Three Sided Love

Through others' eyes my world was just the same as anybody's, but through eyes like mine, or eyes like the twins, my world was much different.
The stars weren't just stars, they were the sparkles of the sky. The proof that our world is real. They mean to me that if I could see them, I had hope and I still had a chance for the desires I had wished upon. They meant that I was lost, but I would soon find my way if I could follow those dreams. If I couldn't see them because it was cloudy or the town lights were too bright, it simply meant that I was dead inside. I had no hopes or dreams to wonder about. No fantasies to explore in my dreams.
The breeze wasn't just a gust of wind, it meant I was crossing over. Crossing over to their world, or even the unknown world of others that us three withdraw from. It symbolized that I was leaving out my world, to warn me of the uncertainties.
Bloodshed wasn't a sign of hurt or pain. It was a sign of weakness and lust. It meant you were too cowardly to stand up to your fears and take them down, you just couldn't take so you gave up. You're weak and revolting.
I am weak and revolting.


She's forced into the world of twins, head-over-heels in brotherly love. Through the eyes of her own little world she can tell them apart, easy. What surprises her is, she's the only one who can.
Rich, a bit stuck-up, but totally intriguing. The second they met, none of them have left their minds. Their worlds collide. She's falling faster than she can control and the worst part is, they aren't here to stay.
Can true love happen between three people? Who is going to be chosen, and who will be left broken?