Easy Come, Easy Go

(I've Always Lived Like This) The Only Exception

“I like that girlfriend of yours, Noah.” Puck’s mother said the next morning over breakfast.

Puck looked up in surprise. “Really? She’s not even Jewish!”

“Yes.” A small wave of disappointment passed over her face, but then she shrugged. “But she’s sweet, and very polite. And she was so nice to Jessica.”

Puck had to agree. She had been very nice to his annoying little sister. He loved Jess, she was just so…annoying, sometimes. She was very loud.

“When is Adelaine coming over again?” She asked, bounding into the kitchen right at that moment.

Puck rolled his eyes. “I’m not sure, Jess.” He shrugged. “She’s pretty busy with her Glee rehearsals.”

“Oh, is she in Glee club too?” His mother asked.

“Yeah, at her school.” Puck nodded as he stood up. “She goes to Carmel High.”

“Oh. I thought she went to McKinley.”


“It won’t be a problem, will it dear? Won’t she be competing against you in one of your competitions?”

“If we both win at Sectionals, yeah.” Puck confirmed. “But it won’t be a problem.”

“Well that’s good. Honey, why don’t you invite Adelaine over for Halloween or something?”

“I thought you wanted me to take Jessica trick or treating that night?” Puck asked, eyeing his mother and wondering if he’d be able to get out of it. Santana was throwing a Halloween party that night and he was going to be late because he was taking Jess out for candy. He loved her, but it would be nice to have an excuse to get there on time.

“Well, maybe she’d like to go with you.” His mother suggested.

“Maybe.” Puck agreed doubtfully, ignoring Jessica enthusiastically agreeing with their mom. (“Yeah, yeah ask her!”)

“I’ve got to go to school mom. I’ll see you later. Bye Jess.” He said, heading out of the kitchen and out to his car.


“So a friend of mine is throwing a party Halloween night.” Puck said on the phone with Adelaine that night.

It was a change for him, talking on the phone with a girl. Usually he only talked to them in person, or, like, sexted them. It was all about the sex in his relationships. So unless they were talking dirty he didn’t bother with calling them.

Something different was going on in his relationship with Adelaine, though. Maybe it was because nobody he knew could see what was going on with them. When he dated girls at McKinley everyone at school knew…well, anything that went on in the relationship. Usually because the girls gossiped about it, but also you could just tell by how the two of them acted together.

With Adelaine…nobody knew her. In fact, most people didn’t know he was going out with her. The Glee club knew he had asked her out once…he had told them…but either they didn’t believe he would really do such a thing or they had forgotten or something, because no one had brought it up again.

Or maybe they just figured she was a one time thing.

Either way, what happened between them was actually only between them.

Which may be why they hadn’t even had sex yet.

Of course he wanted it from her, and he knew they must be getting to that stage soon…it had been two months after all!

But he hadn’t wanted to push her.

Besides, he always had Santana if he wanted sex.

Though they hadn’t hooked up for a while. She’d been distracted by some new football player or whatever.

Wow, it had been a while for him.

He’d definitely have to do it with Adelaine. Soon.

“A Halloween party?” Adelaine was asking.

“Yeah, a costume party.” Puck said, forcing himself to focus on the conversation.

“Yeah, I might be free. I think Beth might be throwing a party, but, well, she annoys me, so I probably won’t go.” As she spoke Puck tried to remember who Beth was. Adelaine had probably mentioned her before. But Puck really only listened half the time, and he still listened to Adelaine more than his other girlfriends.

Beth…oh, yeah, Adelaine had mentioned her a couple of times. She was a Vocal Adrenaline girl. Since he was usually focused on getting ready to make out with her he hadn’t remembered.

“So I’d love to go.” Adelaine finished. Puck forced himself back into the conversation.

“Great! Um, we might have to take Jessica trick or treating first, unless I can talk my mom into it.”

“Oh no, that’s fine. Jessica’s adorable.”

“You really think so?”

“Oh, yeah. She’s really sweet. I love your family, Noah. Dinner was so much fun last night.”

“Wow, dinner at your house must be awful if you think dinner at my house is great.” Puck joked.

“Yeah.” Adelaine fell quiet, and Puck wondered if he had said something wrong. See, this was why he hated talking! It was so complicated with girls!

“Listen Noah, I’ve gotta go. I still have homework and all. I’ll talk to you later.”

“Yeah, sure thing babe.” Puck said, and they said goodbye. He hung up, still feeling extremely confused.