Six Feet Above Me

The Outside World

It was the first day of high school for me.

And with shoes on a hot day like this none of the least. I used be barefoot on these days at home.

Well, I have to get used to the Outside World with no one I would assume Amish like me and my family.

Our reasons for being at such a place like Lake, Orange County, Florida, is very simple. We had been shunned from our home in Lancaster County of Pennsylvania. I curse thy brother whom made this happened to Mother, Father and I. He ran off for leaving the church after being baptized. Though our parents, concerned about where my brother ran off to, go after him and we're practically shunned ourselves from our Amish community.

The last time we heard from him was when we actually used the outside telephone booth across from our house saying he was in Orange County, Florida.

So now here I am. In school with the outsiders wearing my usual blue plain-cut dress and white triangular cape. Plus, going to first period: English. I heard they meant by 'Literature'. Sorry on being offensive but, 'Why can't they just say that instead?'

A red round-shaped thing rang into my ears as girls and boys all around me (whom seems more like evil beings for wearing such insulting clothes clinging to their bodies) went into different doors.

It took me a few seconds until I caught someone to ask him or her where I'm supposed to go. He was sitting in a wheelchair looking at me with his green eyes past through his copper-colored hair.

"Um, where's 'English'?" I asked a little loudly through the noise of the people.

"First time?" He asked while he rolled in his chair as I walked with him. I nodded my head with slight embarrassment for not knowing where I am. "We're here, room 206, my class too," he said while turning the doorknob, leading to the room.

I was in shock, gaping my mouth a little at the size of the room. It was a tad bigger than the schoolhouse I used to gain knowledge of there. And there was at least 35 youths like me there; more than the usual 16 back home.

Both the boy and I were standing (particularly me while he just sat more like it) next to the educator's desk. The, what I assumed, bell rang again and everyone was quiet, staring at us intensively.

"Welcome to Tenth grade English, I am Mrs. Noel, your teacher for this year. Woo-hoo. We have two students: one from the Amish place of Pennsylvania and another from a few counties below us, West Palm Beach. So please give an applause to Anne Brunswick and Liam Sorway!"

There were only a few applauses from the back of the class. Afterwards, I heard someone whispering freak so most of the class can hear. Then laughing occurred. Maybe I'm the freak since I'm in these plain clothing. 'Liam' was in the clothes most males here would've worn and wheelchairs don't really seem to be a 'freak' thing.

Why God did this horror stuck upon me?