Status: 10/17/2010 -10/22-2010 completed

Wedding Photos


Painful memories, are always the easiest to remember. The pain that you feel can never be forgotten. The more intense the pain, the easier it is to remember what caused you the pain. It doesn’t matter if the pain if physical or emotional, you will always remember.

The worst part of it all, is when you could have avoided the pain in the first place. Doing something as simple as opening your mouth, could have prevented you from feeling so much pain in the first place.

But sometimes, the simplest things are the hardest things to do. I know this from experience.

If I would have simply opened my mouth and confessed the truth to her, I wouldn’t have felt this pain. I could have avoided everything. I could have avoided have to put up a façade for her.

I could have avoided it all, but I didn’t.

Instead I kept my thoughts to myself. I acted as if nothing was wrong. I acted as if I wasn’t in pain. I acted as if this entire thing would simply blow over.

I knew exactly where I went wrong. I remembered the day perfectly. I remembered the exact words that she had told me, and I remembered exactly how I felt once she told me.

It was a warm day in the middle of June. The sun was high in the sky, shining brightly. Not a cloud could be found in the sky.

I pulled up in front of her house, cutting the engine. Emma, my long time best friend, had just called me and told me to hurry over. She said that she had some news that she had to tell me face to face. Over the phone she sounded as if she was trying her hardest to keep herself from exploding.

Somehow I knew that this had something to do with Michael.

I hated Michael. I’ve hated him ever since he and Emma started dating. I didn’t know what Emma even saw in him. Besides his looks, there was nothing else to like. In fact, he wasn’t that good looking. He wasn’t the right guys for her, I was.

If only I could tell her that I was the right guy for her. We had been best friends so long, I didn’t know if she even saw me that way. I didn’t want to ruin our friendship by trying to create something out of nothing.

But I wanted so much more than what we had.

I closed the door behind me as I walked up the path to her house. I put my hands into the pocket of my jeans, pulling one out when I rang the door bell.

The door soon opened revealing a smiling Emma. She was dressed in her usual lazy Sunday attire, a hoodie and short denim shorts. Her red hair was pulled back into a high pony tail. She wasn’t wearing any makeup except for a little lip gloss.

She wasn’t wearing anything fancy, yet she looked absolutely gorgeous.

“Nick!!” she cheerfully shouted. She started to jump up and down as she continued to smile one of the largest smiles that I have ever seen her smile.

I couldn’t help but to smile at the sight of her smile. Her smile was contagious. My heart began to thud against my chest as I continued to stare down at her cheerful gorgeous smile.

Normally I would have been taken back by how cheerful she was, but I was simply happy to see her. I was happy whenever I saw her. She was the type of person that could make happy instantly. She knew exactly what to do and say, in order to make you feel better.

It was one of the many reasons why I was in love with her.

I chuckled as I put my hands on her shoulders. She stopped bouncing but she continued to smile up at me. She closed her eyes as she took a deep breath to calm her nerves. I chuckled once more.

She opened her eyes, locking her green orbs with mine. I silently took a deep breath, trying to keep my heart rate down. I wasn’t having much success.

“It’s Michael,” she spoke.

The corners of my mouth twitched slightly, threatening to turn into a frown. I quickly shook the feeling off.

I didn’t want her to know how much I didn’t like Michael. She had a slight idea that I didn’t like him, but she didn’t know how much I didn’t like him. Sure, I had told her that I thought that she could do better, but I never told her why.

“Yeah? What happened?” I questioned, hiding my emotions.

As if possible, her smile grew wider. Her green eyes seemed to feel with joy almost instantly. They were almost glowing from excitement.

“He proposed!!!!!!”

She quickly showed me her left hand. On her ring finger was a clear diamond ring. The ring wasn’t large but it wasn’t small either. It seemed to sparkle slightly in the sunlight, making it hard for me to ignore it.

My heart shattered as I stared down at the ring. My breath caught in my throat. My head began to spin, causing me to feel dizzy.

This wasn’t just a sick joke, she was actually engaged. I no longer had any hope. She was officially someone else’s. I had lost her.

I put on the best fake smile that I could muster up. “Em that’s…that’s…wow,”

“I know right, I was speechless too,”

“But you said yes,”

“Of course, I did!!”

Suddenly her face fell slightly. She furrowed her brows together as her hand slowly dropped back down to her side.

“You don’t sound to happy Nick,”

I didn’t sound happy because I wasn’t happy. I wasn’t happy in anyway shape or form. How could anyone be happy knowing that they had just lost the person that they were in love with.

But how could anyone ruin their loves happiness.

“Of course I’m happy for you Em. Congratulations,”

Her cheerful smile showed itself once more. She quickly threw her arms around my torso in an embrace. I closed my eyes as I snaked my arms around my waist. I pulled her as close to me as I possibly could.

If only this didn’t feel so right.