Dude I didn’t even notice her until now.”

“Sure my man”, Tim said hitting my hand stepping away from the window and walking out of the room.

“Its true idiot”, I said with a laugh following him out to the kitchen. “Unlike you guys I could give a fuck about a girl right now, I just want to get some good material.”

“John please stop being a pussy and put work to the side.”

“Yeah, enjoy the burger and fries and that wonderful vanilla milkshake I brought you”, Kennedy said shoving the burger down his throat. “Let’s not talk about the band tonight, I just want to chill and relax.”

“Well shit, we need to get things down”, I said dipping the fry in the milkshake and taking a bite. “I don’t want Howard to hate more shit I write.”

“Look”, Jared said taking a seat on the counter. “It’s all good try and forgets about this and enjoy your time here. I mean its like were on vacation, and getting paid while we eat and sleep around.”

I just rolled my eyes knowing to drop it; I didn’t want to get into it any more. We all finished our food and lay around talking. I walked back to my room seeing the guys crowding around my window.

“Guys stop being fucking perves and get out of my room.”

“Always killing the fun!” Pat yelled sounding like a child.

“Fun Nazi!”

“She was just about to get naked and take shower”, Garrett said whining. “Right when things get good you decide to be a dick.”

I just laughed pushing Garrett out of my room and then locking the door. I walked over to the window immediately and just saw her sitting on the couch reading a book.

“Gotcha perve!” Garrett yelled from outside the door.

I just rolled my eyes before lying down on the bed, trying to get comfortable with all these things running through my head. My eyes wondered off to the mystery girl sitting on the couch, the interest in me growing at every second.
♠ ♠ ♠
New story (;
I wasn't going to put it up but i deleted two of my stories.
I'm sorry if you were reading Lasting Impressions or The Only Exception, i just wasn't feeling it anymore.
I already had it written out it just wasn't that great.

This story is for my girl Carly, better known as carlyincolor03 on this site.
I wrote this story for her and i absolutely love it.
Tell me what you think? (:
That would be amazing.