The Greatest Hunt.

Painful betrayal

The great front door flew open as two stumbling figures forced their way inwards, the pair finding the ways into the largest room, guidance of the young woman to bring the man into a slump on the chair, his own form seeming to be exhausted from whatever troubles that had lay over him.

"Cain...That wasn't the signs of a tired man, what happened out there?"

The gentle rolling tones of a beautiful soft voice slipped to the man, concern clear over her beautiful features as well as those simplistic notes of her voice. Delicate fingers lining over one another as they moved in circles, her mind focusing on the man before her, body still in wait for his answer.

"I don't know, everything just got the better of me, I guess. I'm sorry, just, all the crowds and the cheering. I don't know..."

The husk voice trailed off by the end, his attempts at a lie upon his longest friend, sister of blood was difficult by all means. Darkened optics gazing up to the young woman as his lean form slumped over the chair he was rested over.

"I'll get you a drink of water...Then you can tell me what really happened, you know better than to try and lie to me Cain, I can read you like a book."

Her voice cutting over any further words he might have said, swift pace taking her slender figure out of the room before a second wind could have caught the mans lungs.
Pulling his weight upwards once more, arms sliding to slouch his posture over bent legs, gentle shivers started to run over the figure, shaking in curious manners as his seemingly bloodshot eyes widened. A creeping moon, small in size trickled its way forward from the parting clouds, the streams of silvery light casting in through the window before him, shinning in radiance over his form. Head firing forward as if the rifle had been shot from his neck, nostrils flaring as a great breath was dragged inwards. The trickle of water was that which caught his attention, the shift in his neck spinning his attentive gaze around towards the doorway.

Silent droplets of clear, pure liquid fell through the air in their cooling sensations. Each falling bubble water creating a great pounding noise within his auditory senses, the splashing of beauty within a clear glass container followed before the final turning of the nozzle which stopped the sounds. Feet catching the ground as his form sprung upwards, shifting quickly through the doorway, slightly slouched as he bobbed his upper torso in the manner of an animal in search. The door wide open into the kitchen bringing the sight of his sister, clutching at a medium size, filled glass.

"Cain, you're supposed to be resting, what are you doing ?"

Her words were quiet, almost as though she was holding back as the hand of slender slipped forward, placing the glass that was meant to be his in responsive view.

"Here, your water, drink up, it'll make you feel better."

More authority was held within those words, her reassurance that matters were alright, clearly for her own benefit than that of her brothers.
The man still moving in his erratic fashion, almost sliding over the floor as he came closer to her own figure. Hand reaching towards the glass, pausing for a second, the flair of his nostrils coming over once more, the smell of the woman finding them again, lustrous, enthralling as he knocked the glass away, her own hand slipping from it, in the thought he was about to take it, her grip lessening as the clear object tumbled to the floor, placements of water flowing freely as the glass finally came to shatter. The loud clash of broken glass on the floor rang in the ears for a moment, silence fell over the two, staring to one another, eyes locking together.

Still movements fell over them, time stood still as optics locked together in eternity. Heart beats fell into sync', chest of the girl heaved gently as she breathed heavily, a step back from her left foot as eyes narrowed. A small squeak rising from her lips as she questioned his movements. His own arms, both now extending forward slightly, almost gasping for his breath as he took a few more paces closer to her. Jade raising her hands as he reached out to grab her, unsure of his motives yet, her uncertainty allowing him to take her by the shoulders, his body pressing over the girls as he breathed deeply into her own features.

"Cain...What. What are you doing ?"

Her whisper barely audible, the man never acting in such manners before, brought fear over her mind. Flinching, struggling slightly from his locked grip, she almost pleaded in silence for him to release her.
Powerful hands clutched around her shoulders, restraining her movements, his features moving down her cheek, sliding downwards along her neck as his nose lifted in a long smelling, breathing flair. Lips grazing the fine line of hair that ran down her skin, invisible to the eye, yet the touch found them. Slow movements ran his features downwards before rising back up to place his lips by her ear once more, the moment holding for hours within the girls mind as she had frozen within the spot. Her breathing hastening from fear as she quaked gently, few audible sounds lifting from her voice-box, yet falling on unheard ears.

"So perfect... I can practically feel the beating of your heart, running through my soul, listen....It quickens in pace, you are afraid."

His own voice had changed, the whispering tone was lower, a hideous under-tone lifting from it as once more he slid his features down her neck line. Turning slowly as he pressed his ear to her breast, chest still rising quickly under her panicked breath. The beating of a speeding heart ran through his embodiment as a longing, pleasurable sigh released from his lips. Body seeming to relax from that joy, that pleasure taken from the sound, the grip had lessened, she felt it and reacted as such. A sudden struggle, as she tried to free herself, not enough however. The movement was sudden, the grasp clutched stronger around her arms than she knew was possible for her brother. Driving from his feet, firmly pressed to the ground, the pair were thrown onto the large kitchen table. He was over her before she even realised what had happened, her hands crashing into his sides as she kicked out with her legs, her efforts however seemingly useless.

Hands, stronger than possible forced her down, the girl thrashing under his weight as he pressed his lips to her neck, a tongue sliding out to run down the vein that ran along the supple skin. Screams had been brought forth from the act, cries for help were cast into the night air. Claw like digits pulled at her dress, tearing the shoulder threads, ripping the beauty of its design to reveal more of her soft pallid flesh. Teeth sank into her breast as the soft bites brought more screams from her lips, no blood being drawn from the marks yet fear running through each movement. Slashing at her clothing with those barbaric hands, more tears were found, flashes of skin writhing in a crazed hatred of the events came free. The few dishes and holders that surrounded them upon the table being cast aside as he tore at her body. The mad fury haunting her every second, every moment lasting for another year, the want for it to end falling over her, continuing to fight, little prevail over it, pleading, crying, screaming for an end as he ravaged her body without any humanity.

A great crash as the door flew open, the man standing there in clear worry, fear and rage. The father of his daughter in all his mighty bulk freezing in his tracks from the scene at hand. The creature of a man who attacked his sister spinning, still holding the woman down as she continued to struggle, to fight for her freedom. A snarl rising over his lips as a dog might have done before a fight, the flashes of his still silvery hair flying to the side as the figure flew towards the older man.

"What the bloody hell is...."

His words halted as the figure had dove towards him, driving his hands into the chest of the older man, sending him backwards into the open door as he himself bolted through the portal. Running at full pace out of the door, free of the house and over the valleys hills. The tree line finding its view as the man ran straight towards it, minutes passing before he disappeared into the dense growth.

The young woman flipping off the table, coughing, gasping for air before she caught sight of her father, the man catching his own stance, not a single spec of drunken thought remaining over his features, irrelevant of how much he had drunken over the evening. Her legs barely carrying the delicate form as she flung her arms around his own body, clasping tightly, crying, weeping from the pain and horror that had just taken place. A few moments passing as they stood there, the father bringing his own arms around her as he patted the smaller frame gently, whispering in her ears of comfort.

"He's been taken father..."

The words spoken between cries and whimpers, barely audible yet still pronounced.

"He wasn't even human anymore, he was an animal, a beast, a monster ! He's been taken by the Wolven curse..."

The quiet voice stopping as another great cry filled her form, falling to her knees in despair, clutching at her father who shifted downwards in an attempt to help her through, yet his gaze locked outwards, out of the doorway to the forest where his once son had ran, his son that was now no more than another creature to be hunted...