Status: Completed



Look at the trees, the color rippled sky.
They’re pretty, aren’t they?
Now imagine if you were blind
And you could never see them.

Hear the rustling wind, hear the shrieks of children at play.
They’re soothing, aren’t they?
Now imagine if you were deaf
And you could never hear them.

Feel the golden sun, feel the damp dirt crumble between your fingers.
They’re fun, aren’t they?
Now imagine if you had Immune Deficiency
And had to live in a bubble your whole life, never feeling them.

Experience life.
It’s nice, isn’t it?
Now imagine..if you were dead.
You’d miss out…on quite a lot.

So in honor of all those
Who are blind, deaf, dead…deprived.
Realize the amazing miracle you are
And give thanks for everything you have
This Thanksgiving day.
♠ ♠ ♠
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