Status: I'm redoing/editing this story, well parts of it, I'll try to post chapters as often as i can :)

Who would've known?

Mom migraine.

Lyna's pov
After Arby's we went back to The Secret Hide Out and we just laid in the grass underneath the tree and we just talked, mostly about music  and movies. I tried to ignore the questions about the last three years the best I could. But the ones I couldn't I just tried to answer them truthfully, in a way that he still didn't know what happened or what's going on. Around two we decided it was time to go home since tomorrows monday. Derek went towards our houses and I went the opposite was looping around. On my walk home I took out all my extensions and stuffed them in my boot, same with my rubber bracelets. I carefully tried to wipe off some of my eyeliner to make it look the way my mom makes me wear it.

After I did that ducked into the my neighbors yard behind my house and went in through my bak door just in case, to make sure Derek didn't see me. Just as I suspected my mom was sitting at the table waiting. 

"Hey mom," I said waving. She gasped and jumped up. 

"What the hell is this!" she yelled grabbing my wrist, just as I thought she was flipping her shit. 

"It's um a tattoo," I stated obviously. She looked at me with wide eyes and then looked at it closer. 

"A tattoo with Derek's name on it!" she yelled. 

"Wow mom let's just yell it loud enough for him to hear, next door," I said ripping my hand from her grasp. 

"What at you wearing? I told you Lyna, you cannot ever wear any of your old clothes. What even encouraged you to get that tattoo right now anyway? Have you been hanging out with him? Oh. My. God. You have. Does he know? Oh my god. Go pack your bags Lyna we have to go," she said panicking. 

"MOM!" I yelled causing her to stop pacing and look at me. "I'm not going anywhere anymore. We are staying here. I'm tired of moving, I'm tired of lying. Yes I have been hanging out with Derek. Why? Because he is my BEST FRIEND, mom. I missed him do much, and no he doesn't know. And he won't. I'll just continue lying to him and everybody else I care about!" I said in tears. "Oh ya Mason knows I'm back too he have me this," I said holding my wrist up. 

"We can't just stop now. We can neve stop, not until Grey is found," she said tearing up. 

"What if he's never found. What then? For the rest of my life, the rest of this miserable life I'll be living in a lie? How many more times will I have to be changing my name, or my look, or my friends. Huh? Can you tell me that" I yelled as tears were now streaming down my face. 

"Lyna. Just go to your room, we will talk about removing that thing from your wrist later," she said sternly. 

"There will be no talking about it because I'm 17 you can't make me remove it," I said and then I stomped up the stairs. 

I threw my door open and marched into my closet and put my extensions back in their box, then my bracelets in their own box. I took off and put my clothes up too, and finally got into my pajamas. 

That night I fell asleep to a steady stream of tears cascading down my cheeks. 
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New! Three in one night yeah buddy :) I hope you like it -sav
Lyna's outfit