Status: Still going!

The Drummer on the Second Floor


“Just come home for god sake!” Justin shouted at me, the rain pelting down on us.
“I’m not fucking coming home!” I screamed back, pulling my jacket over my head and my bag on my knee.
Justin, my friend, eventually came to see me. I was surprised to say the least. Of course the first words that came out of his mouth was that he wanted me to come home.
The rain was coming down harder now, the noise of clicking heels of women running and the screeches of car wheels against the tarmac and the rain rushing out of the clouds were all to be heard. Justin was silent now, breathing heavily.
“Have it your way then,” he said, then turning on his heel and walked away. I watched him leave, running through the rain. I love him, I really do but I just can’t go home. No matter how much I’d explain to him, he doesn’t understand. I thought it was show him how much I hate that place, by leaving, that I’d rather be homeless than go back to that house.

I wouldn’t say it’s got worse since the last few days, once you get over the first few days, you get used to it I suppose. Not used to it, more…adapt. You adapt to it. I’ve been eating at least one square meal a day, thanks to Rick. He’s never asked why I’m here, or with no money. And by god I’m grateful. We barely even talk, mostly we just sit in silence, enjoying each others company. He actually isn’t a bad guy and his drumming is still flawless.

I couldn’t do much, than sit here really. I could go get warmth and out of the rain in a warm shop, but then I need a dry spot for my bench. I’m not leaving my bench.

“Theo!” I heard a gruff voice call out. Rick was running towards me, cursing at the rain.
“Do you want to come up to my place? You’ll drown in this!” he shouted over the noise of the rain.
“But my bench will get wet!” I cried, Rick looked at me like I wasn’t right in the head.
“It won’t die! And I’m not going to murder you! Come on!
I dropped my head in defeat and heaved myself off my bench, sparing it one last glance before following Rick.

“It isn’t much, really, but it’s something,” he said, fumbling with keys and opening a very dirty door. Let’s just say this place isn’t very glamorous. Nor did I expect it to be really.
I was hit with the smell of tea and cat, I wrinkled my nose. There was a wooden table with a kettle on it, a few chairs, a mattress on the floor with a blanket and a pillow, a small, square T.V in the corner sat joint cupboards, an oven and a microwave sitting on the floor and there it was. The drum kit. Sitting by the window. It was by far the most expensive thing in the room, and that wouldn’t be very hard.
But he was right, it wasn’t much, but it was something.
I felt something around my legs, I look down and see a small grey kitten, looking up at me.
“That’s Wendy, she wants you to pay attention to her,” Rick said, turning into a door I didn’t see before coming out again.
I lifted the kitten up and let it nuzzle against my face, I could feel her nipping on my cheek. I smile and pat her head, she jumps down from my arms and makes herself comfortable on the mattress.
“You can sit your bag anywhere, and here’s a towel,” Rick handed out a fluffy towel to me, I took it and started to rub my hair with it and dab my face. Rick sat on a chair at the table, I took the chair facing him.
“I know what it’s like, being out there, I was homeless from I was 16, right up until I was 18, needless to say, I caught on quick, learnt how to fight and steal, though I did make some friends. What age are you Theo?” Rick asked, I could feel this was going to be a full blown life conversation. We never asked each other these questions before, we just enjoying having one another in our presence.
“I’m 15”
“Can I ask why you’re homeless?” Rick said, now drumming his fingers on the table.
“I left my house, just not wanting to be there anymore,” I said quietly.
Rick didn’t ask any other questions after that, we just did what we always did, enjoyed each other’s presence. The rain was still coming down hard, large puddles were beginning to form outside, I sat watching from Rick’s window, sitting beside the drum kit with Wendy in my lap. The sky was almost black and no people were in sight. A loud crack of thunder sounded and a flash of lightening, scaring Wendy who dug her claws into me. I winced and sat her beside Rick, on the mattress.
“If you want, you can stay here tonight, it looks pretty bad out there,” Rick cajoled. I nodded and sat down beside him on the mattress.
“Do you want some tea and biscuits?” He grinned. I nodded eagerly. I caught myself watching him dance about, getting the cups and tea bags and biscuits, I laughed as he nearly fell.
“I’m afraid I only have this mattress to sleep on, so you’ll have company to sleep with tonight,” Rick shrugged, dipping his biscuit into his tea.
I smiled, it was warm, I had tea and biscuits, I was sleeping indoors and now I really have a new friend. It wasn’t all bad.
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I'm so glad people are loving this (:
