Geek of the Year

First Kiss

It has been almost an entire week since Ophelia asked me---no, invited me---to an All-American High School party. Moreover, the fact that I had ran off to my room thinking in denial of the situation, as I played Smash Brothers on my GameCube.

Friday arrived like a blur, as I entered Game Stop with the expression of a mourning ghost on my face. Harry was working on the boxes filled with packs of anime games, yet once I came by; he stopped opening the boxes and looked up at me. "Who died?"

"Me," I quivered.

Intrigued by the answer, did he ask, "How come?"

"Life as I know it brought a crack in the universe," my voice cracked.

Harry rose on of his red eyebrows, and asked again in a bored tone, "Ophelia?"

I nodded solemnly, and then dragged my feet to the cash register as I replied slowly, "She invited me to a party."

Creak. My fellow redhead employee gave me wide eyes in questioning.

"Yes," I told him, "a party; contained with the jocks, booze, and other illegal drinks, sex in the closet, ready-to-be-broken glass, and so much trouble that I can't handle."

"Dude, you sound like a chick," a familiar female voice chuckled. I mentally smashed myself with an ACME anvil.

"Skye, me plus party equals early grave," I seethed at the brown-skinned girl.

"Early grave, my ass," Skye replied calmly," you need to go. Breathing outside your natural habitat can sometimes be a good thing. Plus, living in your Geekdom of a bedroom, and inhaling in anime and Star Wars doesn't make you awesome."

"Finished?" A customer asked, while she held the DDR game and dance pad set, in a huff. "Yeah, she is," I replied as I gracefully took the DDR system to ring up, and charged the girl.

She had black-rimmed glasses, like mine, yet behind them are lime-green eyes staring at my hands, I thought, since I felt them from a northern perspective. Her brown hair curled in delight by her shoulder blades, and her lips parted in shock once I gave her the bag. She, then, blushed and mysteriously handed me a card as she dashed outside the store.

"Ooh!" Skye squealed, "Someone thinks Scottie's a hottie!"

"What?" Harry and I, and now Warren screeched.

Skye, unsurprised by our action, said, "Scott, she likes you, duh."

I blinked a few times until I flipped over the card to see the name "Rosalie" and the contents of an address and numbers. I looked back at Skye, and said, "So?"

One of these days I should be grateful that I was alive at the moment once Skye's hair swished in the air like Medusa's as she screeched, "'So?' Is that all you have to say? A girl came over here and gave you her own number!" Her eyes glowed like a feline.

Warren came in front of her, and nervously replied, "You're scaring the customers. And shouldn't you be back to your shift in Hot Topic?"

Skye quickly went back to normal, and nervously waved, "You're right; I shouldn't be heading back." Then, once she turned to me, she growled, "We'll talk later," and skipped happily back to Hot Topic.

"You're a lifesaver, Warren," I thanked him.

Warren nodded, and said quietly beside me, "She's right, you know." At that time, he went to the back room. Suddenly, everything almost went back to normal in the store.

Truthfully, I was excited about a girl being interested in me, but I wonder why the pit of my stomach did not go so well when the thought of another girl and Ophelia popped up into my mind.


Once I opened the door leading to my room, I saw Ophelia on my bed wrapped in my Star Wars comforter as she looked through my Convention Album. My blue eyes widen at this discovery as she wore expensive party clothes. Is not she worried about her clothes, I thought. As I came closer to my bed, my black converse shoes must have made a noise since her blond head lift up to meet my gaze. Blue eyes met brown, and she shivered like last time.

"Okay, what's with the shivering," I asked with curiosity. "And why are you flipping through my things?" I suddenly sat on my computer chair, staring at Ophelia.

Ophelia smiled an odd, true smile, "You're here, and I'm supposed to know more about my future husband."

I began to glare at her, and replied, "And," I rose my eyebrows, "what else?" "And," she answered, "we're going shopping!" Just shoot me now.

"Why?" I inquired. "We are going to the party, silly," Ophelia giggled.

Why is the gun not loaded? I should be dead by now!

I chuckled nervously, and whispered, "Are you sure? I mean, isn't there something or somewhere else we should go to instead of the party?" Time ticked slowly for the answer.

Ophelia looked up at me; her eyes were cold as the blizzard in Canada as she closes in on me. "Sorry, Scott," her voice dread with venom, "can't do that. I begged. Begged to my friends to let you come, and I am not letting you skip to your video games tonight. Plus," she added with a lighter note, "Skye agreed to help me with this situation."

My mind was shocked, and before I can even make a remark, Ophelia used her long, hot pink nails to drag me into her black Mercedes.


I looked at the life outside the window of Ophelia's Mercedes as she drove us to the familiar neighborhood of Skye's. I sighed once I realized that this little, early, marriage arrangement caused all this mess of an extended spider web. The car stopped at a red light, and Ophelia stared at me with wonder. Silence entered the car.

I ignored her stare and kept on staring at the window. Life is like a playground that I enjoyed since birth.

Now, I am suffering it in the jungle gym.

The car moved once again, and turned into the street Skye lived. As the car stopped, Skye came out of her house and we went out of the car, and that is when I stopped caring. Why bother squirming when you know you will suffer later?

Now, I slouched by the closed door of Ophelia's Mercedes as the two girls chatted for a while. Nothing came through my mind when Skye shouted at me with glee. Wow, I had not moved a muscle. Then, I felt two arms wrapped around my waist and a pair of lips, softly, touched mine's.

Suddenly, all of my blood rushed through my face and all I can think of is "First Kiss". Except the fact that I saw Skye smirking at this action in the corner of my eye, yet soon enough the virginity of my lips left me, simultaneously Ophelia left my persona.

This will be an interesting day.
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Sorry for the long wait. I'll try to get the next one up soon.