Geek of the Year

Ninjas, Pirates, and Health! Oh My!

The party was…not that bad.

I was able to get out of dancing with Ophelia, since staying at the party longer would not mean I would dance with her. As well, Skye and I had a shorter recovery on my comment than I thought. Moreover, Axel continued to make remarks on my idiotic thinking on certain subjects throughout the night, and I came back home at eleven.

Still, I rather play the second Kingdom Hearts all over again than do such a thing.

It is lunchtime at Santa Ana High for the fellow students there. As one of them, I was staring down at my turkey wrap with boredom written all over my face until the most random topic came to me.

My new friend started it, Axel who is the first male friend I had that would sit with me in the cafeteria. Therefore, it was a big honor to me since he sat next to me today.

“Okay, ninja or pirate?” Axel asked in determination as he put down his lunch tray in one graceful move with the use of one hand.

Amazed by his small but significant (to me) performance, I did not responded as well, instead I just blurted out an “eh?”

Axel sighed and repeated, “Ninja or pirate?”

“Er, ninja.”

“Dude, come on. A ninja? Are you serious?”

I gave him an annoyed look and answered, “They are stealthy, have awesome moves, can kick someone’s butt within less that a second or millisecond, and don’t fool around.”

“Well, as a fellow pirate follower, pirates get to steal---“

“Recklessly,” I butt in.

“---loot or booty either way, gets the girls---“

“Probably prostitutes,” I put in.

“---wear sweet outfits---“

“Which they wear everyday without a bath, for how long?”

“---drink rum, and don’t you dare interrupt me,” Axel said with a red glow in his eyes.

I gave him a look and sighed, “Alright. Keep going.” I rolled my eyes and ate another bite out of my wrap.

“Plus, there is the technique of cheating and lying.”


“Hey,” he growled at me, “I thought you weren’t going to butt in again.”

I smirked and replied, “Well as a ninja, I should be stealthy and sly at everything I do, right?”

“Whatever,” Axel said.

“Okay, ninjas, such as the ones in Naruto---“ I began.

“Oh jeez, anime,” Axel groaned.

I glared at him, and continued, “can do Chidori, cool jutsus, blow out fire---“

“And exterminate millions of people, cute fuzzy animals, and inanimate objects. You know that’s committing homicide onto the two out of the three things I’ve mentioned, right?” Axel jabbed in.

“---are more determined to kick butt while pirates are cowardly enough to escape and leave there men behind,” I put out to Axel.

Suddenly, we glared at each other until after a minute, we laughed at our stupidity.

Axel smiled, “You know I did this for you, right? Since you were bored for ten minutes and all.”

I blushed. Okay, I know I’m straight as a ruler and all, but getting comments from others are very rare for me until today. Especially from a fellow male such as Axel.

I smiled back. “Yeah, thanks.”

***Health Class

I know I had not taken the class yet until now, but at least I am doing it in Junior year.

Ms. Cater, with her death glare of a million Spartan warriors, had to ask us the scariest question of all.

“Where does the meat come from in those Big Macs? Trent?”


“From cows, ma’am?”

“Heh, that’s cute and so true, but what’s really inside of those burgers besides the usual cow meat? In addition, that question leads me to our second documentary this semester, “Super Size Me”. It is about our fast food industry and the wonders of what the food can do to you. Now once I play this DVD, understand to be quiet or detention understand?”

Ms. Cater swiftly glared at us once again and gave us a small smile before turning around and setting the TV system.

Everyone gulped in silence, and then the lights were off except one.

The class was so quiet, that you expect someone or something to make things interesting. And that was the screams of delight from a group of children as they sing the song I would always here in middle school, “…Kentucky Fried Chicken and a Taco Bell. McDonald's, McDonald's…”

This would be a long documentary.
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Sorry if the song was a bit messed up. Chidori means "a thousand birds", I think, in Japanese.