Easy Come, Easy Go

The Boy Is Mine (You Need to Give it Up)

“And then she told me that she liked it so much she gave me the lead! Well, the girl lead anyway.”

Jessica had just finished telling Adelaine how she had gotten the lead role in her elementary school production of Cinderella. Apparently the teacher had thought her singing was just perfect.

“That’s really great Jess, that’s amazing!”

“Thanks.” She beamed, and Puck smiled at Adelaine.

They went to a few more houses, but it was obvious Jessica was starting to get tired, and her little pumpkin bucket was full of candy.

“All right princess, are you ready to go home?” Adelaine asked her.

She was, and they made their way back to Puck’s house.

As her mom set about helping Jessica get ready for bed, Adelaine and Puck went up to his room. She had waited to put her costume on for the party until after trick or treating.

After some debate…Adelaine wasn’t one of those girls that used Halloween as an excuse to act like a slut…she had finally decided on dressing as Glinda from Wicked.

It was lucky she had Vocal Adrenaline and their amazing budget on her side, because her mom certainly hadn’t been any help in obtaining a costume.

But last year Vocal Adrenaline had put on Wicked. Though she had been cast as Elphaba then, the Glinda costume fit her. They had to do some adjustments, make it larger in the bust and hips and pull it in at the waist—she was curvier than Bethany, who had been Glinda in the play. But it fit, and it was beautiful, since Vocal Adrenaline always went all out.

She dressed in his bathroom, and when he opened the door he stopped what he was doing and stared.

“I’ve changed my mind.” He said. “We’re not going to the party. Let’s stay here and make out.”

Adelaine laughed. “As tempting as that is, your mother and sister are home. Besides, you promised your friend you would show up.”

He smirked, and shrugged as if that didn’t matter—perhaps he wasn’t particularly close to that particular friend.

“You look beautiful.” He said seriously, and Adelaine felt that tightness in her chest. That warning signal when things were getting too serious.

She smiled at him, trying to force that feeling away. But she still felt a little shaky.

“Finish getting dressed. Unless you plan on going shirtless.”

“Wouldn’t you prefer it that way?” He asked, winking.

“Sure I would.” Adelaine said, relieved to be back to the playful nature she was used to. “But you’d freeze.”

He smirked, but finished grabbed his shirt and buttoned it up, completing his costume.

Puck was going as cowboy, which Adelaine usually wouldn’t be into, but he totally had the muscles to pull it off. Apparently he’d gotten the idea from some country song they had once done at their invitational. Or something.


About 15 minutes later they arrived at the party. The lights were dim, music blaring and alcohol flowing. It was clear that whoever was throwing this party didn’t expect any adults to be home for quite a while.

“Hey baby.” An absolutely gorgeous girl with tanned skin, long legs and dark eyes approached them. She touched Puck’s arm, completely ignoring Adelaine. It was clear she was one of those girls that used Halloween as an excuse to dress like a slut. She wore a tiny top and a short skirt, high heels and black fishnets. The only thing identifying her costume was her cat-ear headband, the tail and her makeup.

“Hey Santana.” Puck looked down at the girl with a smirk, but before Adelaine could say anything, he took a step away, closer to Adelaine. “This is my date, Adelaine.” He said.

Santana looked Adelaine over. She rolled her eyes, seemingly deciding Adelaine wasn’t a threat. “Yeah, all right.” She looked at Puck. “Why don’t you go get some drinks for your girlfriend, Puck?”

Puck? Must be a nickname. Adelaine shrugged it off, her eyes on him as he looked between the two girls, shrugged, and headed off to the kitchen.

“All right, look Miss Goody-two-shoes. I don’t know what you think you’re doing with Puck.”

He asked me out, Santana.” Adelaine answered tiredly.

“Whatever. Sleep with him, whatever. But after you’re done getting busy with him, leave him alone. Because he’s mine. You may be the star of Vocal Adrenaline, but I’ve had Puck for a lot longer.”

“What?” Adelaine stared at Santana. She remembered who she was now. One of the New Directions girls. She’d come to the invitational in a cheerleading uniform. “Okay, let’s get things straight. I’m not a slut-“

“No, judging by your costume you’re some kind of prude. In which case I don’t have anything to worry about anyway. He can’t go long with sex.” She studied Adelaine. “Plus, I’m much hotter than you.”

She smirked and walked away, running her hand over Puck’s arm, who was on his way back with two drinks.

“What was that all about?” Puck asked when he returned.

“Oh, she was just complimenting my dress.” Adelaine lied, her thoughts on what Santana had just said.

She took the drink from Puck. She never drank, but now seemed like a really good time to. She lifted the cup to her lips, drinking.

Would Puck really leave her if she refused to give it up to him? And did she even care?

She didn’t, she told herself. She didn’t love him or anything. He was just a guy. But what Santana said had pissed her off. No way was she losing Noah to that bitch.