Easy Come, Easy Go

(I Think I May Be) Falling For You

Puck probably should never have left Adelaine alone with Santana. But both of those girls could handle themselves just fine.

Still, he didn’t know what Santana had said to Adelaine, but she hadn’t been complimenting her dress. It was clear Adelaine was lying. He knew Santana better than that.

Adelaine had wandered away to a group of Cheerios…minus Santana of course…and they sat there, drinking wine and talking.

Puck started chatting with Brittany. He still held the first cup of alcohol in his hand, only half gone. He probably shouldn’t have taken Adelaine here, Puck thought, letting his thoughts wander. It was easy to do that when talking to Brittany, their conversations weren’t exactly…mentally stimulating.

A little bit later Adelaine came over. As Brittany wandered away, Puck turned to his girlfriend. “Hey baby.” He said, and smiled at her. “Want to take a walk?”

She smiled. “That sounds lovely.” She agreed. He offered her his arm and she took it, her hand resting in the crook of his arm.

They spent most of the party wandering around the backyard of Santana’s surprisingly large house. They moved away from the noise and the craziness, past the loud music and dancing, the alcohol and making out couples. They found a quiet spot underneath some trees, and there they sat. Adelaine leaned into him.

“I can’t come over tomorrow.” She murmured, tilting her head to look at him. “With Sectionals coming up we’ve increased the hours of practice.”

Puck nodded. New Directions had been practicing more too. Of course that was still nothing compared how often Vocal Adrenaline practiced, something he now knew thanks to Adelaine. Their team was crazy with the hours the practiced.

They had just gotten the news for Sectionals yesterday. New Directions and Vocal Adrenaline weren’t competing, of course. He was sure they would for Regionals, assuming they both won at Sectionals, of course.

There was a beep, the sound of a phone receiving a text message.

“Sorry.” Adelaine murmured, pulling the small white purse she had brought with her towards her. She pulled her phone out. He watched as she read the message.

“Oh my God.” She said. Then, with more excitement. “Oh my God!”

“What, what happened?” Puck asked as she turned to him, green eyes wide, a large smile curving her pink lips. He realized he’d never seen her this happy before. She usually looked perfectly in control, expressionless. Sometimes, if he watched her when she thought he wasn’t, though, she looked…sad.

Now, though? She looked happy. He wondered if he knew how beautiful she was when she smiled. She didn’t do it often enough. Especially considering who she was. Jesse St. Jame’s little sister, talented, gorgeous, popular. She was going somewhere in life.

So why did she seem so sad?

Except, of course, for now.

She pulled him from his thoughts as answered his question.

“I got it!”

“Got what?” Puck asked, still extremely confused.

“The audition!” She put her phone back in her purse and looked at him. “I auditioned for this program months ago, before I even met you. And I got in! I mean, I didn’t get into the program. But I got into the second round of auditions.” She beamed. “My audition is going to be two weeks from now, Saturday.”

“That’s great!” Puck smiled at her. “What’s the program?”

“A performing arts program.” She answered. “Every year they look for a new students, the audition process lasts all year and the program is all summer. Only available to graduating seniors and they only accept a select few students.” She explained. “You can get an agent, all sorts of practice from professionals, people actually in the business. It’s a great opportunity for networking.”

“Well that’s great Adelaine!” Puck reached out and pulled her into a hug.

“Oh my God.” She said softly. “This would be such a great opportunity for me. It’ll look so great on college applications. And it’s great. Jesse never even did it. I mean, he didn’t apply, but still.”

They look in her eyes made Puck realize for the first time how much it meant to her to do something her brother hadn’t done. Was she ever recognized for something Jesse hadn’t done? She was the star of Vocal Adrenaline, full of talent. Going on to a career somehow involving music for certain.

“Congratulations Adelaine.” He said seriously meeting her eyes.

“Thank you.” She said, softer now as their gazes met.

It was weird, looking at each other, not talking. It felt like he was caught up in some sappy romance movie. And, strangely, in this moment, he couldn’t even make himself care.

Here was this beautiful girl, so happy when she usually wasn’t, and she was his. Things were going well for her and he got to share in this moment with her, share this excitement with her.

The entire football team would laugh at him if they could hear his thoughts right now.

But they couldn’t. And they didn’t even have the pleasure of knowing Adelaine. Of looking past her gorgeous exterior and getting to find out more about her, as Puck was just getting too.

And it made him want to know more. That had never happened to him before.

He sort of liked the feeling.

Smiling, he leaned in to kiss her.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the wait. I actually had a chapter written, but upon editing it I realized it was leading the story in a direction I didn't want it to go. I have a plan, and I really like my ideas right now, so hopefully you will too. :)

Let me know what you think!