Status: Active ( :

Damned If I Do Ya, Damned If I Don't

Cassidy was happy with her life; her boyfriend Jack was pretty much the reason for that. But then she can't help but notice how hot his older brother, Zack, is...
Or how georgeous her best friend, Rian, is...
Or how totally, insanely perfect her new maths teacher is, Mr Alex Gaskarth...

Okay, in this story, All Time Low aren't All Time Low. They aren't in the band, they aren't the same ages (Well, obviously, because two of them are at school...) but in every other way they are the ATL we all know and love!

I donot own All Time Low, or any other famous people/event things in this story. However, I(also) do own all of the original, fictional characters.
So don't steal them.
They're mine.
If you steal them, my storyline,or All Time Low, I will find you....

Okay, so, I feel kinda bad about what I made happen in one of my other stories, Dreamland, and felt the need to make ends meet. But I still think I'm gonna fail at that...