Status: Ongoing


Chapter 1

Sparks - Chapter 1

"Why are we doing this again?" Ark asked.

"It's not like we were asked to do this... we have to protect the academy." Era replied.

"It's the only place we can educate to protect our world." Keo added in.

"But the academy has Rank A Guards! Why are we in this?!" Ark exclaimed.

"Don't ask me, I think this is fun." Era replied.

"Alright... here comes the next wave." Keo pointed out into the distance.

"Goblins... Ready guys?" Era asked.

Ark halted, "Wait, it's too sudden."


-Opening title-

"Ark Fallendor, Era Sen, Keo Rin." The principal smiled.

"Yes sir, We're here." Era grinned.

"Don't talk to the principal so casually!" Ark bursted.

"We've finished off the waves... the scouts say there won't be any waves for 3 days." Keo added.

"I'm being ignored, am I?" Ark said to himself.

"I am pleased with you three. As usual, you get paid for protecting the academy." The principal reached for his drawer.

"Seriously... was that what you guys were after?" Ark asked.

"No, this is for scholarships and food money... do you want to spend a MillionG a month just to study here?" questioned back.


"Era, Keo, you two are excused." The principal dissmissed them, "Ark, I have something to tell you."

"Thank you sir, bye Ark." Era saluted.

"See ya in class." Keo left.

"Ugh, you guys." Ark, left behind.

The principal put his arm over Ark's shoulder, "Ark Fallendor."

"Yes sir?" Ark faced him.

This is the First Magic Academy. Our world now is under peril by beasts, demons, monsters and even humans. They intend to destroy the world and become gods of the new world. With magic, this certainly is possible. This academy educates magic and combat as well as research for magical and physical technology in order to prevent the upcoming disaster. And this academy has been open for more than a hundred years already with a well gained reputation and history.

"Do you understand now Ark?" The pricipal smiled.

"Yes, We need to pay you guys for profit which will be used as resources for our education, weapons and technology which will be used against those who intend to destroy our world." Ark replied.

"Good, you are dissmissed." The principal dissmissed him.

"Thank you sir." Ark, learned something valubale.

"May God be with you." The pricipal said as he left.

"Geez," Ark murmered, "'May god be with you,' he says. Yet, Isn't God against magic?"

"Ark! There you are." Yuna came to him.

"Ah, Yuna. What's wrong?" Ark asked her.

Yuna laughed, "Iv'e been looking for you. I can't go on without figuring out everyone's okay."

"You're very friendly." Ark smiled, "Unlike your other twin sister."

"Did you say something Ark?" Ethica asked.

"Nothing at all." Ark said calmly.

"Who are you calling not friendly?" Ethica asked.

"That evil guy who sits at the corner." Ark lied.

"Now you're calling me evil?" Ethica threatened.

"What do you care?" Ark faced her.

"ETHICAL ASPIRATION!" Ethica, under rage, performed a signature Asura. Using a double barrel sawed-off shotgun, two bright blue beams rushed at Ark, pushing him back.

Ark, slowly twitching his body, "That concludes my point."

"Sis, you shouldn't hurt people. The only things you can shoot are monsters." Yuna consulted.

"Asura shots can't kill people no matter how many times you shoot." Ethica shot Ark again, "You can only kill monsters with this thing. As an Asura gunner, you must know this."

"Of course I know that. But that doesn't mean that you can't hurt people with that." Yuna, countered.

"What're you gonna do about it?" Ethnica threatened.

Yuna drew out her two pistols, "YUNA SONG!" and performed her signature Asura. Two swirling bright pink beams came speeding at Ethica.

"ETHICAL ASPIRATION!" Ethica performed.

The four beams rushed each other. Creating a large explosion.

"Hah, our shots are equal." Ethica drew back her sawed-off shotgun.

Not long until one pink beam came swirling around Ethica and hit her head, pushing her back.

"The big sister is better than the little sister!" Yuna praised herself and pantomimed to Ark, "You okay?"

"I thought you didn't like to hurt people." Ark grabbed on to Yuna's hand and stood up.

"Oh, when it comes to some cases, like when my sister is beating someone up, I have no choice but to result to that right." Yuna smiled.

"I see." Ark looked at Ethica.

Yuna pantomimed to her sister, "Ethica, you okay?"

Ethica, dissapointed, "One Yuna, stronger than two Ethica." she said. Then she stood up on her own and went to her room.

Ark approached Yuna, "She's depressed huh?"

"She'll get over it, she always does." Yuna replied.

Ark looked at Yuna, "Don't you have anything important to do?"

"Nothing at all." Yuna smiled.

"Really, well, I'm going to class then." Ark turned around.

Yuna grabbed his shoulder, "Why did you ask?"

Ark thought for a moment, "I asked so I don't have to go to class."

Yuna laughed, "Haha, Okay. Shoo shoo! Scram!"

"Geez, bye." Ark left for classes.

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As his swordsmanship classes begun, Ark started daydreaming the time off since he was bored.

"Geez, that Yuna. The perfect opposite of Ethica." Ark said to himself.

"Ark Fallendor." The teacher called.

"I wonder what they're gonna do next?" Ark continued his own little world.

"Ark Fallendor! Grades 4 over 10!" The teacher shouted.

"Huh? What?" Ark woke up as the class bursted in laughter.

"You're a guardian right? Why don't you show us a move or two?" The teacher gave him the stage.

"I'm tired, I just got back from protecting the place." Ark hesitated.

"It's been two hours since you've came back from the battle, I figured you had your rest by then." The teacher countered.

Ark murmered, "Alright, fine."

"Well, engage battle then." The teacher cut through the dimensions, summoning a Fireblend Rapier.

"This is just for demonstartion anyway." Ark cut through the dimensions and a Hollow Longsword.

And thus the battle was engaged. Ark made the first move and charged right at the teacher. The teacher dodged the attack but Ark spun to the left and knocked the teacher down. As he was about to take the Fireblend Rapier from him as the sign of victory, The teacher used a wooden sword and swerved it around Ark's hind legs, making him fall back first. The teacher took the Hollow Longsword as a sign of victory.

"I want a 10 battle win a row from you." The teacher gave his punishment.

"Eh?! No way!" Ark complained as the swords were sent back into the dimensions.

"Ark?" Ethica appeared from the door, "Can you come over here for a sec."

Ark stood up and went out of the room, "What do you need now?"

Ethica crossed her brows, "Don't get the wrong idea. I want to spar with you."

"And I thought it was something important." Ark sighed, "Nevermind. I don't want to spar you."

Ethica crossed her brows harder and faced him, "I, Need, To, Spar, With, You!"

At the scary look on her face, Ark gave in, "Fine, when are we going to spar then?"

"Hm?" Ethica made a confused look, "Ah, uhmm..."

"Fine, I'll make sure to meet you at the coliseum after class. You better be there." Ark went back inside.

"Don't decide for yourself!" Ethica shouted. But she agreed anyway, "Geez, what's with these guys. All they ever want to do is have fun with girls." Ethica thought about it, "Except Ark himself."

"Yo, Ethica." Era appeared.

"Era. Why aren't you in class?!" Ethica exclaimed.

"I'm a guardian. The school's fate is in my hands." Era joked, "Now, where's Ark?"

"He's in his classroom." Ethica crossed her arms.

Era looked around, "Then, why are YOU here and not in class?"

"Eh?! Well, umm... I am the Hall Monitor." Ethica explained.

Era smiled, "Doesn't Hall Monitor Duties end at this kind of time?"

"Well, Uhm... I..." Ethica muttered.

"Could it be that it has something to do about Ark?" Era joked again.

"Ark?! How?! What would I need from that numb, emotionless, complaining idiot?!" Ethica exagerated.

"Did I hear my name?" Ark opened the door.

"Yo, Ark." Era greeted him, "I was going to tell you that there's another wave coming up."

"Again?" Ark murmered. He looked at Ethica, "Looks like I won't be able to go today."

Era grinned, "Well, in this case, I think I can cover up for you." he laughed softly.

"Eh?" Ethica reacted, "B-but!"

"Good luck on your little date!" Era slipped away.

Ethica turned her head and faced Ark with a shocked face.

"Just what did you tell him?" Ark asked.

"Nothing! I did'nt say anything." Ethica, all over the place.

"Well, thanks to that, I won't have to go fight the wave." Ark smiled, "Oh well, back to class I go."

"Ark?" Ethica called his attention.

"What?" Ark replied.

"You better be there." Ethica crossed her arms.

"That's my line." Ark left and went back to the classroom.


"Why did you take me here?! I'm not a scholar!" Shizo complained.

"This is a favor for Ark." Era grinned, "Well, What do they look like Keo?"

"Oh, this is gonna be tough. Basilisks." Keo replied.

"Then you better get Thundara ready." said Era.

Keo cut through the dimensions and summoned a Terre Rod.

Era did the same and summoned a Khukuri.

"Guys wait!" Shizo


-Ending Song-

♠ ♠ ♠
This is the informal Chapter 1 of Sparks...

This includes the -Opening Songs- and stuff...

If you want me to post the formal chapters of Sparks... then please leave comments below...

Thank you for your time reading this...