Status: No more updates until we get comments!!

Another Fellowship?

Unusual smell

E was the first to attack the deer with Cearra close on her heels. As the two finished E caught the sent of something strange it smelled like elves yet human. She wondered who it was and what they were doing.

"Cearra do you smell that? I cannot place it."

"Yes I can, and I cannot say I can place it either."

"Want to go check it out?"


Both of their eyes were now back to blue and green instead of black and white. Which is what happens when they don't eat for a while. They could only wait until the smell got closer.

As the smell got closer they heard two voices one male and one female, but they could tell that one was a ranger because of the soft foot falls.

"Lets follow them and see where they go," E said.


The twins followed them until............
♠ ♠ ♠
Hahahahahaha Tiny your turn.

As for the rest of you have to wait until she updates to see what happens.

comments are very welcome and subscribe please.