Six Feet Above Me

Just Plain Anne

[[Liam's Point Of View]]

Classes were like a blur that school was already over. Thank God!

I wheeled up to the sidewalk while I seen the same Amish girl from English waiting on the sidewalk. What's her name again? Oh, Anne. Trying my best to be friendly, I wheeled up to her with all my might and said, "Hey."

Anne, being the good girl she is representing herself as, looked down and nodded then looked up at the road. "I feel like a freak here," she started to say. I looked up at her quizzically. "Why? Is it because of your looks? Just because you are what you dress doesn't mean you are a freak," I stated. "You're just new here, and everyone should understand that your culture is different from their own, and should accept that."

Anne looked down again. Seriously, I hate feeling short because of these legs. Suddenly I saw a smile. A smile that was pure and filled with hope. "Thank you," she responded afterwards. A car came over and the back door opened to what it seems to be her parents, in Amish clothing of course and her dad with the long beard.

"Hello Anne, and Anne's friend," her father said cheerfully. Her mother also gave her greeting. Then her father told Anne, "It's time to go, Anne." "Yes, papa," she responded and entered the vehicle. "Bye,..."

"Liam," I told her and waved, then head off to the other direction to home.


My home is not considered luxurious to the richest dude of the universe, but to me, a good family and a roof of a plain Floridian home is all I need. Especially in my room.

Once again, I am lying down on my bed with the black and white comforter around me, wondering about the world around me and how it reacts physically, mentally, socially, scientifically, etc. My head is filled with more questions and insecurities than answers. I shook my head feeling like I'm acting like a girl in my mind.

What happened to the old, dare-devil Liam Sorway? Being good at home and school, but dangerous (no sex!) at parties and drifting at night? I know why; he changed because of the blasted race that one night that caused him to be paralyzed the waist down.

Life's an empty dance hall.

"DINNERTIME!" Mom shouted. I grabbed the crutches that were leaning on the bed and crutched my way to the kitchen, where the dinner table stayed still with food on top.


[[Anne's Point Of View]]

I took off my bonnet by the sink of the Comfort Inn in suite #321, and stared at myself at the mirror. My brown hair looks so plain along with my non-makeup face. I shook my head in befuddlement. What am I thinking about? Liam was right; I'm not a freak.

Just Anne. Just. Plain Anne. Sadly, that's how I'll ever be.

Thank the Lord that my parents and I are in different rooms. Never knew saving a lot of American money for twenty years can make my parents decent with living even if it's at an inn/hotel.

I turned on---what did the brochure said? A television. And the "Nickelodeon" came up on the screen with the show they called "Avatar: The Last Airbender". I sighed as I saw a bald-headed kid with a blue arrow on his forehead trying to be humorous while I took my homework out of my messenger bag and started on Geometry.

This is a strange place; wild America.