Geek of the Year

Pilot at GameStop

Girl bully or not, I am still being punched onto the shoulder blade. Ow! Ice packs cannot even mollify Ophelia's 100 bullets of pain.

Ophelia; spawn of Satan, the virus in my computer program, the little monster in Pac-Man (the original game, of course!), Bellatrix Lestrange in my Harry Potter, the bully in my school year and so on and so forth.

She tortures me from the inside out since middle school because I am not "cool enough". As if being cool was actually that great. Trust me, my fellow comrade knows; he was popular once.

Switching from my bloody shirt (Ophelia's doing after the punch) to my GameStop uniform, I readjusted my glasses, face and hair before heading off to work. GameStop is my little paradise ever since I quoted Shakespeare at "O' Brave New World!" as I had first gotten the job. Besides the fact, it is 30-minute walk, 20 by bike and 8 minutes by car.

You do the math.

Once I made it, by bike of course, to the local mall where my job is at, I passed Hot Topic to say hello to Skye. Yes, bubbly Skye, and she is no bimbo like everyone says; she is smart for a Junior and ex-co-captain of the cheerleading squad. In addition, she can screech like a banshee, so it will be nice if no one can insult her and her African American pride.

"Hey, Scottie. What brings you to the humble lair of Hot Topic?" Skye asked behind the black-and-glass counter.

I sighed and replied, "I hate being called Scottie; it's Scott. Anyways, I want to say hello before I head off to work.”

This place brings back memories of me getting myself a Naruto t-shirt and an Invader Zim's Gir shirt, and the darkness allures me, as I would look around since the prices are ridiculous there.

"Okay. Hi, Scott! And you better watch out for Lia (Ophelia's school name); she's with her boyfriend, Jake around this place," Skye warned me.

"Thanks," I said as I headed out of the dark-lit place.


GameStop is just right next to Hot Topic, so I was not in total trouble. The few seconds saved me. At the four 'o clock shift, only Warren, Hayden, Harry and I take over the place. Just now, ten people are in the store; two playing Guitar Heroes 2 on the PS2, three searching for a game, and the other five in the two lines.

Unsurprisingly, Ophelia and Jake are in line. I shook my head, as I had to suffer them after this 13-year old holding a Naruto: Clash of Ninja Revolution game for the Wii.

"49.99, please," I said in a monotone while I grab the actual game from the case behind me. The boy fished out sixty bucks and I gave him back the change and game in the GameStop back.

Here comes Death.

"Honey, you have too many NFL Madden crap; do you think 20 is already enough?" Lia asked Jake.

Jake's answer: "Babe, 20 is never enough, and you promised this will be for my birthday last week."

"Fine, dork-o ring it up, and put it on my card," Lia said to me. I rolled my eyes and brought the game along with her card in my hand.

One swipe. Beep. "It's denied, and expired."

"WHAT? How about this card?"

Swipe. Beep. "Once again, denied and expired," I responded with a chuckle.

Ophelia's eyes went in slits like Voldemort. "Grrr."

"Whoa, babe, are you broke or something?" Jake asked in shock.

She scoffed, "No!" Then she took out ten other credit cards up to the register. Warren and I whistled at them as every one of them had been denied.

"Hee-hee. I guess I shall take this away. Thank you," I said while I calmly yanked the game back from Jake's grasp.

Angrily, Lia and her boyfriend stormed out the store while Warren and I laughed out throughout the five minutes straight.