Memento Mori

Face To Face

"Katien!" I looked up to see my mother running towards me. I hadn't seen her in years, since she had been in jail. And she had changed--alot. Her once flowing b rown hair had been chopped off and was now dulled out. There were bruises on her face and skin. I guess thats what happens to a drug addict in prison. I didn't hold it against her, I just thought she would be better again.

"Mama!" I ran and hugged her.

"Oh babygirl. How I've missed you." She kissed the top of my head.

"I missed you too." We began to walk to our favorite diner in town.

"Hi I'm Kyle and I'll be your server. Can I get you something to drink?"

"I'll take a sweet tea." He turned to me, "And for you ma'am?"

"I'll take a Rasberry Vanilla Italian creme soda." I looked at him and he smiled. He was cute. His redish hair with the baby curls. The apron he was wearing covered a white tucked in long sleeve shirt and black slacks. I looked down and laughed softly to myself at the converse he was wearing.

"And would you ladys like bread sticks to start this off?"

"Yes please."

"Okay. I'll be right out with those."

He walked off and winked at me. I couldn't help but smile.

"He's cute."

"MAMA!" I slapped away her arm, he was but I didn't want to talk about it.

"Here yougo." He put the drinks on the table followed by the bread sticks, "Are we ready to order or do we need more time?"

"We're ready."


"I'll take chicken alfradeo." My mother handed him her menu.

"Soup or salad?"


"Okay and you?"

"I'll have the chicken parmesan with a salad."

"Okay those will be right out." He walked off and I just sat and waited. We didn't really talk because I don't think either of us knew what to say.

"Your food ma'ams." he sat the plate down and handed me a napkin. I looked at it. The words scirbbled on it: Call me tonight. 249-8359. I hid the napkin from my mom and nodded at him. I'd call him sometime tonight. Who knows what would happen. We paid the bill and began to walk home.

"So what did you think of him?"

"Mama he was nice."

"You should have given him your number."

"Why!" I felt my cheeks turning red.

"Because he was cute."

"Okay mama." We stopped at our house, "I'm going to go to the grocery. You need to take a nap."

She went inside and I dialed his number as I walked away.


"'s Katie" I paused, "The girl from the restaurant."

"Who? Oh...wait...I'm going to kill Kyle...hold on." I heard rustling.



"Yeah, sorry it's my brothers phone."

"It's okay."

"So you have time to hang out?"


"Meet me at the 7/11 on 2nd street."

"Okay." I started walking towards there, it was getting darker. He was standing by the store just leaning against the wall. There was something different about him--he was stiffer as if something had happened or something bad was going to happen and in my gut, I felt that something too. I ignored it though and walked to him anyway.


He smiled and I relaxed slightly--but still the night felt to deathy for my taste.

"You ready?"


"I figured we'dgo hang out with Jt for a while, if that's okay." I should have said no. I should have ran home but instead,

"Yeah--that's fine." I followed him down the ally.

" feel that?"

"The cold?"

"The harsh."

I looked at him, slightly puzzled.

"The death in the air, the chilling nature of tonight."

"Yes." I got shivers and tensed up.

"Who's dying tonight Katien?"

"How'd you know my name."

He spun around, his eyes glowing red, "I know...everything."

"What...What are you?" I was still dumb enough to follow him out the ally and to the cemetary.

"I'm Death." He had a grim smile on his face, "You're not running."

"Because you don't scare me."

He looked at me and his eyes softened into mine, "I was right."


"You're going to hate me, but I can give you everything you've wanted--power. A new life. Courage, absolutely no fear."

"But what's it cost me?"

"You'll die--In a way."

"Wha...What do you mean?"

"You'll be here, and people won't know the difference but your soul will be mine."

"Why would I hate you?"

"Becdause it will be who you are."

"And what....what will I be."

"A wailer. Sent to try to kill Death."

"I don't want to."

"But now you know about I have to kill you-- or change you."

I took a breath, terrified, but not showing it, "Change me."

"I will...tomorrow...for now," He wrapped his arm in mine, "We're at my house and Jt doesn't know about me so please don't say anything."

I nodded and walked into the house, "You must be Jt."

"You must be Katie." he got up and I couldn't help but notice how different the two were. Jt had shimmering crystal eyes--such a pale blue they were almost silvery white., both boys were extremely built and fairly tall. Jt had shaggy dirty blonde hair that fell right above his eyes.

"We'll be in my room." Kyle took my hand and led me down a hallway filled with portraits of his "friends"--his victims, "I like to remember."

We sat on his bed, "Kyle, can you just get this over with."

He looked at me, "So impatient little one," he paused and reached into his drawer, "but yes--in about an hour we will begin the change. For now, I just want to hold you." He pulled me inot his arms, whispering softly and I mistakingly started to relax. He lye with me on his bed, holding me. Time passed rather quickly, "you ready Katie?"

I bit my lip and nodded, he walked to the door and put a sock on the outside handle,"in case you decide to scream"

I just nodded. I could hear Jt moving around downstairs, I wondered if Kyle had the heart to kill him, if he did come up.

"Katie--just know one thing."


"I love you. And if you cna fight the urge to kill me, we an be wonderful. You're going to be the only pure blood we've had in a while."

I nodded and he brought his lips to mine. The room began to spin and everything began to blur. I screamed out in confusion more than pain. I felt my sould being sucked out of my body and the emptiness that existed without it. My eyes rolled back into my head and I let out a piercing scream. I longed for Jt to come save me, but as my soul was replaced by this firery panicked blood. I got mad. He backed away from me, but I couldn't move. Everything I saw was black. Kyle was red--and my target. The door opened.

"What the hell!" I realized Kyle and I were floating and the answer to my first question was answered. Kyle was going to kill Jt--he had to. I watched as he neared him but I couldn't let Jt die. I jumped up and launched at Kyle. He was set back. I turned to Jt, "RUN!" I yelled and the word, although high pitched got through his head, for he began to run away.

"Don't let him go. He knows." I turned to Kyle and let out a wail. He covered his ears as he started falling to the ground.

"Don't touch him."

"Katie--" He reached for me.

I smacked him.

"Katie go to training," he paused, "in the cafe where we met."

I was still young enough to listen, and unfortunately he knew that.

"Rose will help train you--she'll know by your eyes." I looked at him.

"Kyle, I love you."

"Keep in mind as you're prepared to kill me." He wrapped his arms around my neck and kissed my forehead--his lips were cold against my skin and I jumped back, "I'll find you Katien. Go now."

I nodded and ran to the cafe. I didn't once look back but saw Jt on the ground unconscious. I grabbed him, amazed at my new strength.

"Jt...wake up.." I saw Kyle right by me.

"Katie go. I won't hurt him." I nodded and fought the instinct to kill him.

"Rose!" I cried and a girl with red hair stepped out of the cafe.

"Oh my god." She grabbed me, "Shhh new one. Lets rest for the night."

I looked at her, she appeared to be white, "What.."

She stared in amazement, "A pureblood. this hasn't happened in a while." she led me through the cafe and told me to wash my face.

"Why is it black and white and red."

"You're going to get contacts tomorrow. The red shows up when your around death." She paused, "You need to sleep, too much for oneday."

She showed me a bed and gave me a tiny blanket, "Sleep now." She walked off and I began to drift to sleep but for once I was torn. I missed the guy I wanted to kill. That makes perfect sense.