Status: Thinking About It



Cringing as the wind picked up, swirling the leaves around the playground as if it were nothing but child’s play. Hunching over the desk by the window of the classroom, Kade simply watched the cloud roll into oncoming storms, the darkness reflected his outlook on life. Blinking, his eyes tired and strained, as the day had finally progressed to a stop. He’d finally be leaving to go on a holiday. Away from school, away from friends and especially away from his family, who were solely the reasons for his departure. He’d leave for longer then he wanted everyone to think, with his only friend.

Attention wrapt and at the front of the class, Sealy was attentive and very strong spoken, unlike Kade. He just sat by windows and looked outside, distracted and quiet. Glancing at the clock, he sighed softly, leaning his arms on the desk and lying on his forearms. Yawning, he could hear the teacher accuse someone of being a nuisance, but Kade could only smile his weakest yet best smile. Of all the kids in the class who slacked off, he’d be incredibly quiet and wouldn’t work at all, ‘cept his marks were of the highest grades.

Water began to brim at his eyes, making him squint them away. His mind was broken, scarred and basically unrepairable. He’d been hurt so badly, by friends, bullies and even his family. The damage hadn’t been noticed, he was usually a quiet student, friend and son. But now, more than ever, he needed this holiday. Five minutes till the end of class, and the teacher allowed everyone to move. Sealy leapt from her seat and walked in front of Kade, crouching down and smiling at him. He raised his head, looking at her while she wiped at his cheek.

“Crying silent tears again?” she asked, generally whispering it, not allowing anyone else to hear.

“Just thinking,” he replied, his quiet voice barely audible.

“Well, you know I won’t allow you to do that while on the holiday, right?” she smiled, nudging his arms.

Rolling his eyes, he sat back, running his fingers through his hair and looked back outside. It was beginning to rain. He could hear the girls on the other side worry about their hair if it were to get wet. Narrowing his eyes, he heard the ball echo and the rest of the class stood to their feet, leaving Sealy, Kade and the teacher in the room. Getting up to leave, the teacher called Kade over, looking over him.

“Kade, can you do me a favour while you are away?” he asked, rummaging through his desk for a paper.

“Uh, sure sir, what would you like me to do?” Kade asked, glancing Sealy, who was waiting at the door.

“I want you to keep a memory book. Write down what you did the day you are there, and compare it to here. See what the difference is.”

“Oh. Alright, I’ll do it sir,” Kade smiled.
♠ ♠ ♠
Starting a new story. Half based on a true story. Just something egging at my mind.

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