Status: Still going!

The Drummer on the Second Floor


I’m almost convinced that the weather hates me. Before I left my house, it was sunny, once I get into town, it rains.
I don’t even know what I’m going to do. I packed my bags and left my house after getting fed up having to endure my parents treating me like I’m a lodger rather than a son and their constant fights over money. I can’t stay at my friends. That’s where my parents will most likely go looking for me, so I ran to this place. It’s the place where I’d skip school and where my friends and I would go.
It has many steps that lead to a circular patch of ground with hedges on each side, below all the steps there were two long, small wall like things that people often sat on with benches on each side. I guess I’ll be sleeping here tonight. I chuckle to myself and look at the church facing this place, it was a massive cathedral, it’s beautiful but God isn’t saving me now.
I pull another jacket out of my bag, and a blanket. I’ll be sleeping here tonight. I lay them on a bench and gently place myself on it. I’m not going to feel sorry for myself, it’s not like I got kicked out. And besides, I feel a sense of freedom. I brought enough money to do me for a few days and when that runs out, I’ll either go home, go to a friend’s house far away or sell myself. Or I could always be a drug dealer. Oh the choices! I’m not to scared about sleeping outside in town, I’m actually quite calm. I might only say, get raped, get kidnapped, get beaten to death, get raped, die, or wake up beside a dead body.
What I think is hilarious is that there’s a housing place next to this place, for people who can’t get homes. I smile and settle myself in sleep.


“For fuck sake,” I whined, rubbing my eyes. I fully wake myself from my sleep. “Where the hell is that noise coming from?” I listen again and hear the familiar sound of drums. I hop off my bench and follow the noise, it’s coming from the housing building, on the second floor. You could see the movement of drum sticks.
“Oh I hope some people don’t mind, drumming when some people are trying to get to sleep!” I scream, looking directly up at the window. The drumming stops. I grin to myself and start to walk back to my bench. The drumming starts again.
I grit my teeth and kick the nearest wall with frustration.
“Oh shut the fuck up will you!” I yell, my voice cracking. I look at my watch, “oh, it’s only about five in the bloody morning!” I huff and lay on my bench again. God damn people.
The drumming had stopped again and I attempted to go back to sleep.

“My drums? You’ll wake people with your shouting,” I hear a deep voice say. I crack open one eye and see a dark figure behind the bench.
I quickly bolt upright and jump off the bench.
“Get the fuck, I have a black belt,” I lied.
The figure laughed. Laughed, actually laughed. What was this creep doing?
“I’m not going to attack you. I’m the guy who was drumming,” I take a few steps closer and indeed, he wasn’t a paedophile. He was young, a few years older than me.
“Okay, well, that’s nice, I’m gunna go back to sleep now, night night,” I waved and flop onto the bench, again. I hear him laugh once more before saying goodnight and walking off.
Minutes past and then I hear the drums again.
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Thoughts? (: