Geek of the Year

A Different Look

The mall was starting to scare me when Skye---backstabber---and Ophelia forced me into a store called Macy’s. When I entered, the aroma of Usher and Calvin Klein contaminated the air; sales clerks used their consumer-attention tricks; and Sara Bareilles’ voice spread throughout the store. In addition, if being here will make me feel any better, it certainly is the other way around since I felt sick and I wish I can run home and watch Vampire Knight [in Japanese] as I eat Yan Yan*.

My mind snaps back to reality once Ophelia snapped her fingers in front of me. “C’mon, we have to head to Hollister Co. for your new outfit for the party and wardrobe for our new lives together. And Skye’s already at the entrance that leads to the mall’s center.”

Like a lost puppy, I followed her and Skye out of Macy’s and into the mall’s center. The madness was all around me from the carousel to the chatter and crowds of people to the whiff of myriad of food from the food court.


It took at least ten minutes to get to Hollister Co. along with the additional minutes of both girls gawking at the stores such as Claire’s, Icing, Sanario, Rave, American Eagle, and etc., plus my small visit (seems like 2 minutes 30 seconds) to GameStop. Though once we entered Hollister, I felt funny as if it was not my place to stay and call it my home away from home; only Hot Topic, Sears and GameStop are.

Beyond the doors, Hollister Co. was interesting. I know that is a placeholder, but it is hard for me to actually describe what the store means to me. Back to actuality, Ophelia and Skye went all over the place. Literally as I stand like a naked banana, they both look over a myriad of clothing and keep asking the female sales clerk. Moreover, the pile of clothes for me to try on kept growing and growing.

I am doomed.

Twenty different outfits and five minutes later, I was forced into one of the fitting stalls. One of the outfits that I was stuck with was a black and white stripped t-shirt that says “1922 HCD” on the left part of the shirt, and dark blue Hollister jeans. Though the worst yet to come---the flip-flops.

Why would they torture me by making me show my feet. Anyways, I still put them on (without my socks). Before I actually posed in front of the girls, I took off my glasses and sighed before opening the door. Once I opened it, I heard gasps all over the store; probably everyone had awaited my change of wear. I slowly opened my eyes and saw that practically almost all of the kids at my school stared at me as if life as they know it would transform forever.

I guess it would be now, I thought. Since I was the ornament of the day, I cowered back into the fitting room in fear, but as I was about to close the door, Ophelia shrieked with glee and grabbed me by the arm and out of the room.

No, so much for being safe in my Bat Cave!

“Hey guys, you like?” Ophelia said to her friends, which was, basically, everyone. Now I felt more like a single Pokémon in a world of Digimon. Time ticked slowly until some well-known girl, who is so nice, said I looked cool. Now that is scary. I am cool. Me? Yeah right. Then Jake (Ophelia’s ex-boyfriend) said I could come to the party tonight.

Holy ANBU! I felt paralyzed for sure. I also felt as if a seizure is coming about, pretty much. Now I am capable to ride Sanatorium Airlines, where the hospital is cheaper. As I was about to be hyperventilated, Skye pat my back and said, “I know you feel funny now, but it’ll get better. I promise?”

She has no idea how deadly this ultimate makeover can do to me.

We came back to my house, and into the living room.

Instead of wearing, my usual over-sized t-shirt with any Star Wars or Bleach character on it and loose jeans with a pair of black Airwalks; I wore a pair of black-and-white New Balance shoes (Skye bought it), and the same black and white stripped Hollister Co. t-shirt and dark blue Hollister jeans I wore on my first try (Ophelia’s money).

My family and Ophelia’s parents’ state of shock freaked me out. However, I know what both of our families were thinking, “I look way more decent than ever!”

Blushing like the geek I am, I stuttered to leave their company and tripped a little as I went to my room to put the rest of my newfound wardrobe away and change a little before I go with Lorelei, Skye and Ophelia to the party.

I stared at myself on the mirror of my dresser as I think over the vast changes since my odd arrangement with Ophelia. New thoughts, new looks, what more? Would I have a new outlook of high school as well? I might, or not. I went up little more closely to the mirror; gray eyes with flecks of green were staring back at me, and his dark brown hair looked as if it had been swiveled by some random force.

Maybe his thoughts were the main force.

Shaking my head like in the mirror, then went into my closest and searched for the clothes Lorelei gave me months ago, which I slowly accepted; a black tight-fitting shirt, dark blue jeans, and the New Balance shoes that Skye bought for me. I almost look like Dan Radcliffe in that one photo shoot. I shudder at the thought while I went into the hallway bathroom and wore my contacts.

Then I looked back at myself in the mirror and sighed loudly.

Ready, or not, it is time to party.
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Sorry for the late notice, and I had also revised the past chapters a little.

*Yan Yan - A Japanese snack that you can dip a biscuit stick into either a chocolate, vanilla or strawberry frosting. And it tastes pretty good.