Geek of the Year

Party Time Part 1

Sometimes I wish my name were Bob. Yes, I want to be simple Bob and not complex Scott. Instead of standing like a stick figure in rave-like parties, I would be simply thee party since simple Bob can do that with his witty comments and charm.

I have none.

In the meantime, I am sipping on orange soda while my back is on the wall of Jake’s home. Surprisingly enough (to me), it was not the typical mansion I thought a jock would have as a home; instead it was a plain peach two-story home with a garden at the front.

Maybe I have been watching many teen movies.

In addition to inflate my worries of a usual teen party resembling the ones represent them on television, there are still the loud chatter and music, drinking (somewhere), and the possibilities of fragile objects being destroyed by the end of the night.

Moreover, without those issues, it is okay so far.

Back to the party, Skye is next to me in the beauty that I had never seen her as before. Her mystifying green eyes can haunt a boy in his sleep and mind, her hair straightened in a perfect technique, her small smile can question the smartest dude in school as they wonder what she is thinking, and the short olive green dress practically scared me---in a good way, I think.

Overall, she is starting to freak me out and make me think of why we are friends.

Besides, since we are friends, I managed to say a weak “hello” and oddly enough, my voice just cracked. Not in a worrywart crack, but a puberty voice crack like when a male is growing up which for me it is practically slow. However, it frightened me that it just started in a party.

Looking back for Skye’s reaction, she was puzzled for a second until her eyes widened. “Whoa, is that late blooming puberty taking place?”

“Pretty much,” I responded with the same cracked voice.

On top of that, the voice was very deep.

Skye smiled. “I guess we didn’t have to wait until you’re twenty-two to change something, so fork up the dough.”

“Damn,” I swore as I took out twenty dollars, “I thought the bet was killed a year ago.”

“No, only you thought it was dead. Everyone else kept it alive, plus by tomorrow, I am so going to be seventy bucks richer!” Skye squealed with delight as her eyes told me the same thing when she holds onto the money.

Suddenly something had slipped though my mouth; something I never thought I would say to my only female friend.

“You look attractive, tonight.”

This time there was no happy mood in the air like it was moments ago, and I can in no way take this saying back. All I can do is to stare at Skye and wait for her emerald eyes to tell me the answer. While I am waiting for her response, I also search through my mind since my own actions and words that sprinkled all over the place the past week to tonight perplexed me.

“Okay,” end up as her answer, but I know that in her eyes, she is a little confused, like me, by my words.

Giving me a friendly hug and squeeze on the shoulder, Skye left me in my own mentality as she walk towards Ophelia and some other girls to take part of their conversation.

I look down at the colored floor and wish I could just actually run and hide under a rock for a least a decade. Nevertheless, I knew before the party that in order to go through anything is to live. Well, that is what Naruto taught me.

I seriously need to get outside more.
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The other half is in the next chapter.